Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Or Batwoman? Mmmm I think I choose batgirl lah, make me younger though *winks*
Yupe...I've become Batgirl, having many sleepless nite (Sleeples in Singapore) these past 2 weeks...because of the deep thought *sigh*
Can you imagine something like Walt Disney cartoon? There is 2 flona, one is white flona with a halo on top of the head and wings behind my back vs black or sometime red, with horns, and sharp tail. wakakkakkakka....
Well now have the dark circle around my eyes already *sigh*, should I call MTM? (the Hongkong based cosmetic company, always have slogan "Do you have panda eyes?" for their ads)wakakkaka....eh they will endorse me or not ar?

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