Monday, August 14, 2006

Sarang Penyamun

Just posting about beautiful day only last Friday, then I had my week end ruined on Saturday afternoon *jedotin kepala ke tembok* Seems I am not allowed to post beautiful things in my blog kali yaaa? I have to complain and tell about bad things only in my blog *yakin bin yakun (eh yakun kan the one that sell nice kaya toast yak hihihihii)*
The story goes like this, last week I received a sms from my friend (remember I ever wrote about my friend, husband and wife, which are very annoyingly try to sell Amway thing to me?) saying that,"Hi we would like to invite you to our baby 1 month old celebration this Saturday from 1pm-4pm".
Since I respected them as my long time friends, and I did visited the wife in the hospital after she gave birth, so I replied,"Tolong sms-in alamatlo lagi donk J ke gue, thanks ya".
Suddenly I received a phone call from J, so we chit chat lah...basa basi geto loh...and at the end of conversation, I agreed to come on Saturday around 1 pm lah...
When I arrived at their place, jrenggg... loh kok a lot of people, and I didn't know even one of them, so I thought may be their colleagues lah..But then J said,"Oh go straight ahead to the food and have your self lah, ini mereka colleague-nya istri gua..."
So I took my food donk, then sat in 1 corner, then the wife came, and introduced me to all the colleagues. After that suddenly 1 guy came and sat next to me, starting conversation,"Looks like you're a very important person in this party leh..."
Wadoh..I started to feel uneasy nih...What a way to start a conversation yak *serem*...yeah I always feel uneasy with a sweet mouth person...But anyway, getting used to it in my daily live, I think "aiyah...who scared lah...head on.."
I asked him,"Oh so you're Y's colleague? You also work in Banyan Tree?"
He said,"Hmmm no I don't work there, I'm self employed.."
Jreng...Oh no....this must be Amway people...started to feel uneasy lah gue....then I made a few mistakes that allowed him to bombarded me with the Amway product and service, which I tried to save my self by saying,"Oh ya Y has already shared with me about that..."
Oh my God...gue di sarang penyamun *serem* luckily one of my fren sms me during that scary talk, so finally I told him,"Sorry i have to make a call..."
And as you can guess after that i told him"Sorry ya..I have to make a move, because I have something urgent to attend to..anyway nice talking to you.." *Hoeeekkkk...muntah2*
Dan berpamitanlah gue dengan tuan dan nyonya rumah yang diiringi dengan ucapan,"Oh yah kita orang kapan2 main deh ke rumah elo...gimana kalo minggu depan?"
Gulps..Oh my God..not another Amway preach nih...I said,"Wah my schedule next week is pretty tight.." (which is also true lah...)
Still not giving up, they said,"How about the week after next?"
Gubraks...persistent amat siyyyy...gue jawab,"Eh gue bakalan balik Jakarta...Why don't you just give me a call when you wanna come down, coz my work schedule is pretty unpredictable (which is very true lah..), other than we make apppointment then cancelled, not nice kan..."
With their dissapointed face,"ok lah..."
Waaaaaaaaaa...piye iki Gusti....duhhh..kok bisa ya, berkulit badak sampe tebel gitu...apa gak berasa apa signal2 dari gue? *sigh*
Moral of the story, if you get involved with Multi Level Marketing, please don't friend me ya...wkakkakaakakka...oopsss...wrong...deh...
If you're into Multi Level Marketing, please spare your friends lah, I mean friend is friend indeed, just tell them,"Eh I'm selling Amway or what lah...if you need something please contact me ya..."
I think that way will be better, because I agree Amway product is good, but I just don't like the way they pester me, as though I'm a stranger that they can brain wash with their idea...friend is friend lah...don't hard sell...agree?

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