Daku sudah balik, weleh buanyak buanget commentnya sampe terharu *hiks* makasi buanyak buat yang udah ngucapin selamet ultah buat gue *terharu berat* Sherly, Inoki, Ayu, Evi, Agnes, Lif, Ria dan Adhy.....makasi makasi.....
Daku tadi balik naek SQ yang dipake buat terbang direct Sin-LA itu loh, yang guede banget tempat duduk dan spacenya, weleh asik gila...layar tipinye gedeeee, puas tadi maen gamenya *grinned*
Trusan tempat duduknya juga nyaman buangettt....Acara di Jakarta padat dan melelahkan, masih buanyak urusan yg beloman beres..benernya sih mustine tiket gue sampe selasa, tapi karena kerjaan di sini aujubileh buanyaknye...gue ubah jadi balik hari Minggu deh....tapi ndak nyesel kok..kuakakkakak....
Aniwe tadi waktu gue pulank, gue bingunk kok nggak ada Max ye...tapi gue pikir ahh kali bobo ama Nuniek, soale kan nggak ada gue...btw CC kuatir buanget, dan mau nyuruh gue bangunin Nuniek...gue bilank biarin deh kasian kan si Nuniek kalo dibangunin. Gue juga agak bingung sih kok si Max nggak garuk2 pintu ye...soale pasti tau donk kalo gue dah balik...Eh nggak lama pintunya Nuniek kebuka, karena dia dibangunin ama si Max....kuakakka itu anjing kangen berat ama gue nempel terus ke kaki gue kemane ajeh gue pergi...kasian juga deh si Max...jadi gue kasih treat deh tadi.....wadoh senengnye die..
Duh gue kok jadi betawi gini ye? Aniwe sisa2 cerita2nya besok2 ajeh ye....dengan catetan kalo gue punya inspirasi kuakakakkakak....*nyengir busux*
Oh ya buat Agnes....tenang ajeh Nes ndak usah panix, gue tau kok kalo elo itu pasti lupa *sok yakin* lagian gue kan buaya, mane bisa dikadalin *bangga* kuakakkakakakka....
Sekali lagi makasi buat temen2 semua yeee....
Eh lupa...moral of the story nih...laen kali kalo balik dari Jkt ke Sin, ambil SQ 163 yeee yang jam 7 teng, pesawatnya sipppp dehhhh.....
Perjalanan hidup numpang di negeri orang untuk mencari sesuap nasi
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Arrrrghhh Lagi
Waktu sabtu kemaren acara berbuka puasa bersama itu..gue jadi bingunk kenapa orang2 mencium gelagat gue...pada bawa kue denk...kali udah tau jailnye gue kali ye....tapi at least gue nggak dijailin *lega*
Trusan pas hari senen malem tiba2 salah seorang temen gue sms ke gue nanya,"flo, besok jam 10-1 elo ada di tempat ndak?"
Weleh mo ngerjain gue kok nanya2...yah gue bilank ajeh kaga ada...emank rencana gue nggak bakalan ada di tempat seharian kok....
Ternyata gue dapet kiriman kue lagi, alhasil dari sabtu malem sampe tadi pagi gue tiap hari makan kue ulang tahun, padahal gue nggak doyan tart, tapi yah apa mau dikata dah dikasih masa gue cuekin....kan kasian...kasian kuenya makude *jailnya kumat*
Aniwe makasi buat Widya, Maria dan Mimi, yang udah ngirimin kue buat gue....Widya buat another kue on Sat nite, and Christine buat kue Saturday nite juga....Tapi aniwe elo2 orang juga ndak pada baca blog gue kok *nyengir*
Trusan apa ye..oh y]iye sibuknye gue amit2 euy....sampe bener2 panik...hari ini gue bakalan balik ke jkt...dan tadi pagi baru ngepak2...sampe capek banget, kena panik attack lagi....sekarang gue masih nongkrong di kantor kerja buat last minute....dan minggu depan pas gue balik, kerjaan gue bakalan lebih gila lagi buanyaknye....aduh gue bener2 musti tereak2 minta tolong..dah mau tenggelam dalam kerjaan...
makasi buat temen2 yang masih setia ngunjungin blog gue...dan sori kayanya gue bakalan sibuk banget buat blog walking...tapi kalo ada waktu pasti gue baca kok, even though gue nggak sempet ninggalin comment...
last but not least...Hepi week end buat semuanya yaaaaa...
