Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Surprise Boooow

Herlin namanya
Sopan dan halus tutur katanya
Top banget kerjaannya
Handling Max, bukan masalah untuknya
Tapi bow, muanisssss buanget mulutnya

So we felt not comfortable with her sweet mouth, imagine every morning she says,"Aduh ma'am cantik sekali, hati-hati di jalan yah ma'am..." without fails.
I don't have any issue with "Hati-hati di jalan" but for "ma'am cantik sekali", I felt uneasy after a few days *sigh* But I always maintain "asas praduga tak bersalah". I kept on saying to my self, may be she's that kinda person, and hopefully it's really truly comes from her heart. So usually I will said,"Oh terima kasih, saya tahu emang saya cantik skali kok, makasih ya udah ngingetin" wakakakkakaka....gubraks deh yauuuu....
Then started to have weird happenings, and my flatmate told me,"Eh flon, sori ya...gue sih gak yakin, tapi kayanya ada yang aneh deh sama si herlin. Soalnya gue tadi pas pulang kok found out ac di kamar gue nyala ya? pas gue tanya ama si herlin, dia bilang, kali ma'am lupa matiin ac tadi pagi. Lah yah gue jadi bingung kali emang gue lupa kali ya. terus yah gue liatin kok toileteries gue makin lama susutnya cepet ya? Dan gue kan punya kotak perhiasan, kayanya herlin buka2 deh, walopun dia gak ngambil, cuma gue biasanya kan naruh kalung gue sembarangan gak pernah dirapihin, tapi kok gue liat semuanya jadi rapih. Tapi gue pikir kali dia just try to do her job deh ya.."
And then during i was away, CC came home early, found out that the 2 aircond in the living room were on, when confronted herlin said,"Oh I think ma'am Ria on it in the morning, but I don't know how to turn it off."
Jreng....fitnah nih bow...and she used my own friend as an escape goat...Ria confronted her, and she said,"Sorry ma'am I was scared..."
So I decided to return her to the agent, without hesitation...wah I can't tolerate bohong, fitnah dan ngelesnya itu loh, jago bener boww...
And I know my self very well, if I waited til I came back to Singapore then I returned her, she would create a drama, which would melt my heart. So i made a cruel decision, called my agent, to bring her back as soon as possible.
There was a drama of course, she said,"I'm sorry, I won;t do it again."
The agent reps said,"No worries, just pack your thing first, coz your ma'am is not in Singapore, you'd better stay in the agency first, and let your decide when she came back to Singapore."
So then she agreed to go. But from the bottom of my heart, I would apologize to herlin, I can't accept her back after what she has done...I wish her all the best for her future lah...

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