Thursday, November 30, 2006

Too Bad

I was eating at Fong Seng Nasi Lemak (ummm Uncle, can endorse me or not? wkaakkakaka..) near NUS there, but no parking space available. So no choice lah, just park anyhow *singlish-nya kumat*
When I was about to eat, suddenly people started to run, and I saw OMG the parking officer (as they like to appear suddenly, they are also famous as "Parking Pontianak", where in here Pontianak means ghost in Malay languange) was coming, of course I also ran to my car donk.
Wah it's damn funny you i wish I had film the whole process, I regret that my handphone didn't have any battery left *sigh* May be next time lah ya...
Oh ya, I met our beloved tetangga when I was there loh, he was also about to have his lunch *wink*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Good News or Bad News?

I don't know whether it is a good news or bad news.
It is not denque fever, it's a very bad throat infection, so remember that I often said dealing with customer until vomit blood? Nah, this one come true *nyengir* It was a real blood *bangga*
Anyway, condition is quite ok, still going to office and have meeting everyday. Going to lose my voice quite soon, but yet yesterday still managed to Christmas Carolling duet with my teacher. And her remarked was,"Wow you sing very well today, it's just like singing duet in the lounge, isn't it?" *gubrak*
Wah I have another choice of job opprtunity nih? wakkakakakaka....

Monday, November 27, 2006

Will the History Repeat?

Saturday nite, I had a fever, felt hot and chilled simultanously. Shivering whole nite. I recalled the sunday before I was bitten by mosquito.
Yesterday woke up with a very bloody bad headache, weak, and all the bones aching, just exactly the same like a few years back when I was diagnosed with denque fever.
OMG will the story repeat? Lucky my parents is not here *sigh*

Friday, November 24, 2006

Badai Pasti Berlalu

Ah itu kan hanya judul film. Dan film itu kan hanya fiktif belaka, kalau ada persamaan nama atau tempat, maupun kejadian, mohon dimaafkan sebesar-besarnya *loh kok jadi ngelantur yak hihihihii*....
Kalau badai beneran sih iyah pasti berlalu..kalo gak kan bumi udah hancur, ya gak?
Tapi kalo badai kehidupan....waduh ini nih yang jadi masalah....
Kenapa ya? kok quarter life crisis-nya gue gak lewat2, tapi umur kok bertambah terus? Gak fair kan ya? Mustinya kan kalo life crisis-nya gak lewat, umur juga gak nambah, ya gak? Apa logika gue dah mulai ngaco juga nih? *cemas*
Waduh....kapan badai berlalu ya?
Met wiken semuanya *hugs*

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Masih macet

Kok masih macet yah? kenapa ya? Apa gue salah makan? Ato karena dah lama gak makan jewawut? Makanya gue gak seceria biasanya?
Ato gara2 udah musim ujan? Hujan tiap hari loh di Singapore. Tiap hari mendung menggayut di sebagian wilayah Singapura *kayak Radio Sonora* Jemuran yang di luar keringnya jadi lama, mendingan jemur baju di dalem rumah flat deh *kok jadi ramalan cuaca yak? hihihihihi*
Besok wiken nih...weleh kok cepet yah minggu ini? *bingunk*
Tapi kok gue tulalit? *tambah bingunk*

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Brain Jammed

Penny Tai:::ni yao de ai

My brain is jammed, so don't know what to post, just, enjoy this song lah ya...ini lagu, gak ada matinye cink...

