Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Birthday Prank Huh????

Latest Update:
Koq gue jadi kayak cacing kepanasan kayak gini siyy? dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam dah nelpon orang yang sama 2 kali...duh gatel banget tangan gue...
Maybe it's not my nature to have a desk bound job deh...I regretted for not going to my singing lesson, becoz of my throat something wrong..should have gone..then after that if not comfy still can go shopping, true or not?
Duhh sakauuu....coffee cravings...then in my office where got decaf? if not decaf, then I'll get problem...*sobbing uncontrollably*
If only they sell coffee patch instead of ciggie patch..alamak...toolonggg..tolong...

Orig Update:
Saturday I received sms saying,"Flo, can we have dinner on XX? May be around 7.30 so W can break fast (buka puwasa) with us?"
Gue,"Kayanya tgl segitu gue gag tau bakalan housewarming ape kaga ye, soalnye gue bakalan ngadain house warming juga siy..." wakakakakka gak tau mo jawab apa kan..
M bo hwat (=nyerah - bahasa hokkian) udahan,"Oh in that case how about we bring potluck or do you wanna call outside catering?"
Gue,"Well that's not my style though, biasa kan gue yang masak..."
M,"Ok lah, I'll wait for your news ya, either housewarming or we go out for dinner.."
Gue,"ok deh..."
Not long after that, she sms again,"Flo, do you like Elizabeth Arden Perfume.."
Hmmm udah menjurus nih...gue jawab,"Hmm nggak pernah pake merk itu sih...btw gak usah refot2 lah...mo ngasih b'day surprise kan? wakakkakakk"
M,"Oh no lah, only asking kok.."
wakakakkakakakkakka....gue ngakak.....
And then after that CC's hp beep, sms received,"Hey I think flona's bday is around the corner, shall we arrange something for her?"
Dodol duren, he should know CC never reply sms, if CC need to do so, I'm the one who have to type the message..so my title is typist *sigh*
I replied,"What? U don't know my bday? What you want to give me huh?"
Jreng.....got shot again...
he dissapointed,"Damn...I never expect you to reply my sms..."
I replied,"Want to prank me izzit?"
he,"can not oredi lah..."

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