Thursday, November 02, 2006

X Factor

Before I start let me thanks all of you once again for the birthday wish, thank you for your care and love for me *caelah*
I'm talking in the context of stars, eg. actor, actress, models etc. (inclusive me of course *narciss* wakakakkakka...)
In the beauty pageant or whatever contest lah, the jury usually says," I can't find the X factor in him/her?" or "She/He has the X factor"
Hearing this statement always make me scratch my head. I'd never understand what's the fuss about X factor. What determines X factor? And what is actually X factor?
Until I saw Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC in short) *yaelah gue basi lagi euy*, tried my best to see, why Dian Sastro become the talk of the town. She's cute, pretty, looks intelligent (but I don't know whether in real life she is a bight person or not *sorry jeng Dian kalo kebetulan baca, ini cuma uneg2 pribadi*). But in that movie I found the acting a bit crispy (=garing geto loh). Since I own the vcd, so I was quite curious to see behind the scene interview, which I saw.
It's not a surprise for me, when I saw the interview with Dian Sastro, just like the way she talks in the movie. So my conclusion is she can't act.
Again, when I'm able to view RCTI and SCTV from home, and it's like a big hoo-haa for the new sinetron Dunia Tanpa Koma (DTK in short), so I decided to watch, since Dian Sastro also plays and she's one of the major attraction, besides the timing also suits me.
Okay, I only watched for 3 or 4 episodes, because I feel Dian Sastro really can not act, she's damn crispy, and now getting more and more ads, and stupid enough after each ads they have to re-play the scene, which I spent about nearly 2 hours, but practically only see the real film for 30 mins? *alamak*
Back to the X factor, I also see "Manis dan Sayang" if not mistaken that's the title, the main actress is Marshanda, which is one of the top league also. She can act quite well though, much more better than Dian Sastro, but when I saw her, it's just,"Ow okay" but it's different when I saw Dian Sastro, there is something about her, that I believe it's an X factor.
Now I started to understand, even though for now I only can differentiate the X factor in Dian Sastro, even though she's crispy *again* wkakakakakkaka....but when I see show like American Next Top Model, I still can't understand when the jury said that there is something in this person *garuk2 kepala*
Anyway, want to know X factor? That's me huahahhahahhhah *gubraks*

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