Friday, November 17, 2006

What A Week

*phew* Finally Friday, this week has been not so easy for me *sigh*
Feel very tiring and dragging. Nearly vomit blood. Seems that all the things go against me *sigh*
I thought I would never survived this week. But Thank God it's Friday.
I'm really thankful, that it's Friday, but yet the torture hasn't finished.
Tomorrow I have to attend my grandaunie Birthday, whose daughter is into MLM, Lampberger *sigh* The previous time I met her, she was giving me cold shoulder, and now I have to go to her place for her mother's birthday party *sigh*
Anyway have a good week end everyone, hopefully, next week will be a better week for me and everyone.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tadi pagi, tumben, gue udah sadar sekitar jam 7-an, tapi masih males bangun. *blush*
Then I had a nightmare eh morningmare donx ya? hihiihihi...
Suddenly my handphone rang, I picked up, then it was off *mo marah* Saw the clock uuppss already 9 cink *blush* I checked hmm 3 missed calls *sigh* All from no number.
Since a few days ago I've been receving quite a few no numbers called, but I couldn't be bother to check as what I usually did. Come what may lah ya?
By the way the handphone ring no ring dink, sing I mean..yeah now my ringtone is the song below loh *bangga* I picked up, and it's my crazy friend, who's staying in Bali...if not mistaken today is his birthday, but not too sure about that, besides still hangover from the sleep, hadn't really regained all my concioussness, and have a bad tension headache, which is my best friend *nyengir* Headache is my best friend, headache is my best friend *nyanyi*
He said,"Eh Pai, elo dapet sms gue kaga?"
Gue,"Mane? kaga ada euy..."
He,"Kuya batok bawa golok, gue kirim sms tauuu..., btw elo bakalan ada di singapore tgl 25 and 26 gak?"
I think very hard, can't remember anything, but I answered,"Mustinya sih iye. Lo mo ke sini yaaa? *nuduh* yah udah imelin gue flight detailnya deh *yakin*"
He,"Iye..gue ada business meeting di Batam, jadi abis itu gue ke sono, tapi naek ferry, gue imelin ferry detail guwe kali yak? *ikutan gokil*"
Gue,"Sip lah coy".
When I off the handphone, the I saw his sms, idiotic, he sent sms just before he called, of course lah how could i know he sent me sms, lah wong I was still sleeping *sigh*
Ternyataaaa aku jatuh cintaaa *nyanyi* Eh wrong yak hihiihihi...ternyata today is his birthday boooowww....kok jadi he did the prank on me, instead of I did a prank for him ya? *garuk2 kepala*
May be he's sad nobody pranked him? *kasian deh doski* wakakakkakaka....
Btw...Happy Birthday Pai, semoga elo tambah gokil, dan tambah lucu...hihiihihi..
And the good news is He is coming tralalala *happy* can't wait for next week hihiihihi....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Blessing in Disguise?

I supposed to be away for this whole week, but last night I was very sick the whole night, so I decided not to go.
Luckily I didn't go, now in the office, my work is very chaotic, just like been shot by the works *ngelap keringet*
Happy Monday everyone

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Week End Euy

Jolin Tsai David Tao Jing Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo

It's week end, I'm stuck in the office with lotsa things *sad* last nite this morning I slept at around 2.30 am again, tried my best to clear the work. Black cloud outside, I guess it should be raining *more sad* Melancholy bowww....try to brighten up my day with this song deh, fun beat, the meaning is "Today you're going to marry me". Aren't you? wakakakkakaka....
happy week end yah *hugs*

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dalamnya Laut Siapa Tahu?

Almost every morning (provided I come to office earlier *grin*), when I get off from the car, I always see one of my office neighbour, upstair, together with his delivery man, loading their stuffs to their van.
Without fail, the boss, always scold the man upside down every day also *sigh* I can't understand what does the delivery man do wrong until he has to receive that kind of treatment from the boss.
The boss looks kind, patient, but you never know how poisonous is his mouth. By right, he's dealin with Chinese Herbal and stuff, he should be calm, coz he could easily take cooling chinese herbal drinks as many as he wants, and a lots of herbal things also that he could take to calm him down, right?
But then today, it's the worse that I've seen so far, I could hear the scolding, as far as 10 m away and it's a very bad words that he used *sigh* Even my staff who was loading the van next to their van said, that incident had been going on since before my staff started to load the stuff to our van *sigh*
May be if it's in Indonesia, that boss only has his name left only alias almarhum *grin*

