Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ - Image hosted by

I want to wish everybody have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May everything gonna be better for the coming year and God bless us always.
Meanwhile I'm signing off to Timbuktu. Miss you all...See you next year *smile*

Friday, December 15, 2006


Just arrived in the office, has been running around since morning, and receiving continuous phone calls *sigh* Some problems also came up, now my head is very sore, you know that type of sour type of pain? (=Ngilu geto loh)
It's quite crazy, never experience this type of pain before *sigh*
Anyway week end is coming....just hope that next week would be a better week, which I also doubt *smile* Happy week end everyone *hugs*

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Because of one thing led to another *caelah* this blog is a bit not up to date *sigh*
well..just a quick update..last nite just had a dinner with some of my staff *sigh* Yupe not really Bhinneka Tunggal Ika gue agak terbagi2 geto loh...
So staff dinner have to make a few times *sigh* another one going to be this week end *sigh again*
And still owe 2 more dinner *pingsan*
Alamak always dinner, how not to be fat?

Friday, December 08, 2006

Nunik...The Legendary

Deg deg-an yah? *wicked smile*
Of course she is not coming back *senyum manis* Apa kata dunia kalo dia balik ke rumah guwe? wakkakakakakka....
I allocated 1 bed room for Nunik, during her stay in my house. So after she went back, and Herlin was returned back to the agent, practically that room vacant.
Meanwhile my partner in crime occupied the room that is allocated for my parents when they visit me.
One day, my flatmate was asking,"Flo, gue mo menjahit nih, alat2 menjahit ada di mana ya?"
Me,"Oh ada di kamar Nunik".
My flatmate,"Eh lo sadar gak sih walo bagaimanapun kayanya si Nunik lebih legendaris dibanding sama herlin ya...apa2 pasti bilangnya kamar Nunik, instead of kamar herlin, walopun Nunik sudah lama expired".
It's damn true...everytime she asked something which is in that room, I will simply said,"In Nunik's room".
She said," Wadoh...benci tapi rindu yak?"
wakakakakakaka....met wiken everyone...

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Kayanya gue lagi short circuit nih. Otak rasanya agak2 butek....Mo ngomong, udah buka mulut, sebagian kalimat dah keluar tapi lupa abis itu ada something yang musti diomongin tapi tau2 macet....argggghhhh....Apakah ini tanda2 penuaan? *cemas*
Mumpung lagi tulalit...gue ngisi comment eh salah complaint di Singnet website, pas barengan waktu gue complaint tentang 3G service-nya si Singtel was down...Because I was very hot at that time, so I thought, okaylah...dig the old things.
I did also made the complaint regarding the stupid Singnet techincal support a few months back, walopun dah basi berat, mumpung lagi mo marah yah go ahead ajah...
Just now I received email from one of the Singnet representative, yeah meanwhile I'm still in short ciscuit mode, I replied, whatever you said, I will not believe, remembering I didn't encounter once, but a few bad experiences with your technical support, and my friend also did encounter the same problem *ngelirik The Sinarta*
And then just now I think somebody who is in higher position called me, so then I got the opprtunity to practice my I've never known I have a hidden talent in rapping without stopping for a few minutes *takjub*
Now feel a bit relieve.....may be when you're under stress you have to have an outlet, which at this time, so sorry I picked Singnet as an outlet, but it's really ridiculous, isn't it? Imagine, I had a connection problem with my internet, and without guiding me thru all the connection setting checked, they just easily jumped into the conclusion, there is somethin wrong with your modem, can you call the modem technical support tomorrow morning? As simple as that they washed their hand? Ridiculous, rite? So I said, no matter what promotion you'll give in the promotion, I will not ever try to consider staying with Singnet. I'll go back to my beloved Pacific Internet, which hopefully by then still alive *sigh*
Hopefully, I will not keep this habit of finding fault with somebody when I'm under stress *touch wood* Coz just now my reception was very worry listening me rapping thru so fast and looked so fierce. So far she hadn't seen me angry or upset yet, not even raising my voice. But today is a new experience for her, which she said that she was surprised seeing me been able to be angry to people, and it's very scary *sigh*
Sorry lah yau.....skali2 ngasih kejutan mah sah2 ajah donks ya? Kalo gak kan dipikir guwe macan kertas...Besides Flona Juga Manusia kan...hehehhhe emangnya Aa Gym ajeh yang boleh ngutip itu kalimat? wakakakkakka....

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Just now I was in a hurry to go to the ladies, want to **k. But found out that the door was held by the garbage can. So I thought it might be cleaning in progress.
When I opened the door, somebody shouted fron inside. I was a bit shock. The man inside was more shock..wakakkakka...he was cleaning the mirror, and he kept on apologising," Sorry ya won't be long"
I said,"Oh it's ok"
Kayanya dia agak kikuk geto deh...kok gue yang perempuan malah biasa ajah yah? Apa guwe yang salah?
But I waited until his finish before I went into the cubicle lah...
Ada2 ajah deh....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lagi Siboek

kalo tahun lalu gini hari guelagi sibuk bikin kartu natal sendiri, dan gak selese *blush* sekarang saya lagi sibuk bungkus kado ala scrapbook geto loh....Tapi sebel ah kertas kadonya cuma satu macem dan masih banyak pula, jadinya berasa itu signature guwe banged *kuciwa*
Ntar yah saya poto kalo udahan...tapi gak berarti kalian dapet kado loh hihihihi *menyelamatkan diri dulu*

Monday, December 04, 2006

Si Moron

Ternyata si moron itu beneran ndableg, liat deh permohonan maafnya di blognya...Gak sincere banget...Percaya gak sih elo2 semua kalo baca alasan2nya yang amat sangat gak masuk akal? Kali kalo ngomong ama anak TK mereka pada percaya deh...Tapi orang2 dewasa yang IQ-nya normal dan di atas normal, tentu ajah kaga percaya.
Btw, gue juga sempet tuh IDD ke nomer handphone yang di provide si moron, trus yang ngangkat gonta ganti, dan belaga gila, apa gila beneran gue juga kaga tau...banci banget deh ahhhhh.....
Terus gue kan kirim email maki-maki buat si moron...dan barusan dibales nih yang isinya juga gak tulus banget
Ampun mba udah cukup lah membahas hal seperti ini...

Saya dapat dari email dan saya baru itu jg baru baru

Saya udah liat kok blog temen mbak dan blog yang lain yang tidak
menerima dan atas banyak pertimbangan saya hapus hal-hal yang dapat
menyakiti banyak orang.

Untuk masalah pink saya hanya copy paste dari email sepupu saya yang
kebetulan sudah saya konfirmasikan bahwa dia mendapatkan juga dari
email. dan bukan menghack situs

Pada dasarnya saya ingin berkunjung ketempat makanan mba jeny hanya
saja sampai saat ini pun saya belum ada kesempatan kesana (ada 40
server @ 3 perusahaan yang harus saya pacarkan), karena itu saya copy
paste di situs saya. Maaf klo beberapa hal itu membuat khilaf dan
mengingat ini hanya blog atau catatan online saya dan saya juga tidak
bisa melarang blog saya dikunjungi oleh pengunjung lain.

Memang mba situs saya 75% pengunjungnya dari om google dan saya tidak
pernah mempromosikan melalui media lain.

Saya tau kok jenzcorner itu pasti diatas rating situs saya, mengingat
makanan merupakan suatu alternatif penghilang stress di kesibukan
Untuk itu saya minta maaf jika tidak berkenan disitus saya. Sekali
lagi saya mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya.

Sany asyari

Udah ah...merusak hari senen ajah deh nih orang...sekali moron tetep moron...Hidup gue donk...masa si moron? ya gak?

Friday, December 01, 2006

Singtel Moron and Another Moron

Yesterday my handphone was not working well. I tried to recall, I'm pretty sure I've paid the bill. But since I was nearby Killiney Rd, I decided to pop up and checked whether it's because of he bill or not.
The queue at the customer service was very long, so I decided to just queue at the cashier, then I over heard someone behind me talking that 3G services was not well, they did some uprading or what so ever bla bla bla...
The I also found out hat not only me but all of us who use Singtel, experienced the same thing. I wondered why yesterday my handphone was quite, no call at all and no sms, and couldn't do outgoing call as well *upset*
OMG Singtel, the major telco company in Singapore, could have such glitch? So I told the customer service, if their supplier did something wrong to them, for sure Singtel would sue and blacklist that particular supplier for the faults that they commited, even though it's only small thing. But I asked him to put himself in my position. I lost some deals just because the handphone service was disrupted, can I sue Singtel for that? Or even can I blacklist Singtel as my handphone service provider?
And then the second moron, I read my friend's blog (you can click it to read as well), then I click the link provided at the end.
To my surprise it's really can check with Jeny's blog which notabene is an original one.
Then you see donks..the title of that *ss^l% blog, doesn't it sounds like mine as well?
And then so thick face, dare to put his bloody big damn photo in his blog....jijay bajay...ini orang gak tau malu ato gak punya kemaluan yah?
Kayanya sih gak punya kemaluan makanya gak nyediain comment, takut dimaki2 kali ya? Tapi kok berani pasang nomer handphone?
Met wiken everybody...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Too Bad

I was eating at Fong Seng Nasi Lemak (ummm Uncle, can endorse me or not? wkaakkakaka..) near NUS there, but no parking space available. So no choice lah, just park anyhow *singlish-nya kumat*
When I was about to eat, suddenly people started to run, and I saw OMG the parking officer (as they like to appear suddenly, they are also famous as "Parking Pontianak", where in here Pontianak means ghost in Malay languange) was coming, of course I also ran to my car donk.
Wah it's damn funny you i wish I had film the whole process, I regret that my handphone didn't have any battery left *sigh* May be next time lah ya...
Oh ya, I met our beloved tetangga when I was there loh, he was also about to have his lunch *wink*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Good News or Bad News?

I don't know whether it is a good news or bad news.
It is not denque fever, it's a very bad throat infection, so remember that I often said dealing with customer until vomit blood? Nah, this one come true *nyengir* It was a real blood *bangga*
Anyway, condition is quite ok, still going to office and have meeting everyday. Going to lose my voice quite soon, but yet yesterday still managed to Christmas Carolling duet with my teacher. And her remarked was,"Wow you sing very well today, it's just like singing duet in the lounge, isn't it?" *gubrak*
Wah I have another choice of job opprtunity nih? wakkakakakaka....

Monday, November 27, 2006

Will the History Repeat?

Saturday nite, I had a fever, felt hot and chilled simultanously. Shivering whole nite. I recalled the sunday before I was bitten by mosquito.
Yesterday woke up with a very bloody bad headache, weak, and all the bones aching, just exactly the same like a few years back when I was diagnosed with denque fever.
OMG will the story repeat? Lucky my parents is not here *sigh*

Friday, November 24, 2006

Badai Pasti Berlalu

Ah itu kan hanya judul film. Dan film itu kan hanya fiktif belaka, kalau ada persamaan nama atau tempat, maupun kejadian, mohon dimaafkan sebesar-besarnya *loh kok jadi ngelantur yak hihihihii*....
Kalau badai beneran sih iyah pasti berlalu..kalo gak kan bumi udah hancur, ya gak?
Tapi kalo badai kehidupan....waduh ini nih yang jadi masalah....
Kenapa ya? kok quarter life crisis-nya gue gak lewat2, tapi umur kok bertambah terus? Gak fair kan ya? Mustinya kan kalo life crisis-nya gak lewat, umur juga gak nambah, ya gak? Apa logika gue dah mulai ngaco juga nih? *cemas*
Waduh....kapan badai berlalu ya?
Met wiken semuanya *hugs*

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Masih macet

Kok masih macet yah? kenapa ya? Apa gue salah makan? Ato karena dah lama gak makan jewawut? Makanya gue gak seceria biasanya?
Ato gara2 udah musim ujan? Hujan tiap hari loh di Singapore. Tiap hari mendung menggayut di sebagian wilayah Singapura *kayak Radio Sonora* Jemuran yang di luar keringnya jadi lama, mendingan jemur baju di dalem rumah flat deh *kok jadi ramalan cuaca yak? hihihihihi*
Besok wiken nih...weleh kok cepet yah minggu ini? *bingunk*
Tapi kok gue tulalit? *tambah bingunk*

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Brain Jammed

Penny Tai:::ni yao de ai

My brain is jammed, so don't know what to post, just, enjoy this song lah ya...ini lagu, gak ada matinye cink...

