Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sudah Jatuh Tertimpa Tangga Pula

Last night when doing my manicure and pedicure, I felt down inside the shop. I think because it was very slippery and my mind was on something else, the fall effect was bad enough, even though I could managed the pain, but when IK tried to stand up, and I did, suddenly I felt like I was going to faint, so I ask the girl whether they have candies or sugar water or what so ever, meanwhile I came back to my chair to stabilise my self *sigh* Never been like this before....UI thought today i wouldn't be able to walk as my knee is swallen very badly, even i thought i might die during my sleep *parno*

Anyway I still managed to wake up this morning, with stiff neck and a sore arm right til now *sigh* But when i was making my breakfast this morning, i took up my favourite cup (a gift from 1 of my best friend last Christmas) from the cupboard, i put on the kitchen top then I reached the top cabinet to take my tea, suddenly the cup which ic quite heavy felt down and broke into pieces. I felt onto my foot first before hitting the floor, and my foot was bleeding...

OMG what's happening to me? *deep sigh*
Happy week end everyone

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