Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Coward? Stupid?

Have you ever thought, why people tend to call people who commit suicide as "a coward?"
Don't you think that it takes a great deal of courage of that people to decide to end his life by committing suicide?
I admire people who dare and succeed in comitting suicide, coz yet they dare to do something which they don't know what will they face later, and there is no turning back.
Second point, we always label people to commit suicide as "stupid" also. But do they really stupid?
In my opinion, it's not stupid but they're clever, if there is no solution to their problems, why should they drag their life pretending nothing happen, and trying their best to solve their problem, which actually has been complicated until they also don't know and nobody can help to solve the problem?
Happy Birthday to Ria, Tuhan memberkati ya..

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