Friday, November 17, 2006

What A Week

*phew* Finally Friday, this week has been not so easy for me *sigh*
Feel very tiring and dragging. Nearly vomit blood. Seems that all the things go against me *sigh*
I thought I would never survived this week. But Thank God it's Friday.
I'm really thankful, that it's Friday, but yet the torture hasn't finished.
Tomorrow I have to attend my grandaunie Birthday, whose daughter is into MLM, Lampberger *sigh* The previous time I met her, she was giving me cold shoulder, and now I have to go to her place for her mother's birthday party *sigh*
Anyway have a good week end everyone, hopefully, next week will be a better week for me and everyone.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tadi pagi, tumben, gue udah sadar sekitar jam 7-an, tapi masih males bangun. *blush*
Then I had a nightmare eh morningmare donx ya? hihiihihi...
Suddenly my handphone rang, I picked up, then it was off *mo marah* Saw the clock uuppss already 9 cink *blush* I checked hmm 3 missed calls *sigh* All from no number.
Since a few days ago I've been receving quite a few no numbers called, but I couldn't be bother to check as what I usually did. Come what may lah ya?
By the way the handphone ring no ring dink, sing I mean..yeah now my ringtone is the song below loh *bangga* I picked up, and it's my crazy friend, who's staying in Bali...if not mistaken today is his birthday, but not too sure about that, besides still hangover from the sleep, hadn't really regained all my concioussness, and have a bad tension headache, which is my best friend *nyengir* Headache is my best friend, headache is my best friend *nyanyi*
He said,"Eh Pai, elo dapet sms gue kaga?"
Gue,"Mane? kaga ada euy..."
He,"Kuya batok bawa golok, gue kirim sms tauuu..., btw elo bakalan ada di singapore tgl 25 and 26 gak?"
I think very hard, can't remember anything, but I answered,"Mustinya sih iye. Lo mo ke sini yaaa? *nuduh* yah udah imelin gue flight detailnya deh *yakin*"
He,"Iye..gue ada business meeting di Batam, jadi abis itu gue ke sono, tapi naek ferry, gue imelin ferry detail guwe kali yak? *ikutan gokil*"
Gue,"Sip lah coy".
When I off the handphone, the I saw his sms, idiotic, he sent sms just before he called, of course lah how could i know he sent me sms, lah wong I was still sleeping *sigh*
Ternyataaaa aku jatuh cintaaa *nyanyi* Eh wrong yak hihiihihi...ternyata today is his birthday boooowww....kok jadi he did the prank on me, instead of I did a prank for him ya? *garuk2 kepala*
May be he's sad nobody pranked him? *kasian deh doski* wakakakkakaka....
Btw...Happy Birthday Pai, semoga elo tambah gokil, dan tambah lucu...hihiihihi..
And the good news is He is coming tralalala *happy* can't wait for next week hihiihihi....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Blessing in Disguise?

I supposed to be away for this whole week, but last night I was very sick the whole night, so I decided not to go.
Luckily I didn't go, now in the office, my work is very chaotic, just like been shot by the works *ngelap keringet*
Happy Monday everyone

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Week End Euy

Jolin Tsai David Tao Jing Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo

It's week end, I'm stuck in the office with lotsa things *sad* last nite this morning I slept at around 2.30 am again, tried my best to clear the work. Black cloud outside, I guess it should be raining *more sad* Melancholy bowww....try to brighten up my day with this song deh, fun beat, the meaning is "Today you're going to marry me". Aren't you? wakakakkakaka....
happy week end yah *hugs*

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dalamnya Laut Siapa Tahu?

Almost every morning (provided I come to office earlier *grin*), when I get off from the car, I always see one of my office neighbour, upstair, together with his delivery man, loading their stuffs to their van.
Without fail, the boss, always scold the man upside down every day also *sigh* I can't understand what does the delivery man do wrong until he has to receive that kind of treatment from the boss.
The boss looks kind, patient, but you never know how poisonous is his mouth. By right, he's dealin with Chinese Herbal and stuff, he should be calm, coz he could easily take cooling chinese herbal drinks as many as he wants, and a lots of herbal things also that he could take to calm him down, right?
But then today, it's the worse that I've seen so far, I could hear the scolding, as far as 10 m away and it's a very bad words that he used *sigh* Even my staff who was loading the van next to their van said, that incident had been going on since before my staff started to load the stuff to our van *sigh*
May be if it's in Indonesia, that boss only has his name left only alias almarhum *grin*

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dragon Family

The mission of my trip to KL was business trip. Please highlight it is not a holiday or shopping trip, but business trip. *senyum manis* But as a woman, of course, I would try to maximise my time, and use kesempatan dalam kesempitan to go shopping donk. That should be understandable lah ya... *blush*
Anyway Saturday lunch, it supposed to be a business lunch, my supplier brought me to the chinese restaurant near his office. We'd been there before, the food quite nice, and my supplier is very well known in that restaurant.
So that day, we came 4 person, but we were given a very big table, for 10, I was very surprised, I asked,"Huh? how come the table so huge? Is you wife and children coming?"
His daughter answered,"Hmm yeah how come my dad choose big table."
Father,"oh there will be some more people coming, don't worry.."
Okay I'm relax, come 1 person, I forgot his name, but he's quite young, compare with my supplier, so he said,"Just call him Ah Boy will do".
And then suddenly a big group come, quite an old uncle, 1 middle age man, 1 middle age woman which has a properous looks, with gold and jade all over the place *sweat* looks like a laughing Buddha, and another middle age man.
Everybody speak Cantonese, I can understand quite a bit, coz my grandmother was Cantonese, and 3 of my aunties are staying in Hongkong, so more or less I could catch up lah, besides me, myself is Hakka, so it's not really too different (according to me lah ya, but for some Cantonese who doesn't understand Hakka at all, they will say it's a totally different world). So they're actually my supplier and the gank that I haven't met before. Then my supplier asked to be served by the chief waiter. The food started with shark fin soup. Just imagine the bowl size is the size of small claypot bowl *sigh* It was re-heated in front of us before it was served to us *deep sigh* I've never eaten such a shark fin soup in my life before, huge serving, and I could see clearly it's a shark fin, it was a generous serving and cut.
The nearest encounter of these type of shark fin serving before hand, is when I eat in Crystal Jade, and ordered an individual bowl of shark fin soup, which cost you a bomb, then you can see a cute chunky cut of shark fin.
But this one, OMG it's very chunky, and a lot *sweat* Every time I scooped the soup to my mouth I said in side my heart,"Well, shark, I'm so sorry I have to eat you like this, now you really look like a shark fin, and I'm doing this just to revenge for everybody that had been attacked by you shark". And it felt endless *sweat more*
I felt like I'm eating with the Hongkong Triad. Where everybody speak Cantonese, and call each other Tai ko (=big brother), always pat each other shoulder. It just exactly look like Hongkong drama series, when the triad meet *sigh* I felt uneasy though, being the youngest, eh nope...still have my supplier daughter which is younger than me *ngelap keringet*
It was an unforgettbale memory lah ya, eating with Dragon Family

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ah Polisi....

Just came back from KL, firstly thought to take shuttle flight, which you just pop into the airport, buy ticket, and wait for the next available flight, only applicable for Sin-KL or KL-Sin, it's quite reasonable price too.
Thinking of driving all the way to Changi Airport, bought the ticket, wait for the next available flight, doing nothing, and can't buy anything from Duty free (yupe, flight from Sin to whichever city in malaysia, is considered domestic flight, so we can't buy duty free stuff *be te*), continue with arriving in KL, queue for the immigration which could be as worse as Jakarta *sigh*, then still have to rent a carm then drive down town, which approximately takes about 1 hour, so I decided to drive from Singapore.
Well, Sin-KL was not a problem, except, I feel that my buttocks become flatter *blush* The problem was driving back from KL-Sin, because I left quite late, around 5 pm, decided to take dinner at Melaka, chosed wrong eateries, being a smart alex, i thought, why don't try to eat in unusual place, and the food was horrible *sigh*
Anyway after Melaka, I felt it was an endless drive though, dark, had a few episodes of panick attack in the middle of no where, but I kept on telling my self,"Please don't die in Malaysia.."
I took second link, and as per expected after the last toll gateway, there was a road block (Malaysia is very famous for blocking the road in the middle of the highway, yupe, it's dangerous, but their policemen like to do that).
When they saw Singapore car plate, of course the saliva droppping, some more they saw my car *sigh* Of course they asked me to stop.
Anyway being Indonesia vs Police, you should have known, what's the result donk? *evil smile*
It took him so long til he came to my car, I smelt something lah...
Pak Polisi,"license please"
Rule no 1 "Never ever surrender you license to the police without knowing what thing you've done wrong"
Gue with innocent voice and looks,"Maaf ya pak, saya berbuat kesalahan apa ya?"
Pak Polisi,"Just give me your license!"
Gue,"Tolong jelasin dulu dong pak, salah saya apa?"
Pak Polisi,"Ini tadi kamu speed sampai 129"
I saw the last car plate no in his list was only mine *smell a rat* If they really shot me with camera, by right, they had to have to whole list below my car number.
Ok lah I play the game, I asked,"Emangnya waktu saya 129 itu Bapak liat di mana ya pak?"
Pak Pol," km 13"
Wah kalo rumah gue di jakarta sih jalan daan mogot km 12, deket donks? *gak nyambung* wakakakakkakaka....
Gue,"Km 13 itu di mana pak?"
Pak Pol,"Saya liat kamu di km 13?"
Pengennya sih gue bilang,"Liat di sono kok gak manggil2 sih?" wkakakakka...
No lah i answered,"yah km 13 itu di mana yah pak? perasaan saya mah maintain 110 terus kok pak?"
I think the Pak Polisi Bo hwat liao(=given up already), so finally, he said," Ya sudah no problem, just go lah".
Wakakkakakakaka......not even one single cent man *clap hand*
Bravo me bravo....e should I change proffession become actress ya?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

X Factor

Before I start let me thanks all of you once again for the birthday wish, thank you for your care and love for me *caelah*
I'm talking in the context of stars, eg. actor, actress, models etc. (inclusive me of course *narciss* wakakakkakka...)
In the beauty pageant or whatever contest lah, the jury usually says," I can't find the X factor in him/her?" or "She/He has the X factor"
Hearing this statement always make me scratch my head. I'd never understand what's the fuss about X factor. What determines X factor? And what is actually X factor?
Until I saw Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC in short) *yaelah gue basi lagi euy*, tried my best to see, why Dian Sastro become the talk of the town. She's cute, pretty, looks intelligent (but I don't know whether in real life she is a bight person or not *sorry jeng Dian kalo kebetulan baca, ini cuma uneg2 pribadi*). But in that movie I found the acting a bit crispy (=garing geto loh). Since I own the vcd, so I was quite curious to see behind the scene interview, which I saw.
It's not a surprise for me, when I saw the interview with Dian Sastro, just like the way she talks in the movie. So my conclusion is she can't act.
Again, when I'm able to view RCTI and SCTV from home, and it's like a big hoo-haa for the new sinetron Dunia Tanpa Koma (DTK in short), so I decided to watch, since Dian Sastro also plays and she's one of the major attraction, besides the timing also suits me.
Okay, I only watched for 3 or 4 episodes, because I feel Dian Sastro really can not act, she's damn crispy, and now getting more and more ads, and stupid enough after each ads they have to re-play the scene, which I spent about nearly 2 hours, but practically only see the real film for 30 mins? *alamak*
Back to the X factor, I also see "Manis dan Sayang" if not mistaken that's the title, the main actress is Marshanda, which is one of the top league also. She can act quite well though, much more better than Dian Sastro, but when I saw her, it's just,"Ow okay" but it's different when I saw Dian Sastro, there is something about her, that I believe it's an X factor.
Now I started to understand, even though for now I only can differentiate the X factor in Dian Sastro, even though she's crispy *again* wkakakakakkaka....but when I see show like American Next Top Model, I still can't understand when the jury said that there is something in this person *garuk2 kepala*
Anyway, want to know X factor? That's me huahahhahahhhah *gubraks*

