Thursday, December 07, 2006


Kayanya gue lagi short circuit nih. Otak rasanya agak2 butek....Mo ngomong, udah buka mulut, sebagian kalimat dah keluar tapi lupa abis itu ada something yang musti diomongin tapi tau2 macet....argggghhhh....Apakah ini tanda2 penuaan? *cemas*
Mumpung lagi tulalit...gue ngisi comment eh salah complaint di Singnet website, pas barengan waktu gue complaint tentang 3G service-nya si Singtel was down...Because I was very hot at that time, so I thought, okaylah...dig the old things.
I did also made the complaint regarding the stupid Singnet techincal support a few months back, walopun dah basi berat, mumpung lagi mo marah yah go ahead ajah...
Just now I received email from one of the Singnet representative, yeah meanwhile I'm still in short ciscuit mode, I replied, whatever you said, I will not believe, remembering I didn't encounter once, but a few bad experiences with your technical support, and my friend also did encounter the same problem *ngelirik The Sinarta*
And then just now I think somebody who is in higher position called me, so then I got the opprtunity to practice my I've never known I have a hidden talent in rapping without stopping for a few minutes *takjub*
Now feel a bit relieve.....may be when you're under stress you have to have an outlet, which at this time, so sorry I picked Singnet as an outlet, but it's really ridiculous, isn't it? Imagine, I had a connection problem with my internet, and without guiding me thru all the connection setting checked, they just easily jumped into the conclusion, there is somethin wrong with your modem, can you call the modem technical support tomorrow morning? As simple as that they washed their hand? Ridiculous, rite? So I said, no matter what promotion you'll give in the promotion, I will not ever try to consider staying with Singnet. I'll go back to my beloved Pacific Internet, which hopefully by then still alive *sigh*
Hopefully, I will not keep this habit of finding fault with somebody when I'm under stress *touch wood* Coz just now my reception was very worry listening me rapping thru so fast and looked so fierce. So far she hadn't seen me angry or upset yet, not even raising my voice. But today is a new experience for her, which she said that she was surprised seeing me been able to be angry to people, and it's very scary *sigh*
Sorry lah yau.....skali2 ngasih kejutan mah sah2 ajah donks ya? Kalo gak kan dipikir guwe macan kertas...Besides Flona Juga Manusia kan...hehehhhe emangnya Aa Gym ajeh yang boleh ngutip itu kalimat? wakakakkakka....

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