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dragon Family

The mission of my trip to KL was business trip. Please highlight it is not a holiday or shopping trip, but business trip. *senyum manis* But as a woman, of course, I would try to maximise my time, and use kesempatan dalam kesempitan to go shopping donk. That should be understandable lah ya... *blush*
Anyway Saturday lunch, it supposed to be a business lunch, my supplier brought me to the chinese restaurant near his office. We'd been there before, the food quite nice, and my supplier is very well known in that restaurant.
So that day, we came 4 person, but we were given a very big table, for 10, I was very surprised, I asked,"Huh? how come the table so huge? Is you wife and children coming?"
His daughter answered,"Hmm yeah how come my dad choose big table."
Father,"oh there will be some more people coming, don't worry.."
Okay I'm relax, come 1 person, I forgot his name, but he's quite young, compare with my supplier, so he said,"Just call him Ah Boy will do".
And then suddenly a big group come, quite an old uncle, 1 middle age man, 1 middle age woman which has a properous looks, with gold and jade all over the place *sweat* looks like a laughing Buddha, and another middle age man.
Everybody speak Cantonese, I can understand quite a bit, coz my grandmother was Cantonese, and 3 of my aunties are staying in Hongkong, so more or less I could catch up lah, besides me, myself is Hakka, so it's not really too different (according to me lah ya, but for some Cantonese who doesn't understand Hakka at all, they will say it's a totally different world). So they're actually my supplier and the gank that I haven't met before. Then my supplier asked to be served by the chief waiter. The food started with shark fin soup. Just imagine the bowl size is the size of small claypot bowl *sigh* It was re-heated in front of us before it was served to us *deep sigh* I've never eaten such a shark fin soup in my life before, huge serving, and I could see clearly it's a shark fin, it was a generous serving and cut.
The nearest encounter of these type of shark fin serving before hand, is when I eat in Crystal Jade, and ordered an individual bowl of shark fin soup, which cost you a bomb, then you can see a cute chunky cut of shark fin.
But this one, OMG it's very chunky, and a lot *sweat* Every time I scooped the soup to my mouth I said in side my heart,"Well, shark, I'm so sorry I have to eat you like this, now you really look like a shark fin, and I'm doing this just to revenge for everybody that had been attacked by you shark". And it felt endless *sweat more*
I felt like I'm eating with the Hongkong Triad. Where everybody speak Cantonese, and call each other Tai ko (=big brother), always pat each other shoulder. It just exactly look like Hongkong drama series, when the triad meet *sigh* I felt uneasy though, being the youngest, eh nope...still have my supplier daughter which is younger than me *ngelap keringet*
It was an unforgettbale memory lah ya, eating with Dragon Family

Monday, November 06, 2006

Ah Polisi....