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


First of all thanks yah for all the birthday wishes, whether from sms, phone call, email, etc. Btw I'm very touch with all of you *sobs*
As usual 30 Oct is the paperwork only lah, my birthday was last week :)
Anyway, it's 2.30 am, halloween already ya? *serem* But I'm still in front of my laptop, demi sesuap nasi dan sebakul berlian *nyengir*
No lah, I'm not that crazy, but guess what? I become a true blue workaholic liao *sobs* How to mend a broken heart become a normal person again ya?
This time of the day, how to fall asleep also ya? Or go to hospital? Looking for that cute doctor to chat? wakakkakakaka.....expensive bowwww.....
Btw butek banget nih otak otak kan emang butek ya? Yang jernih mah air atuh..wkakakakakka....
Well..well...dah mulai ngaco nih....udahan ahhh...good morning everybody :)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Devil Wears Prada

Have you seen the movie or read the book? Well I've done both actually *blush*
Anyway this is the continuation of yesterday posting though. When I was shopping for my office outfit that day, I met 2 of the magazine runners (well, if you read or seen the movie, you would know, but anyway runners are the people who going around to collect fashion, accessories etc, to be used for magazine photoshoot).
Well, one of them is a man, I think he must be very experience, because he could spot all the damage in the clothes within split second, which made the store manager amazed.
The second one is a girl, she borrowed 4 pairs of shoes. Yupe 4 pairs of shoes *ngeces*
But let me tell you, their looks are very far from what you read or saw in the movie, they are just as plain as us. Don't imagine the Anne Hathaway or who that character name in the book? *amnesia*
They're not glamourous at all, they're just a normal person. So for you who dreams to get that kinda of job after seen or read the book, this is the real fact...
Meanwhile...happy week end everybody (even though most of you are having a long week end *envy*)

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Yesterday, I went to the office wearing short and t-shirt, thinking that it should be still holiday mood even here in Singapore til this week end. I also don't have any preparation of working attire as per what I normally do every day.
I'm a polo shirt and jeans type of person, so just in case have a sudden meeting, I always have something in the office to save my looks.
Well, unfortunately after Herlin's incident, I have no maid, so til now I still haven't got any buffered clothes in the office. So yesterday, suddenly I have to meet my client *gubraks* how could I meet them in my short and t-shirt?
So I spent 1 hour in Orchard, to dress my self up. As usual it's pretty annoying, Have you ever had this feelings when you need to buy something, eg. shoes or dress, then you had to run high and low, but stil coulnd't find anything that suited you?
Nah of course, that things also happened to me yesterday *sigh* Finally I could transform my self into somebody presentable. It was a good job, more than my normal performance though *satisfied* Coz I had a lots of compliments from people that I met yesterday *blush*
Does it mean I have to change my job, become fashion consultant now? *devil smile*

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Remember my cousin yang menggemaskan buat ditabok itu? Before the Hari Raya holiday, there was a "heboh" happenings. My mom told me, she would be coming to Singapore alone *pingsan*
I was very worried about it. Imagining I had to be in contact with her for 8 hours already caused me a bloody nightmare. How could I survive with her for a few days? Then I asked my mom whether was it possible for her to stay with my other cousin in Sengkang, but my mom stared at me *shivering*
I was very panick at that time, dealing with her for a few days is one thing, the other thing is how if she found out that UNSW Asia campuss is only 15 mins walk from my house also *sweat*
Thank God, suddenly my mom said that her mother had a company trip to China, so her mom tried to negotiate with her to postpone her Singapore travel to Christmas holiday instead. I was praying very hard for that, but of course still worried about december, but at least still a few months though *sigh*
The latest news, she is going to China with her mom, and I hope because of this China trip, she would not come to Singapore on December though *H2C* What Do you think ya? She will not come, rite?

Friday, October 20, 2006

My Lovely Neighbour

I'm talking about the one in the office as usual. A few days ago, on myw ay to the toilet, to my horror I saw the auntie, wearing almost the same style as I did a few months back, strip polo shirt, and long pants. OMG I rushed back to my office and screamed aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
My receptionist asked what was happening to me, then i told her about that, and she laughed to my story, couldn't stop. Until today my receptionist hasn't really met the auntie, so she is very eager to meet her *sigh*
By the way, remember a few months back also, when the unit on my left was vacant, and the uncle was saying proudly and loudly to the real estate agent,"Oh I will conquer the whole of second floor in times to come."
Inside my heart,"Yeah like real...."
Then these few days, we were puzzled by what they did, coz seems that they're trying to clear up their office, or what. So my receptionist ask me,"What they're trying to do?"
As usual me, anyhow answer,"Oh bankrupt may be?" wkakakakakakakakaaa....
My innocent receptionist,"ya meh? but they were doing so good."
OMG please deh ahhh she hasn't learned til this moment about me so much, that I have a lots of devil live inside me *sigh*
So finally it is revealed today, they moved the office to the right side of my unit, before hand it was right diagonal from my unit *sigh* I think it's because they see how my business has been progressed quite briefly so far, so they might think that the feng shui should be better in this side *alamak*
Of course my receptionist asked me the same question and I answered the same answer, then she laughed again...
Well I wish them all the best lah....What else could I do?
Let me wish you happy Deepaavali for you who celebrates and Happy Idul Fitri, kalo ada salah mohon maaf lahir dan batin yak....ketupatnya ditunggu lohh...hihihiihi...
Happy holidays all...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


It's my fate, always try to go last minutes for holidays, and this time, the result is awful, every destination has been fully booked *sad*
Basically I'm not really keen to go on holiday sih. I don't know why, I always that type of feelings *sigh* Not looking forward to holiday. Probably because of the workloads. I always been struggling to finish my workload right until the last minutes before I left *sigh*
So no appetite anymore...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Surprise Boooow

Herlin namanya
Sopan dan halus tutur katanya
Top banget kerjaannya
Handling Max, bukan masalah untuknya
Tapi bow, muanisssss buanget mulutnya

So we felt not comfortable with her sweet mouth, imagine every morning she says,"Aduh ma'am cantik sekali, hati-hati di jalan yah ma'am..." without fails.
I don't have any issue with "Hati-hati di jalan" but for "ma'am cantik sekali", I felt uneasy after a few days *sigh* But I always maintain "asas praduga tak bersalah". I kept on saying to my self, may be she's that kinda person, and hopefully it's really truly comes from her heart. So usually I will said,"Oh terima kasih, saya tahu emang saya cantik skali kok, makasih ya udah ngingetin" wakakakkakaka....gubraks deh yauuuu....
Then started to have weird happenings, and my flatmate told me,"Eh flon, sori ya...gue sih gak yakin, tapi kayanya ada yang aneh deh sama si herlin. Soalnya gue tadi pas pulang kok found out ac di kamar gue nyala ya? pas gue tanya ama si herlin, dia bilang, kali ma'am lupa matiin ac tadi pagi. Lah yah gue jadi bingung kali emang gue lupa kali ya. terus yah gue liatin kok toileteries gue makin lama susutnya cepet ya? Dan gue kan punya kotak perhiasan, kayanya herlin buka2 deh, walopun dia gak ngambil, cuma gue biasanya kan naruh kalung gue sembarangan gak pernah dirapihin, tapi kok gue liat semuanya jadi rapih. Tapi gue pikir kali dia just try to do her job deh ya.."
And then during i was away, CC came home early, found out that the 2 aircond in the living room were on, when confronted herlin said,"Oh I think ma'am Ria on it in the morning, but I don't know how to turn it off."
Jreng....fitnah nih bow...and she used my own friend as an escape goat...Ria confronted her, and she said,"Sorry ma'am I was scared..."
So I decided to return her to the agent, without hesitation...wah I can't tolerate bohong, fitnah dan ngelesnya itu loh, jago bener boww...
And I know my self very well, if I waited til I came back to Singapore then I returned her, she would create a drama, which would melt my heart. So i made a cruel decision, called my agent, to bring her back as soon as possible.
There was a drama of course, she said,"I'm sorry, I won;t do it again."
The agent reps said,"No worries, just pack your thing first, coz your ma'am is not in Singapore, you'd better stay in the agency first, and let your decide when she came back to Singapore."
So then she agreed to go. But from the bottom of my heart, I would apologize to herlin, I can't accept her back after what she has done...I wish her all the best for her future lah...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Back To Life

Hola, I'm back. I came back from 1 week retreat. Yupe 1 week, I did enjoy the retreat, it refreshed my mind and soul.
Imagine 1 whole week, quiet, peaceful, calm, not crowded...and here I am, back to real world. I've missed the retreat experience already.
Thanks for all of you who had missed me so much, I miss you too. But here I am...back...and will continue to blog...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Pergi Untuk Kembali

Oh no it has been October again *sigh* Time really flies. I don't really like October for a few reason.
Reason number one, I'm getting older *deep sigh* I'm used to like October before reaching twenty yars old. October means, foods, gift, party, laughter, excitement. But after twenty it's a burden *sigh*
Reason number two, it will be end of the year soon. Realising there is not much that I've done til now *sigh* and a lots of regrets why I haven't done this and that and so on....
Reason number three, I will have a lots of events to attend *deep sigh* It's ranging from Christmas Party (yupe, in the retail business, they always hold Christmas Party during October and November, I don't know why exactly, may be because of the price of renting ballroom, or may be because of the ballroom availability or may be because it's part of marketing strategy to enlive the Christmas mood, so people wil start to spend for Christmas Gift? *shrug shoulder*), product launch, and also starts of sales season *ngelirik cemas ke tumpukan invitation card di pojokan meja*
I hate party, especially these kinda party. I can't say no, coz they're my clients.
I don't enjoy the party, bcoz I know nobody except my clients *sigh* I have to dress up properly for the party, which is not me *sigh* Have to make my self beautiful (i know I'm beautiful lah *narcist* but still have o enhance my beauty mah..), yeah yeah ranging from going to spa, facial, pedicure, manicure...while on the other hand I'm a person that hold a belief that going for all those things is a waste of time *sigh*
Anyway I'm going to dissapear for a while ya....Have a good week end...And happy moon cake festival for those who celebrates

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tak Ada Gading Yang Tak Retak

That's absolutely true lohhhh.....
Now no more Nunik, but Herlin *sigh* She makes me tired, She is good, indeed so far so good, but the down side...she's sensi boooowwww *deep sigh*
Imagine...few days ago, I was woken up by the phone from office, regarding some stupidity in doing the works, so I was in an angry mode donk, so pasti lah...
So after I woke up, I was banging all the things, the wardrobe lah, the bathroom door lah, bedroom door lah, shampoo lah, soap lah...pokoke everything that I could bang lah...then was in a hurry to leave the house with a very black face, Herlin said with a puzzled face,"Ma'am tehnya belum diminum".
I replied with a high tone,"Gak deh, buang ajah teh-nya..." then ran away.
She called my handphone, but I didn't pick up, then she called office and cried,"Hu hu'am marah ya sama Herlin hu hu hu..."
Waduh..I became panic donk,"Loh gak kok Lin, tadi saya lagi marah sama kantor bukan sama kamu..."
Herlin,"Hu hu'am herlin jangan dipulangin..."
I didn't know want to laugh or shout,"Aduh Herlin, saya tuh gak marah sama kamu, tadi saya buru2, makanya saya suruh kamu tehnya dibuang ajah. Udah kamu berenti nangis deh, saya gak marah kok sama kamu." *ngelap keringet*
Herlin,"Bener yah ma'am gak marah sama Herlin?"
Me,"Iyah bener..."
Gubraksss...yaelah....what sin have I committed yak? can get sensitive domestic helper *mijit2 kepala*
Sensi banged siyy...gue jadi males pulang loh....abis kesannya gue kok musti basa basi sama dia....musti senyum2 sama dia...mampoes dah gue....lama2 gue bisa stress nih kalo gini caranya....
This morning I forgot to finish my tea, then she asked with a worry face,"Ma'am kok tehnya gak diabisin? Gak enak yah?"
Oh my God..please deh ahhhhh......gubraks lagi ah....

