Wednesday, November 23, 2005


After a long delay for making waffle, finally, last nite I decided to make the batter for breakfast today. This is all because of my great love for my father, he loves waffle, and last nite we went to supermarket, then he was interested in waffle, then I said,"Jangan beli deh Pa, nanti saya bikin sendiri ajah".
So after we arrived back at home, I started to prepare the ingredients, which my mom acting as a kitchen helper (yeah, I'm the pastry chef and she's the main chef), we made waffle in the middle of the nite.
Finished making the batter, I ran into my father's room, then said,"Udah jadi Pa wafflenya.."
My dad said,"Mana? kok gak dibawa ke sini".
Me with my devil smile,"Cuma adonannya doank siyy..malem2 kan gag boleh makan, ntar gendut lohhh...besok pagi deh baru jadi..."
Dad,"Yaaaa, kirain udah ada, udah seneng2 taunya gag ada.."
So this morning I served waffle for breakkie, I took the photo, but unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera to the office, so I couldn't put the photo for you to see *sebel*
As I expected, they said the waffle is not sweet enough...well sweet *sigh* but anyway they were quite amazed lah....*blush*
During the shower I saw, eh there is a green liquid soap from Body Shop, which I couldn't remember where I got it from (sure it's from somebody, but couldn't remember who *blush*), and I read it's Tea Tree Oil Body Wash.
With no hesitation I used the soap, then I realised ooohhh noooo, the smell reminds me of the toilet disinfectant *cemas* too I just pour a lot of body lotion with a sweet smell, and perfume *sigh*
Arrived in the office, I checked my schedule, OMG I have appointment to see supplier today in his place, and I wear the wrong outfit *sigh* don't have time to go back and change (if I still stayed in the old house, I still be able to do so lah...but not with this house *sigh*)...
Now still worry about my outfit *sigh*
May be this supplier is not really important to me or It's really the sign of aging *mikir*?

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