Just came back from KL, firstly thought to take shuttle flight, which you just pop into the airport, buy ticket, and wait for the next available flight, only applicable for Sin-KL or KL-Sin, it's quite reasonable price too.
Thinking of driving all the way to Changi Airport, bought the ticket, wait for the next available flight, doing nothing, and can't buy anything from Duty free (yupe, flight from Sin to whichever city in malaysia, is considered domestic flight, so we can't buy duty free stuff *be te*), continue with arriving in KL, queue for the immigration which could be as worse as Jakarta *sigh*, then still have to rent a carm then drive down town, which approximately takes about 1 hour, so I decided to drive from Singapore.
Well, Sin-KL was not a problem, except, I feel that my buttocks become flatter *blush* The problem was driving back from KL-Sin, because I left quite late, around 5 pm, decided to take dinner at Melaka, chosed wrong eateries, being a smart alex, i thought, why don't try to eat in unusual place, and the food was horrible *sigh*
Anyway after Melaka, I felt it was an endless drive though, dark, had a few episodes of panick attack in the middle of no where, but I kept on telling my self,"Please don't die in Malaysia.."
I took second link, and as per expected after the last toll gateway, there was a road block (Malaysia is very famous for blocking the road in the middle of the highway, yupe, it's dangerous, but their policemen like to do that).
When they saw Singapore car plate, of course the saliva droppping, some more they saw my car *sigh* Of course they asked me to stop.
Anyway being Indonesia vs Police, you should have known, what's the result donk? *evil smile*
It took him so long til he came to my car, I smelt something lah...
Pak Polisi,"license please"
Rule no 1 "Never ever surrender you license to the police without knowing what thing you've done wrong"
Gue with innocent voice and looks,"Maaf ya pak, saya berbuat kesalahan apa ya?"
Pak Polisi,"Just give me your license!"
Gue,"Tolong jelasin dulu dong pak, salah saya apa?"
Pak Polisi,"Ini tadi kamu speed sampai 129"
I saw the last car plate no in his list was only mine *smell a rat* If they really shot me with camera, by right, they had to have to whole list below my car number.
Ok lah I play the game, I asked,"Emangnya waktu saya 129 itu Bapak liat di mana ya pak?"
Pak Pol," km 13"
Wah kalo rumah gue di jakarta sih jalan daan mogot km 12, deket donks? *gak nyambung* wakakakakkakaka....
Gue,"Km 13 itu di mana pak?"
Pak Pol,"Saya liat kamu di km 13?"
Pengennya sih gue bilang,"Liat di sono kok gak manggil2 sih?" wkakakakka...
No lah i answered,"yah km 13 itu di mana yah pak? perasaan saya mah maintain 110 terus kok pak?"
I think the Pak Polisi Bo hwat liao(=given up already), so finally, he said," Ya sudah no problem, just go lah".
Wakakkakakakaka......not even one single cent man *clap hand*
Bravo me bravo....e should I change proffession become actress ya?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

X Factor

Before I start let me thanks all of you once again for the birthday wish, thank you for your care and love for me *caelah*
I'm talking in the context of stars, eg. actor, actress, models etc. (inclusive me of course *narciss* wakakakkakka...)
In the beauty pageant or whatever contest lah, the jury usually says," I can't find the X factor in him/her?" or "She/He has the X factor"
Hearing this statement always make me scratch my head. I'd never understand what's the fuss about X factor. What determines X factor? And what is actually X factor?
Until I saw Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC in short) *yaelah gue basi lagi euy*, tried my best to see, why Dian Sastro become the talk of the town. She's cute, pretty, looks intelligent (but I don't know whether in real life she is a bight person or not *sorry jeng Dian kalo kebetulan baca, ini cuma uneg2 pribadi*). But in that movie I found the acting a bit crispy (=garing geto loh). Since I own the vcd, so I was quite curious to see behind the scene interview, which I saw.
It's not a surprise for me, when I saw the interview with Dian Sastro, just like the way she talks in the movie. So my conclusion is she can't act.
Again, when I'm able to view RCTI and SCTV from home, and it's like a big hoo-haa for the new sinetron Dunia Tanpa Koma (DTK in short), so I decided to watch, since Dian Sastro also plays and she's one of the major attraction, besides the timing also suits me.
Okay, I only watched for 3 or 4 episodes, because I feel Dian Sastro really can not act, she's damn crispy, and now getting more and more ads, and stupid enough after each ads they have to re-play the scene, which I spent about nearly 2 hours, but practically only see the real film for 30 mins? *alamak*
Back to the X factor, I also see "Manis dan Sayang" if not mistaken that's the title, the main actress is Marshanda, which is one of the top league also. She can act quite well though, much more better than Dian Sastro, but when I saw her, it's just,"Ow okay" but it's different when I saw Dian Sastro, there is something about her, that I believe it's an X factor.
Now I started to understand, even though for now I only can differentiate the X factor in Dian Sastro, even though she's crispy *again* wkakakakakkaka....but when I see show like American Next Top Model, I still can't understand when the jury said that there is something in this person *garuk2 kepala*
Anyway, want to know X factor? That's me huahahhahahhhah *gubraks*