Monday, October 02, 2006


Last week, I went home together with my partner in crime flatmate, after parking my car in the usual place, then we saw a couple also just came out from their car, walking towards the elevator.
Seeing us approaching the elevator, that couple pretending to forget something from their car, and walked back to their car. It was very obvious that they were avoiding us. Anyway inside the lift my flatmate said,"Kenapa yah orang Singapur gag mau bareng sama orang dalem lift yah kebanyakan?"
I answered with full confident and positive thinking,"Wah gag tau, kali mereka punya penyakit kronis dan takut nularin ke kita kali". wakakakakka *guling2 di lantai*
Arriving at ground floor, our hand started to itch, in the same time we turned our head to each other with our eyes shining very brightly, we said same time,"Yukkkk.."
So we pressed open button for about 2 minutes, then press B2 afterwards...we went home satisfied, thinking got something to do at the end of the day.
But the next day, we also reached home around the same time, and saw that couple again, so we started to laugh, but when we reached the elevator, we saw that couple using the staircase they've learned their lesson ya?

Friday, September 29, 2006

Almost ways Famous

Hi All, I'm still alive *senyum manis* Thanks for all your concern. It was a short circuit only I guess... I'm very busy outside, the I received a call from Jimmy, saying that I'm in the
news at Harian Kompas (Indonesian Newspaper) *sigh* I don't know what to say...whether have to be happy or far I've tried my best to keep low profile, but then this time alamak...can not already lah...
It's not only Jimmy, then when I was on the phone, I realised later that Cika also called me *blush* Busyett deh...
A few days ago I was in the JalanSutra chatting room, introducing myself to everybody, suddenly, one girl called Ratna, said,"Flona kayanya familiar deh, elo yang rambutnya pendek, mukanya bulet dan suka senyum itu kan?"
Alamak..."suka senyum" may be she means "murah senyum" kali yak? wakakkakka...I said,"Hmmm kayanya iya deh, btw kenal di mana ya?"
You know, I'm always famous until everywhere I go, I always meet somebody, but luckily in Singapore I haven't yet to be that famous *phew*
Ratna,"Kali di Kopdar ya?"
Me,"Gak mungkin, gue baru sekali ikutan Samsut (Sambut Sutra = to welcome Jalan Sutra member who come from overseas), itu juga cuma ada Grace, Yohan, Ai Zhu, Mbak Telly, Rudi dan Sari. Btw elo sekolah di mane ye?"
Ratna,"SMA di Aloysius, trus Trisakti".
My heart beat faster, must be this one deh ya...then I said,"Jurusan? Angkatan?"
Ratna,"Teknik Industri '95".
Jrengg....there's the problem ladies and gentlemen, Industrial Engineering, Ratna continues,"Terlibat POTIM dan POUTRI (Christian Organisation at campuss)yah?"
Me,"nahh itu dia."
And then the most interesting part is, Ratna said again,"Kayanya gue ngeliat elo deh bulan kemaren di Senayan City, lagi ngantri donat J.Co, bener gak ya?"
Gubrakssss....jatuhlah gue dari kursi, staying in Singapore, only went back to Jakarta for a few days, went to buy donut in Senayan City, which practically hasn't been officially opened, then caught by somebody *blush*
Me,"Eh iyaaa itu gueee...kok gak manggil sihh?"
Ratna,"Abis takut salah...."
Alamak....why oh why yah? I'm always famous where ever I am *sigh*
Now with that news *ngelap keringet* how my future is going to be? *gigit2 kuku*
Happy week end you all *senyum manis*
Nah terbukti kan gue murah senyum? wakakkakakaka.....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Coward? Stupid?

Have you ever thought, why people tend to call people who commit suicide as "a coward?"
Don't you think that it takes a great deal of courage of that people to decide to end his life by committing suicide?
I admire people who dare and succeed in comitting suicide, coz yet they dare to do something which they don't know what will they face later, and there is no turning back.
Second point, we always label people to commit suicide as "stupid" also. But do they really stupid?
In my opinion, it's not stupid but they're clever, if there is no solution to their problems, why should they drag their life pretending nothing happen, and trying their best to solve their problem, which actually has been complicated until they also don't know and nobody can help to solve the problem?
Happy Birthday to Ria, Tuhan memberkati ya..

Friday, September 22, 2006

Chaotic Week

It's a super duper damn chaotic week for me, my staff, and the whole company.
Just imagine, shouts, laughters, tensions, angers, frustations, adrenalin rush, deadline, sleepiness, sweats, tears, bloods, mules, headache, all merge into one.
The face expressions can be solemn, serious, frustating, panic, worry, blank, sleepy, blur, dogol, etc.
And me can be acted as bozz, receptionist, telephone operator, office girl, delivery girl, production staff, technician, runners, etc...multitask *sigh*
What a chaotic ringing continously, imagine deh kayak pelem nya Dono Kasino Indro, felt like doing that to, put the 2 phones so that they could talk to each ohter instead of me answering the phone *muka polos*
Now my eyes, half open....sleepy and tired *sigh*
Oh my God, is it the way to reach my dream to have one big container of diamonds? wakakakakka....
habe a nice week end everyone...and for you who have to start fasting, i wish you all the best for your fasting, hopefully you can do it very well, doh bahasa Indo ajah ya....selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ya...semoga amal ibadah temen2 diterima oleh Tuhan.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I just came back from hospital *sigh*
Not that I'm sick, but only to go to the sandwich vending machine, that had been discussed in Dioni's blog sometimes back, to buy sandwich for my lunch.
I also bought a cup of coffee from the vending machine for dessert.
But then I thought how could I drive with 1 cup of steaming hot coffee?
So I decided to sit in the hospital foyer to have my lunch then drive back to the office.
That's my lunch, quite yummy....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Another Confession

I have another confession to make nih *gigit gigit kuku*
On Sunday when I prepared all the food...I did something *ooopssss*
Do you look pale enough now? *anxious*
The story goes like this, the preparation all ready, some had been cooked already, and some still undegoing cooking. I decided to clean up a bit in the dining area. So I reached the floor wiper stick, which accidentally trigger the cobek (=food grinder) yang segede gambreng itu, felt on to my foot man.
Of course no more food no more foot on it lah...please rest assure, my cleanliness of the food is A+ for sure...
Weleh you all concern about the food or my foot ya? wakakakkakak...
Anyway when it happened, I thought,"Wowwwwwwwww so pain, I'm surely faint nih".
Of course i didn't shout it out lah...lah wong grown up already kok...can't cry lah...
But I waited so on and on,"Loh kok not faint ya?" wakakkakak...
Meaning ok lah...would not faint, but it was swollen and black, poor right pinky *sobs...sobs...*

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Nunik Replacement

Last Sunday gathering actually is welcome party for Nunik's replacement loh *ngarang*
Or want to did orientation programme for her? (diplonco geto loh)
Yo opo ora diplonco? Imagine...she came on Friday nite, then Saturday morning, had to help me to prepare food for my friend's son birthday party (nah loh ngejlimet kan?). This one incidental, coz my friend, supposed to order food from Alm. Inong. So my friend was in despair, panicked, then I offered to help her the same time, I tried to promo my self donks of course *senyum manis*
Then on Sunday I had to cook for Kopdar also, who scared man, bring it on to me I got 1 co-cook, which is my partner in crime then, now is my flatmate, and 1 kitchen hand, which is Nunik's replacement, her name is Herlin.
So far she's very good. Hopefully she would always been good forever, and live together with me happily ever after...Amen...
Loh? kok isanya doa yak? wakakakkkaka.....

PS: Jo birthday loh hari ini, happy birthday Jo, Tuhan memberkati

Monday, September 18, 2006

Kopdar 4

Whoaaaa sooooo sleepyy....but anyway the kopdar was success, eh iya gak siy? What I mean, lots of you came to my place let me list down the people who attended:
Susana dan Bagio
Samuel dan Grace
Cika and Hubby plus Zion
Jo dan Soni
Yuliana dan Voldi plus Marisa
Ria dan Torkis
Jimmy dan Dewi
Full house, but still left out Inoki (yang blognya dah lama terbengkalai..hihihiihih), and also Evi *maap yah Vie, nomernya gue masih simpen yang lama* (blgnya udah ketimbun sembako huahuahhahaha), dan Sista also didn't come *sob sob* (kapok yah sis? wakkakakkka)
For those who left early, so sorry, the fun only started after you guys left *nyengir*
Lesson of the story don't leave early next time *melotot*

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mellow Weather

The sky was very dark this morning, which made my feeling become mellow.
During my drive to work, I turned on my radio, all were playing such a depressing songs *sigh* then I switched to my cd player, guess what? Oh My God, please deh ah, it's Chrisye *pasrah*
Arriving in the office with low energy, I dialed my best friend handphone in Indonesia. She said,"Eh tumben elo nelpon gue pagi2?"
Me,"Yeah, gue low batt nih, mendung, radio juga lagunya depressed semua, pikiran gue butek, gak punya Energen Lagi di rumah".
She laughed coz I was still able to make a corny joke, overall, I only need somebody to light me with fire, even though at the end I did most of the talk *sigh* but at least I feel more energize now *happy*
Have a good week end everyone...

Thursday, September 14, 2006


The title very dramatic ya? wakakkakakakka...
Yeah I have conffessions to make nih *serius* After Nunik left, I've broken 2 bowls already *blush*
Then I was blamed that I couldn't do housework *blush* and second blame is I miss Nunik very much until I couldn't control my movement *sigh* Give up deh....just shoot me...
Oh the way that remarks of course made by my partner in crime. Lemme tell you a secret, now she become my flatmate, horaaayyyyy....U can imagine donks, how crowded is my house now? me = gasoline, she = fire, so fire + gasoline = huge explosion wkakakakakkakaka.....Just waiting for letter of complaint from neighbour regarding noise pollution *blush*
Eh, me is not loud okay? I only act as catalisator *alamak dalemm bangett* which sometimes also can become provocator *senyum manis*
Okay deh...time to dive into my work again....have a nice day everyone....

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Doh...perasaan kok kerjaan gue makin lama makin heboh ya? Gue berasa kaya ditimpukin ama kerjaan yang gak henti2nya deh...kalo mo ekstrem ya kaya digebukin orang satu propinsi (bukannya satu kampung lagi boooowww...) *sigh*
Maka dengan ini saya menyatakan mohon maap yang sebesar2nya kalo saya agak2 kurang berblog walking akhir2 ini yaaa...
Udah ahh mo nyelem lagi di kerjaan *sigh*

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dunia Tanpa Koma

Itu sinetron baru yang ada di RCTI yang diputerin tiap sabtu jam 21.00 WIB, eh bener gak waktu tayangnya ya?
Kayanya itu sinetron lumayan asik, tapi kemaren cuma sempet nonton secuil doanks *nyesel* tapi gak apa2 deh, toh masih ada sabtu ini *menghibur diri sendiri*
Kemudian pemaennya yah ada Dian Sastro...weleh kok makin lama Dian Sastro itu makin cantik ya?

