Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Stock Taking

Sorry friends, I'm busy doing stock take, gonna move house tomorrow *sigh*
Why the packing seems endless? *sigh*
Finished the stuffs from Nuniek room (her room double as store room), then still have the real store room in original untouched condition *pingsan*
Wardrobe finished, but all the small nitty gritty things like jewellery and cosmetics are still everywhere *sigh*
Lotsa things will go to Salvation Army *gubraks* I've never realised I have so many junk things...ceritanya guwe decluterring nih *nyengir*
The result of stock take so far, I'm wondering how could I have so many pink shirts as it is not my fave colours? *garuk2 kepala*
And I just realise I have many white pants as well *pusing* kok bisa yaaa?
Meanwhile nuniek is helping me with the stock taking, but not really that much help, coz i still need to sort which one can go, which one should go to Salvation Army though...*sigh*
It's a complete nightmare....*histerical*

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