Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tadi pagi, tumben, gue udah sadar sekitar jam 7-an, tapi masih males bangun. *blush*
Then I had a nightmare eh morningmare donx ya? hihiihihi...
Suddenly my handphone rang, I picked up, then it was off *mo marah* Saw the clock uuppss already 9 cink *blush* I checked hmm 3 missed calls *sigh* All from no number.
Since a few days ago I've been receving quite a few no numbers called, but I couldn't be bother to check as what I usually did. Come what may lah ya?
By the way the handphone ring again..eh no ring dink, sing I mean..yeah now my ringtone is the song below loh *bangga* I picked up, and it's my crazy friend, who's staying in Bali...if not mistaken today is his birthday, but not too sure about that, besides still hangover from the sleep, hadn't really regained all my concioussness, and have a bad tension headache, which is my best friend *nyengir* Headache is my best friend, headache is my best friend *nyanyi*
He said,"Eh Pai, elo dapet sms gue kaga?"
Gue,"Mane? kaga ada euy..."
He,"Kuya batok bawa golok, gue kirim sms tauuu..., btw elo bakalan ada di singapore tgl 25 and 26 gak?"
I think very hard, can't remember anything, but I answered,"Mustinya sih iye. Lo mo ke sini yaaa? *nuduh* yah udah imelin gue flight detailnya deh *yakin*"
He,"Iye..gue ada business meeting di Batam, jadi abis itu gue ke sono, tapi naek ferry, gue imelin ferry detail guwe kali yak? *ikutan gokil*"
Gue,"Sip lah coy".
When I off the handphone, the I saw his sms, idiotic, he sent sms just before he called, of course lah how could i know he sent me sms, lah wong I was still sleeping *sigh*
Ternyataaaa aku jatuh cintaaa *nyanyi* Eh wrong yak hihiihihi...ternyata today is his birthday boooowww....kok jadi he did the prank on me, instead of I did a prank for him ya? *garuk2 kepala*
May be he's sad nobody pranked him? *kasian deh doski* wakakakkakaka....
Btw...Happy Birthday Pai, semoga elo tambah gokil, dan tambah lucu...hihiihihi..
And the good news is He is coming tralalala *happy* can't wait for next week hihiihihi....

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