Monday, September 11, 2006

MLM Lageeeeeee

Last week end I didn't go anywhere to hide from MLM. I was so glad that it was a peaceful week end, even though I had to work in the office, but at least no disturbance from MLM *phew*
Akan tetapi...barusan gue mendarat di office, tiba2 handphone gue berdering, gue liat nomernya, eh temen gue nih..yang dah lama gak nelepon gue. No doubt, doski sih anak MLM, tapi so far gue agak respek sama dia, karena dia gak pernah ngomong yang nyerempet2 sama MLM.
Tak kusangka tak kuduga, ternyata tadi dia ngomong2 ttg MLM sama gue *bete surete* Pertama sih cuma nanya gue punya kenalan gak orang India gak, soale MLM-nya dia mo establish di India geto...
Eh trus abis itu dia bilang ke gue,"Mustinya gue undang elo yah ke meeting kita orang, sapa yau ajah elo tertarik buat join". *gubraks*
Gue,"Sori ya, gue dah berkomitmen nih buat konsentrasi penuh ke bisnis gue, dan gak bakalan ngelirik bisnis2 laennya deh....buat kerjaan gue sendiri ajah dah mo mampus, gimane musti ngurusin kerjaan sampingan".
MLM,"Hmm yeah at least biar elo bisa tau product2 kita, kan kita juga ada vitamin2 yang berguna buat kesehatan".
Gue,"Semua vitamin dan obat2an yang gue konsumsi ada di bawah pengawasan ketat dokter gue tuh, jadi yah gue gak sembarangan beli merk2 laen, ato vitamin2 laen yang gak gue butuhin, geto loh..."
Si MLM,"Yeah but at least kalo gue jelasin ttg produk2 yang gue jual, elo bisa konsultasiin ke dokter elo, buat diliat ingredientnya dsb..sapa tau dokter elo juga tertarik buat join".
Yaelah...nih orang ngeyel banged sih? hari senen udah bete surete....

Friday, September 08, 2006

Week End Ya?

Don't feel like TGIF today *sigh*
Woke up by running out of breath this morning, struggling to gasp for the air though *sigh* But I don;t have asthmatic problem though. Been like this for these past 2 or 3 months *sigh* I got relapsed I guess...
Anyway...had breakfast at coffee beans Raffles Hospital after having a battle inside my heart whether to have my brekkie at Coffee Beans or Ya Kun *senyum manis* Plugged my iPod player to my ear (of course my ears lah, masa my nose siyy hihiihihi..), tried to look aaround for newspaper but no luck, couldn't get any. Starting to send sms to keep my self busy (kalo kaga garink donks...duduk di cafe sendirian), but too bad I don't have that "sms" songs inside my iPod...anybody have it? *ngelantur* If you have, please give me yaaa *diteruskan*
Btw...even though I'd plugged my iPod, but I still could hear the conversation from my neighbour (next table i mean), which consisted of auntie, young man (quite handsome but that type of snobbish looks), young woman (very pretty though but looks very high maintenance). I couldn't hear and remember exactly what they were talking about, but it was soemthing very high class talk lah...but then suddenly the conversation switched to,"Eh that one you can get it from Pasir Panjang market lah.."
Surprised donk gue...from high class talk could shifter to Pasir Panjang market which is like "pasar induk" (central market) *sigh*
Then I felt desperate, coz my toast seemed would never finished to be eaten *sigh* then I started to have stomach ache *sigh*
Now I'm struggling to finish my work, accompanied by chatting with Cika, Yohan and other Singaporean fren, not conferencing of coz lah...
Aiyoh...don't feel like week it week end or not ya?
happy week end everyone....

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Tribute For Nunik

Today Nunik is going to be back to Indonesia, so I wrote down a poem for her today

Pahlawan Devisa
Nasib Seorang Pahlawan Devisa
Yang mengadu nasib di Singapura
Untuk mencari pengalaman dan menambah pernghasilan
Tanpa tahu dengan jelas orang macam apa yang akan menjadi majikan

Ketika uang sudah di tangan
Anganpun mulai melayang
Berbagai godaan berdatangan
Ketika sudah mendapatkan uang

Prioritas pun mulai berganti
Mungkin mereka lupa akan apa yang harus mereka cari
Telepon genggam pun tidak luput sebagai incaran
Tetapi apakah itu yang mereka benar benar butuhkan?

Itulah nasib seorang Pahlawan Devisa
Yang mengadu nasib ke Singapura
Entah bagaimana mereka harus beradaptasi
Ketika mereka balik ke negeri sendiri

Monday, September 04, 2006

And The List Continues

I went for Church Retreat on Saturday and Sunday. And then...during dinner on Saturday nite, one of the participant shared that her son's schoolmate just passed away during the basketball game playing against other school on Friday. He's only 13 years old.
That boy ddin't have any serious medical history. He was one of the top player that always represents their school for basketball games. It was shocking.
She looked very worry about her son psychology wellbeing. Then she also worried about her son health, until she and her husband decided to send the son for the medical check up during this week.
And then this morning I heard from my supervisor, that one of her colleagues in her previous job, commited suicide by jumping from the flat or carpark, something like that. She sounds very shock.
I would like to express my deep condolescence for those 2 tragedies. These 2 news are not causing too bad impact for me. I think it's just because I just don't know them well. That's why is not so shocking as the other 2, Isa and Mbak Inong.
Well...I'm started to think, why suddenly everything popped up, all the sudden death. What is God trying to tell me?
I was having this conversation with Yohan on the other day,"Waduh gila ya Flo, kadang2 kalo dipikir orang tuh kok umurnya bisa pendek gitu ya? Sedangkan gue yang dikasih kesempatan buat hidup sampai sekarang kok kayanya hidup dijalanin dengan ogah-ogahan".
It's strucked me, yeah it's true, why I can't appreciate my life so far?
I always feel my life journey is too bumpy for me to handle.
Is it like God trying to convey the message to me to be thankful that I'm still be able to live? And God wants me to live more responsibly and meaningfully for everybody arounds me?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Week End is not so bright anymore

The wound in my heart hasn't been healed from the fact that Isa is no more here, then came another big blow again. This morning Mbak Ros sms-ed me saying that Mbak Inong passed away.
I haven't met Mbak Inong yet, the last message was she agreed to me to meet, and I left another message in her shoutbox to ask her to give me her handphone number, which hadn't been and would never been replied by her.
Even though I haven't had a chance to meet her, and only knew her from her blogs, but I feel terribly shaken. All the stories that she wrote, and all the videos about her kids..*sigh* I like the way she wrote, very funny and fresh *deep sigh*
For the full story about Mbak Inong, can be seen here
I'm started to think, what's life all about?
Are we only live to die?
Why good people live very short?
Week end is not so bright anymore...
Selamat Jalan Mbak Inong, semoga kamu bisa beristirahat dengan tenang di sisi Tuhan, dan buat keluarga Mbak Inong, saya doakan semoga tabah selalu...
Now, I'm going to dissapear again, it's week end..don't want to create trouble with MLM anymore...
Have a blessed week end everyone ...*hugs*

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Have A Bad Day

This posting supposed to be posted last nite, but blogger was down, so it was not succesful. So this story was yesterday one ya...
Yesterday was really a very bad day. Started with a bad headache from lack of sleep, as usual been chased by the bloody deadline, brought up wrong subject to my mom *sigh*
Top of the news, my driver, suddenly called said,"Sorry bozz, I need to go for funeral".
I still didn't suspect anything,"Umm okay, but who?"
He said,"Isa passed away".
I thought he was joking,"Are you joking?"
He answered,"It's true.."
I 'm shocked , weak, confused, etc...
Mohammad Isa was his name. He was about 18 years old, if not mistaken now is his final year in ITE (equal to STM in Indonesia). He was one of my part-time worker, espcecially during school holidays.
The first time I knew him, he called me "Miss". He just treated me as his teacher *sigh* I called him "Isa", just like the way Indonesian pronounce, but his friends, called him 'Ise'. He was a nice young man, very responsible towards his works, very protective towards me, especially all those nite that I had to helped them to finish work outside.
He was a very soft spoken young man, very polite and very hard working among his peers. My supervisor always called him "handsome".
He was a cheerful young man, who likes to compose his own songs during his works, and sang it loudly with his friends. His voicemail for his handphone is very unique.
His father gave him a scooter, he was a very careful rider, responsible, and didn't like to speed. It was an accident that took away his life instantly, near Singapore Polytechnic.
The latest news that I heard this morning he changed his scooter to motorbike, and nobody knows how it happened. Somebody found him lying down near the drain with smashed face and badly broken arm, blood everywhere. The body was 500 m away from the motorbike, and the helmet was 500 m away also.
Isn't it ironic? A very young man, which I believe would have a bright future has left the world suddenly. Why him? Why today? Why so young?
Probably it's true a good man will have a short life...then I started to think,"doesn't it mean I'm not good? I'm still alive though til now?"
My last contact with him was 9 August 2006, Singapore's National Days, I was using my other handphone, sending sms to all my Singaporean contacts, to wish them Happy National Day. Suddenly I received a reply from Isa,"Thank you, but Errrr may I know who r u?"
I replied,"It's me Flona".
After waiting a few minutes he replied,"Mmmm sorry to ask again, but where do I know you?"
Then I replied,"Oh I'm from Bla..Bla..Bla...(I typed my company name)".
He answered,"oh okay..thanks again".
A few hours later around 11 pm, he sent another sms,"Have u slept?"
I answered,"Nope, why?"
He typed,"Errrr...Bla bla bla (my company name) have so many staffs inside, but may I know which one are you?"
Holding my laughter, I typed,"Errrr...I'm bozz"
He replied,"Oopppsss...sorry bozz, I didn't know your real name.."
What a memory...Bon Voyage Isa, my friend...
I feel something empty in the corner of my heart, I'm still in a deep shock...disbelieve that I will not be able to meet him
We all here will miss you for sure...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm back *sad*

Yeah finally I'm back to Singapore again *sigh*
Still deaf as a result from the flight, but here I am, almost midnite, sitting on my office chair, doing my works with a bad headache *jedotin kepala ke tembok*
It's like a very short dream *sigh* and then now I woke up to the real world of mine *hiks..hiks...srottt..*
The world is so cruel *sigh* And tomorrow oopss...7 more minutes is Monday
Oh nooooooooooo.....

Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's Very Me

*sigh* dulu ahhhhh *senyum manis*
Because of the past 2 week end I'd been hunted by MLM, so I've decided to go somewhere this week end *senyum puas*
But in the mean time, a lots of my friend started to ask me since yesterday,"What time is your flight?"
Until now I'm in the middle of yahoo msn, the question are all the same, and my answer,"Eh I haven't checked.." huhhahahhahahha...It's very me...cuex kayak bebek.
I've already started to receive a few sms from my liason officers *caelah* in my destination country, even to the extend IDD call, asking what time is my flight, and my answer is still,"Don't know leh, haven't checked.." huhuahhahahahaha....
So you who are somewhere out there, if wanna meet me, faster join jalansutra...they're having meet and greet for me tomorrow nite loh...*promosi*
Okay then....I sign off first ya....have a nice week end...gonna miss you all..*hugs*

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Menghitung Hari

Duh kepala gue lagi cenut2an banged niy, jadi gak isa mikir ide buat posting. Panadol udah, stronger than panadol juga udah, tapi tetep ajah cekot2 *hiks..hikss* Btw gue dapet endorsment dari Panadol gak ya? dah nyebut2 doski 3 kali nih hihihiihih..
Jadi gue post ini ajah ya, yang gue dedikasikan untuk seorang Pahlawan Devisa yang bekerja di rumah gue, yang telah membuat hidup gue porak poranda selama hampir 2 tahun.
Nunik bentar lagi akan pulang ke kampung halamannya nih. Jadi ceritanya dia lagi "Menghitung Hari". Jangan bandingin si Nunik sama Krisdayanti, of course jaoh booo...dan liriknya juga cuma sampai bait 1 ajah, gak usah diterusin *ngancem*
Eh jangan2 di kamarnya Nunik ada coret2an di tembok kayak narapidana buat ngitungin hari ya *curiga* Ntar malem gue cek ahhhh....

Monday, August 21, 2006


I'm not Garfield's friend anymore I haaaaaaaatttttteeeeee week end *cry*
Coba imagine...last Saturday on the way to my friend birthday celebration, I was about to reach my handphone to called my friend, suddenly my handphone vibrate dink...I always put my handphone in vibrate mode, coz I love peacefull environment *caelah*
I saw the display, it was from my dad's cousin. Yupe my dad has a few Singaporean cousin, as 2 of my dad's aunties migrated to Singapore. I was wondering whether I pressed the number accidentally or it was really her calling me *puzzled*
But anyway I picked up my handphone, and then it's true my dad's cousin, she said,"Are you free for dinner tonite or tomorrow nite?"
I felt a bit strange so far I've been staying in Singapore for 6 years, she only offers me dinner for Chinese New Year's eve or her mother (which I called Grand Aunt) birthday. So I asked her,"Is there any special occasion?"
She said,"No lah...just want to invite you for dinner.."
I still felt puzzled,"Did you strike lottery?"
She said,"No lah...only my mother said long time never see you.."
I said,"Oh okay, tonite then I think I could make it, is there anything that I could bring to your house?"
She said,"No lah no need to bring anything.."
But I still felt uneasy, must be something going on lah...Ada udang di balik bakwan uppss..batu geto loh....after tried so hard to squeeze my brain I thought it might be something to do with MLM thingy lah, coz I remembered the last time I was visiting her mother she told me that she would be going to Hongkong to attend some MLM thingy, which she didn't want to reveal at that time about the brand. She also said wait until I investigate about it further then I'll tell you...
Okay...I came to her house, after a nice dinner *sigh* there she goes la la la la...*nyanyi* huahuahahahhahaha....true enough's Lampe Berger thingy...she said,"I've never believed in MLM thingy, but this one is doesn't require you to sell, but what you need is invest and work hard to establish your self. All the people inside very friendly, they are willing to help you by sharing their experience..."
Wadoh inside my heart I was saying,"Of course lah they were nice to you, coz they really want you to invest in the name of making them more wealthy what...How can she been brainwashed with all the MLM talk thingy....since she is a very tough ball all these while."
Well...well..well...nothing comes free in this world my friend, just see lah...even a nice invitation for dinner also proven to be "Udang di balik bakwan" jrengggg....
Alamak what I've done wrong until I had to be bombarded by MLM thingy 2 Saturday in a row *sigh* Does that mean I shouldn't be in Singapore very week end yak?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Girl's Nite Out

Last Friday, after a long time of not being out to club, I decided to have a girls' nite out together with my partner in crime and one of my Singaporean friend.
As usual, we hung out at my partner in crime usual hang out, one of the club in Singapore, no need to say lah ya....later on you all will start to follow us to that club lageeeee..* nyengir*
Why I like that club, partly also the guitarist is very cool, and the crowds is not too young as well, cocok lah geto loh...So we bought a drink and asked the cute waiter to pass to that guitarist, with message "from all of us" lah ya.....
But then we were so surprised, looked like the guitarist had already got somebody. He was wearing the ring on that finger *sigh* And there was 1 woman, stood near the stage, staring at him, but strangely she didn't sway to the music at all, looked very cold, but pretty....
During the break the guitarist was talking and standing near her, so we were busy trying to figure out whether his ring matches her ring *senyum manis* but looked like they matched *patah hati*
Then suddenly my partner in crime said,"Eh Flon, kok tuh orang cantik-cantik tapi kok cold blooded ya..."
Gue jawab,"Eh berasa kayak si manis jembatan Ancol gak siyy?" Coz she was behaving very misterious and cold...
Ihhh sereeeeemmmmm....
Have a nice week end all ya....I don't want to go to that place anymore ahhh....angker booooo.......

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Dirgahayu RI yang ke 61

Would like to say Happy 61th Birthday to my beloved country, Indonesia. The country where I was born and raised up. The country that has provided me all these while, and formed me to what I am now. The country that has taught me about unity in diversity, all the good value of being a human, how to respect each other in daily life.
Suddenly I recalled one of our National Song that was written by Ibu Sud, the title is Tanah Air, and I heard it was sung again by Cokelat, but too bad I haven't heard, and couldn't find as well.. the lyric goes like:

Tanah airku tidak kulupakan
Kan terkenang selama hidupku
Biarpun saya pergi jauh
Tidak kan hilang dari kalbu
Tanah ku yang kucintai
Engkau kuhargai

Walaupun banyak negri kujalani
Yang masyhur permai dikata orang
Tetapi kampung dan rumahku
Di sanalah kurasa senang
Tanahku tak kulupakan
Engkau kubanggakan

Yes this is my pledge, no matter where I am and who I am, I will always be a true blue Indonesian at heart, just like an Indonesian wise word says "Biarpun hujan emas di negeri orang, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri".
Once again Happy Birthday Indonesia...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I think my memory overloaded, can add some more RAM or not ya? *sigh*
Yesterday in my singing class, I brought that Samson CD, but I forgot to bring the CD cover with me. My teacher asked me,"Which song do you want?"
I said,"No 8, please.."
In the middle of the hearing my teacher said,"What's the title of this song?"
I tried very hard to remember, jreng...I felt nothing left inside my brain, ...clean....very clean, can't remember anything *serem* Even my teacher said,"Hey..what's happening to you today?"
And then when the song was played, I could sing the whole songs, but by the time my teacher play in the piano and adjusted the key for me to sing, after singing 2 lines, my mind went blank again *sigh*
I stopped and opened my mouth, tried my best to recall something, but couldn't find anything *tablo (=tampang blo'on)*, brain is very clean *sigh* and my teacher also stopped playing and looked at me with puzzled look *sigh*
Alamak...memory overloaded...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sarang Penyamun

Just posting about beautiful day only last Friday, then I had my week end ruined on Saturday afternoon *jedotin kepala ke tembok* Seems I am not allowed to post beautiful things in my blog kali yaaa? I have to complain and tell about bad things only in my blog *yakin bin yakun (eh yakun kan the one that sell nice kaya toast yak hihihihii)*
The story goes like this, last week I received a sms from my friend (remember I ever wrote about my friend, husband and wife, which are very annoyingly try to sell Amway thing to me?) saying that,"Hi we would like to invite you to our baby 1 month old celebration this Saturday from 1pm-4pm".
Since I respected them as my long time friends, and I did visited the wife in the hospital after she gave birth, so I replied,"Tolong sms-in alamatlo lagi donk J ke gue, thanks ya".
Suddenly I received a phone call from J, so we chit chat lah...basa basi geto loh...and at the end of conversation, I agreed to come on Saturday around 1 pm lah...
When I arrived at their place, jrenggg... loh kok a lot of people, and I didn't know even one of them, so I thought may be their colleagues lah..But then J said,"Oh go straight ahead to the food and have your self lah, ini mereka colleague-nya istri gua..."
So I took my food donk, then sat in 1 corner, then the wife came, and introduced me to all the colleagues. After that suddenly 1 guy came and sat next to me, starting conversation,"Looks like you're a very important person in this party leh..."
Wadoh..I started to feel uneasy nih...What a way to start a conversation yak *serem*...yeah I always feel uneasy with a sweet mouth person...But anyway, getting used to it in my daily live, I think "aiyah...who scared lah...head on.."
I asked him,"Oh so you're Y's colleague? You also work in Banyan Tree?"
He said,"Hmmm no I don't work there, I'm self employed.."
Jreng...Oh no....this must be Amway people...started to feel uneasy lah gue....then I made a few mistakes that allowed him to bombarded me with the Amway product and service, which I tried to save my self by saying,"Oh ya Y has already shared with me about that..."
Oh my God...gue di sarang penyamun *serem* luckily one of my fren sms me during that scary talk, so finally I told him,"Sorry i have to make a call..."
And as you can guess after that i told him"Sorry ya..I have to make a move, because I have something urgent to attend to..anyway nice talking to you.." *Hoeeekkkk...muntah2*
Dan berpamitanlah gue dengan tuan dan nyonya rumah yang diiringi dengan ucapan,"Oh yah kita orang kapan2 main deh ke rumah elo...gimana kalo minggu depan?"
Gulps..Oh my God..not another Amway preach nih...I said,"Wah my schedule next week is pretty tight.." (which is also true lah...)
Still not giving up, they said,"How about the week after next?"
Gubraks...persistent amat siyyyy...gue jawab,"Eh gue bakalan balik Jakarta...Why don't you just give me a call when you wanna come down, coz my work schedule is pretty unpredictable (which is very true lah..), other than we make apppointment then cancelled, not nice kan..."
With their dissapointed face,"ok lah..."
Waaaaaaaaaa...piye iki Gusti....duhhh..kok bisa ya, berkulit badak sampe tebel gitu...apa gak berasa apa signal2 dari gue? *sigh*
Moral of the story, if you get involved with Multi Level Marketing, please don't friend me ya...wkakkakaakakka...oopsss...wrong...deh...
If you're into Multi Level Marketing, please spare your friends lah, I mean friend is friend indeed, just tell them,"Eh I'm selling Amway or what lah...if you need something please contact me ya..."
I think that way will be better, because I agree Amway product is good, but I just don't like the way they pester me, as though I'm a stranger that they can brain wash with their idea...friend is friend lah...don't hard sell...agree?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Week end is coming

Ahhhh...week end is finally here, even though week end or no week end most of the time is no effect for me *sigh* but anyway "Oh, I love week end.."
Since young I always feel that on week end whether it's cloudy or not, the sky is always brighter, I feel very happy, and like the soft bell is ringing in my ears...
Hhihihihii..that one likes peabo bryson song ya? huhahahahha...
Pokoke it's a beautiful day *nyanyi*
Happy week end everyone

Thursday, August 10, 2006


As a food it could be said quite yummy, but I wanna talk about being in a sandwich position. It's very bloody annoying, like the phrase "Mundur Kena Maju Kena" *sigh*
Gue benci sama orang yang suka merekayasa suatu kejadian di antara 2 orang, tapi kemudian yang jadi isinya sandwich itu gue...Apa sihhh maksudnya?
I don't like dirty politic, it's not easy to have a real friend, but it's very easy to make enemy, so why shouldn't we treasured every body friendship, and live happily ever after?
Life is hard, why should we make life even harder...
Moral of the Stories...Please don't eat sandwich *gak nyambung* wakakakkaka...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Samsons - Kenangan Terindah

Lagi males posting nih he he he...
Tapi tadi pagi tumben gue bangun pagi, trus mendung tuh (di singapore mendung lah..jangan pada protes yaa..), angin sepoi2 lumayan dingin...
Pas nyetir ditemenin lagu ini, wadoh..gak kuat...pas bagian depannya, yang ada violin apa cello geto deh gue gak yakin, pas ada suara violin ato cello, rasanya kayak hati gue diiris sembilu, miris banged...
Coba dehhh dengerinnnn...
Tapi sayang yah pas udah mulai tengah, lagunye mulai bising...tapi gue tetep cinta mati koq ama lagu ini, coba deh dengerin *teteup*
Buat yang di Singapore, met liburan yah, National Day nih, cuma kan gue ga isa bilang Happy National Day donks? Kan dikau2 pada masih tetep Indonesia kan? *pe de*

Monday, August 07, 2006

Getai Hunting

I never go to Jakarta *singlish* Yoo..I cancelled my ticket 3 hours before my departure time, realising that I wouldn't be able to finish my work on time *sigh* Of course I had to pay penalty *sigh* But what to do, there any other things that is more important than paying penalty... is Hungry Ghost Festival, which according to Chinese beliefs, every 7th month of they Chinese Calendar, all the souls would be release from heaven or hell, that's why it's called Hungry Ghost Festival. Where here in Singapore you can find joss stick everywhere at the road side, accompanied by cake or fruits, and people start to burn the paper. So they also have celebration, if they were cash rich, then they will have getai, which is singer accompanied by full band.
After reading yesterday newspaper, I became quite curious about getai, so there I was yesterday, searching the getai performance schedule in the internet, then found out there were 2 performance near my place, one in Redhill and the other one was in Queensway Shopping Center.
Couldn't decide to see which one, so I drove around those 2 places, to check it out first. Seems that the one in Redhill was quite happening, so I went there, and joined the crowds..of course not really inside the crowds, but just choose the less crowd place...
Of fourse they spoke in Hokkian, and their Hokkian is very deep, it's hard for me to catch up what they were talking about...surrounded by uncles and aunties, luckily last nite one not the very scary one *sigh*
Let me tell you, it's more fun than watching Singapore Idol, all the getai singer have a very good quality of voice...with all the light settings, suddenly it threw me back to the 80's where in Jakarta still have quite a number of people holding a wedding banquet with Chinese full 8 course dinner in the night club, where the singer, wore very glittering clothes, high cuts, dance lively, with those type of disco lights....*sigh*

Thursday, August 03, 2006


First of all I feel touched and honoured reading all your comments about my cooking *take a bow* well...well...thanks for all of your trust *salute* Nah...really wanna try my cooking? Move to Singapore then *senyum manis* ahakz..ahakzzz...
Well, the title sounds very dramatic isn't it? Yeah I have confession to make, last nite the drunken master didn't cook pasta, so we ate put and after that he made dessert at my place...And let me tell you, the dessert was not good, but it was damn good man....Frankly speaking I'm not a dessert person, I don't like cheese as well, but last nite's unforgettable experience *day dreaming*
But I promise you that I can create the same dessert experience for your all. Money back guarantee *nyengir* Soo the line is on, send email and fixed the date *teteup*
Another confession *blush* after two days in a row been infused by a lot of alcohol *more blush* here I am, everytime I burp *excuse me* I can still experience different kinda alcohol flavour, which was described by drunken master when we were drinking (so called wine drinking experience it's like a class). Fyi, last nite dessert also have a lots of alcohol infusion inside *senyum bahagia*
Wadoh I sounds like alcoholic already *scared* this morning when I woke up, I still feel a bit fly...yeah just imagine, this is deeper confession, on Tuesday nite, we order, champagne, beer, a few of vodka based drinks, and Bombay Sapphire (this one was damn unique, kayak nano2, rame rasanya) *blush* But I only drank a few sips of beer and a glass of champagne sedikit icip2 yang diminum drunken master hihihihiihihi...
But last nite...we opened 2 bottles of ice wines, 1 bottle sparkling juice (eh no alcohol okay *winks*), Bailey's *ngelirik Astrid*, beer, and Absolute Vanilla ahakz...ahakzzz...cheese, stroberi, peaches, raisins, dried plums...ehhh beware your saliva dropping hihihiihihi...
Sekarang saya mo pamitan dulu, untuk melaksanakan tugas mulia, saya harus," Ke Jakartaaaaa aku kan kembaliii hi hi" *nyanyi* Mo nyari pengganti Nunik nih...hmmm apa gue skalian call produser 'Ari Wibowo mencar pembantu' ajeh ye? Buat bikin seri baru 'flona mencari pembantu' *ahakz..ahakz..*
As usual sorry can't do off air fans meeting with you in jakarta, I still not too sure what my schedule is going to be...but please do drop me an email with your handphone number, if in case any posibilities to hold a fans meeting ahakz..ahakzzz...
Pray for me ya, so I could get a good choice for this time...
Have a good week end for all of you *hugs*

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Detoxification program is becoming talk of the town nowadays, a lots of people are doing it. Spas and clinics are trying to offer this programs to people also. But me, of course, I don't follow the trend easily, I always against the flow *ahakz ahakz* the "in thing" for me is Intoxication instead *smile sweetly*
My friend, who is famous as Drunken Master (read as :wine expert) in JalanSutra group, is in town for these few days. We supposed to have dinner last nite, but it was postponed until wee hours drinking session *sigh* He was pleading with me in sms,"Please, I need a booze of alcohol, coz i had too much coffee and krating daeng for today".
So you know lah what happened next, I hung out with him to satisfy his alcohol cravings in the wee hours, where all our usual hang out place had been closed for the day *sigh* So we went to Balcony at Heereen, which opens 24 hours, as per what I expected, the collection is so dissapointing, but no choice what *nyengir*
Luckily last nite he was not really in the mood, otherwise he likes to chat up with the waiters about drinks, which usually ends up we will have lotsa freebies vintage collection of wines *phew*
He will be quite frequently comes to Singapore these fews weeks, which I don't know whether it's a good news or bad news, coz that means I'll be in intoxication program during his stays *pasrah*
The other good news is tonite he will be cooking his famous pasta for me at my place, and I would like to share this good things to you, by inviting you all to have another kopdar in my place? I'll cook that pasta for you *senyum manis* Hayooooo wanna try? send email and fixed up the date folks!!!!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Hangat-hangat T%* Ayam

Cuaca di Singapore sekarang ini mendung menggayut di langit, yang disebabkan oleh hujan deras yang disertai oleh kilatan2 guntur yang silau di langit *caelah kayak sonora ahakz...ahakz..*
Buat ngangetin cuaca hari ini, gue mau menulis tentang topik yang paling hangat buat dibaca di blog guwe...pada tau donks semua? Yo'i coy...sapa lagi kalo bukan Woman of the Year, alias Nunik *nyengir*
Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Nunik bilang ke gue,"Ma'am anu...saya tolong dicarikan handphone second hand, dan tolong dipotong dari gaji saya..."
Weleh anu melulu yak...wakakakkaka....ternyata si Nunik, suka anu huahaahuahhahha...Doh handphone bekas..nyuruh gue lagi...di Singapore lagi..yah ogahlah gue...gue jawab aja,"Wah maaf yah Nik, saya gak berani nolongin kamu buat beli sesuatu, apalagi barang second, nanti kalo kenapa2 saya yang susah. Gini aja kamu coba nanya temen kamu, terus kamu pergi aja ke sana bareng temen kamu, duitnya saya kasih..."Nunik,"Wadoh ma'am kalo gitu anu ajah deh...tolong ma'am belikan handphone yang baru..."Weleh anu lagi *gubraks* gue,"Lah saya kan udah bilang saya berasa gak enak buat beliin kamu, ya udah kamu mau berapa saya kasih uangnya..."
Dan akhirnya...jreng jreng...Nunik punya handphone...udah sometime back siy...cuma gue gak nulis ajeh...sekarang mo cerita tentang kejadian beberapa hari yang lalu Nunik bilang,"Ma'am anu..saya tolong dibelikan card buat tilpun ke Indonesa dan Ibu saya di Arab Saudi..."
Give up deh guwe anu melulu hihihihii....gue bilang,"Card Djawa?"
Fyi Card Djawa itu kartu telepon murah meriah buat ke Indonesia gitu..gue juga gak tau nih kartu exist...karena tiap kali kalo gue tanya ke tukang juwalan kartu buat nelepon ke jakarta yang paling murah apa, jawaban yang gue dapet itu bervariasi antara satu toko dengan lainnya...tapi ternyata Card Djawa ini spesialisasi di antara Para Pahlawan Devisa ini loh...
Nunk,"Bukan ma'am, anu..kartu yang buat henpon saya ini loh..."
Gue,"Ohh top up card? loh bukannya kalo buat nelpon ke luar negeri Card Djawa lebih murah?"
Nunik,"Wah gak apa2 lah ma'am saya pake henpon ajah, lebih gampang..."
*gubraks*..nik..nik...kalo gini caranya kapan dikau dapat membeli segenggam berlian? ck ck ck...*kagum*

Friday, July 28, 2006


Seblom gue nulis postingan hari ini, gue mo ralat dulu ye buat postingan kemaren ttg pelem AADC, gue salah, yang ngarang puisi "AKU" itu adalah Chairil Anwar sperti yg ditulis Astrid di komen..Thanks yah Astrid buat masukannye *caelah gue kayak redaksi majalah femina..tapi koq betawi banged yak? huahuaauha*
Waktu gue nonton tuh pelem gue inget pengarang "AKU" itu Oom Anwar *SKSD* tapi apa daya waktu gue nulis, karena deadline mepet..dan gue dah pake acara mengheningkan cipta beberapa menit sgala, tapi yang muncul Rendraaaa melulu *sigh* Dan akhirnya terjadilah kesalahan yang tidak diinginkan oleh semua pihak tersebut *eittss..bela diri*
Btw, inget sepupu gue yang menggemaskan buat ditabok itu? wakakkaka...Nah pas bulan lalu gue di Jakarta, nyokap gue menggelar acara jumpa penggemar dengan gue buat sepupu2 gue yang najong2 tapi nge-fans berat sama gue *mau muntah* Biasanya sih, kalo gue pulank, gue jarang banged ketemuan ama mereka, soale gue selalu punya ajah alesan buat ngeles *ssst jangan bilang2 nyokap gue ye* Tapi kali ini gue berasa gak enak lah yau buat ngeles terus, sejelek2nya mereka toh emang mereka jelek *lohhh??* hihihi maksude mereka emang jelek tapi kan mereka tetep sepupu gue yang menggemaskan (buat ditabok) *teteup* hihiih..
Bagian Pertama
Panggil ajah sepupu gue itu Ucrit ye..ceritanya kan dia lulu SMP nih, dan mo masuk SMA (sekarang sih udah masuk SMA lah ya...), nah dia tuh saking ngefans berat ama gue (eh jangan2 dia naruh poto gue bareng dia ukuran poster di kamar tidur dia lagi *parno*), dia slalu berpikir dia harus perform lebih baik dari gue, ato at least on par (=selevel) lah sama gue geto loh...
Kebetulan dulu gue kan sekolah di SMAK 1(duar...ketahuan deh gue product taon berape..sekarang kan udah SMUK 1 yee?). Nah nyokapnya Ucrit yang notabene adalah tante gue alias adiknya nyokap gue, dari dulu udah wanti2 ke Ucirt bahwasanya dia udah ditakdirkan untuk sekolah terus di K Yusuf sampe doski tamat SMA.
But on the other hand, being graduated from Secondary, sah-sah ajah donk kalo dia punya pikiran,"Mo nyoba SMUK 1 juga ahhhh.."
So kalo gue gak salah denger dia ada daftar ato kali made enquiries kali yak buat masuk SMUK 1 *EGP* Trus dia nanya ke gue,"Ci, emang dulu waktu cici masuk SMUK 1 bayar berapa sih uang pangkalnya?"
Walahdalah...dalem banget nih pertanyaannya, gue jawab,"Wah udah lupa tuh, itu kan jaman purba banget.."
Surprisingly, nyokap-nya si Ucrit koq tiba2 jadi sejiwa dengan Ucrit ya? Seinget gue tante gue ini bukan orang yang begitu deh,"Ohh...SMUK 1 mah kalo mau masuk gampang, asal mau keluar duit lebih mah, kamu pasti diterima...cuma mami ajah gak mau hambur2in duit sampe sebanyak itu, kan ini cuma SMA, buat apa? Buktinya tuh temen kamu si X, dia kan pelajarannya gak sebagus kamu aja, tapi keterima di SMUK 1".
*pingsanlah gue*
Barusan gue nulis gue tiba2 kepikiran koq si Ucrit itu nanya bayar berapa, instead of nanya NEM gue berapa yak? Kali dia tau kalo mo ngadu head on gitu di pasti kalah ye?
Dan setelah ditelusuri lebih dalam lagi, gue baru inget, sampai detik ini, Ucrit mengaku bahwa dia belom nerima hasil NEM-nya, yang notabene, cuma nyokapnya doank yang percaya...jangan2 mereka sindikat? hihihiihi...
Bagian ke 2
Ucrit masih blom puas juga buat membuat gue tambah alergi sama dirinya,"Ci masuk UNSW persyaratannya apa ajah sih?"
Gue mulai agitated niy,"Loh kok tiba2 nanya UNSW sih? Dulu kamu bilang Poundsterling itu mata uang yang paling mahal, dan semua yang paling mahal itu adalah paling bagus, dan kamu bilang jadi sekolah di UK itu paling bagus, trus kamu kalo gak sekolah di UK buat kuliah kamu gak mau? Trus kok tiba2 nanya UNSW?" *senyum Iblis*
Bokapnya nyeletuk,"Duitnya kaga kuat euy buat ke UK.." Jreng..kok jadi bokapnya yang kembali ke jalan yang benar sih? Perasaan yang ngit endoy itu kan bokapnya, bukan tante gue *bingung*
Ucrit,"Iyah aku mau daftar kuliah di UNSW".
*gubraksss, pingsan lagi* Ihhh apaan sihhh..ngomong pake "Aku-aku"-an segala? kayak artis di acara infotainment ajah deh * mo muntah* Lagian Ucrit kan bukan kapiten *gak nyambung* Ato jangan2 Ucrit baru belajar sajaknya si Chairil Anwar *tambah tulalit*
Sambil nenangin diri gue jawab,"Kamu pergi ajah ke IDP di Kuningan, dia sana kamu bisa baca dan nanya2 tentang semua Universitas di Australia sampe puas.."
Duh gue berasa bersalah nih sama Mbak2 IDP,"Maaf yah mbak kalo di suatu hari nanti ada seseorang Ucrit yang bertanya2 sampe membuat Mbak mo nangis darah...semoga amal ibadah Mbak2 skalian diterima di sisi-Nya..amin.."
Nah sekarang gue juga jadi gelisah, lah wong di Singapore baru ajah bukan kampusnya UNSW karena mau bersaing dengan Monash yang buka warung di Kuala Lumpur, dan letak kampusnya itu amit2 deketnya sama rumah gue, jalan kaki paling 15 menit doank *mo pingsan lagi*
Sementara itu gue juga benernya lagi menimbang, mengukur dan me-apa lagi yak? hihihi...buat balik lagi tinggal di Sydney..yang menjadi pokok permasalahan adalah yang si Ucrit maksud itu UNSW mana yah? Ostrali apa Singapore? *gigit2 notbuk*
Kalo menilik ego dan gengsinya si ucrit sih pasti ostrali...tapi kalo ortunya found out bahwa ada UNSW di Singapore, trus mikir di Singapore kan ada gue dan lebih ekonomis, gimane donsks? *pucat pasi*
Sedangkan gue juga harus mengambil keputusan dalam waktu yang sesingkat2nya apakah gue mo menetap di Spore apa pindah ke Sydney lagi? *Tambah panik*
Duhh ada2 ajah deh idup gue ini *sigh* met wiken yah semuanya....hayo pe er buat wiken tebak2 buah manggis, UNSW Ostrali apa Singapore? *meringis panik*

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ada Apa dengan Cinta

Nama guwe flona, bukan Cinta waakkakakakakkakak.....
Dan gue mo cerita tentang pelem bukan guwe..kalo cerita tentang guwe judule ada apa dengan flona donks? huahahhauhaaha...
Btw...akhirnya tuh pelem yang udah gue beli dari jaman kuda gigit besi, dan nangkring di rak cd gue....gue tonton juga....
Gue baru tau itu yang namanya Nicholas Saputra ternyata emang guanteng abis *kamdut*
Sayang baru tau sekarang *lohhh....emang kalo tau dari dulu nape ye?*
Tapi koq actingnya si Dian Sastro di situ agak sedikit garing ya? Apa emang gayanya dia begitu? Kayak Matthias Muchus kan garing banget tuw (wadoh ketahuan deh gue produk taon berape *blush*)...perasaan si Mas Muchus itu mutsinya aktingnya kan menyatu kan..tapi tiap kali gue nonton, kayanya koq actingnya garing, gak ada penghayatan, dan agak maksa gitu..dan agak over...duh maaf yah Mas Muchus *sok kenal*...Gue gak pernah punya masalah dengan aktor lain, cuma dia seorang ajah kayanya....
Hmm itu si Nicholas Saputra tergila2 sama buku "Aku", trusan pas si Cinta nyari tuh buku ke Gramedia, gue kaget, kok pengarangnya Syuman Djaya sih? bukane itu sajaknya Rendra? Gue sampe muter2 kepala gue penasaran buat ngeliat sampulnya tuh buku *blush*, yang ternyata emang Syuman Djaya *sigh* ada Rendra-nya siy...tapi tetep ajeh gue kaga ngerti...kok bisa Syuman Djaya, ada yang punya bukunya gak? Pinjem donks *senyum manis*
Btw gara2 nonton tuh pelem, gue jadi inget dipinjemin satu buku kumpulan puisi berbahasa Inggris dari seseorang yang selalu menunggu gue di kampus pagi2, tapi gue selalu ngibrit buat menghindari diri dari doski *blush* yang masih nangkring di rak buku rumah gue di Jakarta...Ke manain yeee tuh orang?
Eh bukannye gue kangen, tapi gue kan musti ngembaliin tuh buku ke doski ye gakkkk?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Masih Seputar Rumah Sakit

Hmm sekedar update, gue kan penasaran berat tuh sama hasil cupping kemaren. Karena abis cupping dokternya bilang,"Wow this spot is very bad, very black".
Nah gue kan jadi penasaran tuh...jadi pas malem gue pulang, langsung gue nyari kaca, ternyata bener yang satu itu item banged...tadinya mo gue poto dan posting tapi menimbang, mengukur dan mengingat sesuatu dan lain hal *caelah kayak pejabat* akhirnya:
1.Siapa yang mo gue suruh motoin gue? Nunik? weleh...
2.Kalo gue post di blog, ntar bisa jadi parnografi kaga siy? Ntar gue diuber2 Rhoma Irama juga lagi, kayak Inul *sok tenar* hihihiih
Btw...beberapa hari yang lalu, pagi dinihari jam 1.30qm gitu, gue melarikan diri gue lagi ke rumah sakit, karena perut gue kembung banget, dan sesak napas...biasa lah maag gue kumat...jadi dengan jalan tertatih2, di malam yang sesunyi ini, aku sendiri..*nyanyi* hihihihi...sambil mikir nyampe kaga ye gue ke mobil?
Perasaan di rumah yang baru ini jarak dari blok gue ke tempat parkir tuw jauh ajeh...tiap kali gue mikir kalo gue kena serangan jantung kayanya bisa mati duluan di playground kali ya? hihihiihih...
Okeh singkat cerita sampailah gue di Gleneagles hospital (Rumah sakit langganan gue kalo malem gue kumat...), sesampainya di sono, sperti biasa gue ke Unit Gawat Darurat donks, sambil bertanya2 dalam hati kali ini gue dapet dokter yang mane ya... pas susternya ngubek2 record gue dan dia cuma naruh 1 lembar kartu..yah sudahlah, gue tau nasib gue, bahwa gue gak bakalan dapet dokter yang super duper cute ituw...
Sebel lah guwe....maksud gue bukan karena kaga dapet dokter cute, tapi ntar dokternya pasti nanya2 sejarah penyakit gue dari mula lagi, kan bete tuhhh...
Waktu dokternya keluar, jig...kok kaya guru math gue waktu SMP yang dibenci oleh satu sekolahan ya? Tambah patah semangat lah guwe...mane orangnya cuek lagi...sebel banget deh...tapi untung obatnya manjur, kalo kaga kan gue dobel bete tuw....

Monday, July 24, 2006


Gue baru balik dari rumah sakit nih, doing acupuncture *bangga*
Pada bingung kan, koq doing acupuncture di rumah sakit? Iya...ceritanya di Raffles Hospital ada bagian Traditional Chinese Medicine-nya...kebetulan temen gue juga berobat ke sono, dan Raffles Hospital adalah rumah sakit keluarga gue *gak nyambung*
Yah gue berasa lebih aman ajah deh kalo ada di bawah hospital, toh at least mereka gak bakalan melakukan malpraktek atau sejenisnya...
Nah kenapa koq acupuncture..benernya gue jiper siy sama itu yang namanya jarum...boro2 acupuncture, lah wong disuntik ajah gue takut *blush* Sejarahnya kenapa gue takut ama jarum, yah gue seumur2 disuntik baru beberapa kali, karena biasanya kalo ada acara suntik bersama di sekolahan, gue selalu gak boleh ikutan ama ortu guwe *blush lagi*
Balik lagi ke soal acupuncture, gue kan punya back pain sama knee pain yang lumayan kronis nih *caelah bahasanya rek* nah gue tuw tadinya nelepon rumah sakit mo doing cupping, itu loh yang gelas dipanasin trus ditelungkupin di badan buat narik angin (fyi gue juga anti sama yang namanya kerokan)..
Seperti gue yang gue dah duga sebelomnya, ternyata sesampainya di rumah sakit, dokternya bilang,"Are you afraid of needle?"
Jrengg...langsung pucatlah muka guwe, lah wong setau guwe jarum acunpuncture itu kan segede gambreng...apalagi setelah nonton pelem Jewel in the Palace...blom nonton ye? Buruan gih nonton *gak nyambung*
Gue jawab,"Of course I'm very afraid of needle, but could I just do cupping instead?" *pasang muka memelas*
Gue dah yakin tuh dokter bakal ngomong kayak gini,"Yeah you can do cupping, but it will be more effective, if you also do acupuncture. My needle is not pain at all, even small kids around 5 years old still can take it".
Yaelah doc, gue di-ceng-in gitu sama anak 5 tahun *malu* trus doctornya nyambung lagi,"How about I insert 1 needle, then you see whether you can take the pain or not.."
Weleh si doctornya tau caranya buat meluluhkan hati orang euy...yah sudah, I take the challenge...dan ternyata sodara sodari, yang di punggung waktu di-insert sih kaga sakit..tapi waktu dicabut berasa kayak digigit semut, tapi yang di lutut, weleh gue kan gak berani ngeliat..waktu di-insert sakit euy..tapi waktu dicabut kaga berasa *lega*
Tapi waktu lutut gue di-acupuncture ye...trus dokternya masuh kayak bawa lisong gituw jreng....gue pikir loh koq nih dokter bawa lisong (=cerutu), gue celangak celinguk koq gak bawa kembang 7 rupa yak? wakkakakkaka...Dia niup2 tuh lisong, dan gue realise ternyata itu bukan lisong tapi arang *gasp*
Yeee gue panik donk, masa sih lutut gue mau disundut pake areng? Perasaan yang musti disundut itu biasanya kutil bukan? Dan lutut gue kan kaga ada kutilnye *bingung* ternyata dia bukan nyundut, melainkan cuma ngambil panasnya doank buat manasin daerah sekitar jarum2 di lutut gue *lega*
Weleh serem ajeh deh petualangan gue hari ini...tapi gue bakal balik lagi loh minggu depan *bangga*