Trusan pas hari senen malem tiba2 salah seorang temen gue sms ke gue nanya,"flo, besok jam 10-1 elo ada di tempat ndak?"
Weleh mo ngerjain gue kok nanya2...yah gue bilank ajeh kaga ada...emank rencana gue nggak bakalan ada di tempat seharian kok....
Ternyata gue dapet kiriman kue lagi, alhasil dari sabtu malem sampe tadi pagi gue tiap hari makan kue ulang tahun, padahal gue nggak doyan tart, tapi yah apa mau dikata dah dikasih masa gue cuekin....kan kasian...kasian kuenya makude *jailnya kumat*
Aniwe makasi buat Widya, Maria dan Mimi, yang udah ngirimin kue buat gue....Widya buat another kue on Sat nite, and Christine buat kue Saturday nite juga....Tapi aniwe elo2 orang juga ndak pada baca blog gue kok *nyengir*
Trusan apa ye..oh y]iye sibuknye gue amit2 euy....sampe bener2 panik...hari ini gue bakalan balik ke jkt...dan tadi pagi baru ngepak2...sampe capek banget, kena panik attack lagi....sekarang gue masih nongkrong di kantor kerja buat last minute....dan minggu depan pas gue balik, kerjaan gue bakalan lebih gila lagi buanyaknye....aduh gue bener2 musti tereak2 minta tolong..dah mau tenggelam dalam kerjaan...
makasi buat temen2 yang masih setia ngunjungin blog gue...dan sori kayanya gue bakalan sibuk banget buat blog walking...tapi kalo ada waktu pasti gue baca kok, even though gue nggak sempet ninggalin comment...
last but not least...Hepi week end buat semuanya yaaaaa...
Monday, October 25, 2004
Salah Semua
Dimulai dari hari Selasa atau Rabu gitu, gue sms-in temen2 gue buat ngumpul2 di rumah gue hari Sabtu kemaren...ndakk tau ape, yah maen sabet ajeh bilank acara buka puasa bersama..*blush* pan bulan puasa...ndak salah donk kalo gue bilank buka puasa, lagipula salah satu teman yang gue undang toh memang menjalankan ibadah puasa...so sah2 ajah donk...
Trusan gue tungguin kok ndak ada yg reply, gue sampe bingung, akhirnya lumayan lama, ada yg reply ke gue, dan nanya gue, sejak kapan gue puasa...nah loh....gue bilank yah..kan lagi bulan puasa so ndak salah donk kalo judule buka puasa barenk....dan orang itu menjawab tidak bisa (yang gue yakin bukannye tidak bisa tapi tidak mau....) ya sudah...itu udah membuat gue merasa terpukul banget....apalagi akhir2 ini gue lagi emotional banget.....Ya sudahlah....
Kedua ceritanye kan gue dapet undangan dari Mont Blanc, mereka ada photography exhibiton, dan gue diundang ke grand opening ceremony-nya, gue inget2 kayanye Jumat, eh pas Jumat, pulank kantor, dah kucel dan kusut, dan udah nggak niat banget, akhirnya diseret CC pulank ke rumah suruh dress up dan berdandan rapih2 ria....sampe di Paragon, gue lait dari depan kok sepi yah...pas gue deketin ke toko Mont Blanc-nya juga sepi banget....pas gue lait invitation cardnye..ya ampun...ternyata tgl 21..itu kan kamis....dohhhhh.....
Ketiga, masih seputar acara pesta, diundang Lancome ke Christmas Party-nye di Mandarin Orchard untuk hari Sabtu, dan hari itu jadwal gue hectic banget...pagi2 mau berburu Eu Yan Sang ceritanya ada pembukaan jadi mereka diskon besar2an di West Mall, Bukit Batok, dan ada dari jam 11-12 special price buat Ling Tze (obat deh pokonya...) diskon 50%, tapi ternyata pas sampe ke sono, katanya yg 50% musti antri di atas, gondok banget nggak sih...akhirnya kita puas dengan diskon 20% ajah yang ngantrinya ndak panjang2 amat...
Abis itu jam 11.45 ada lunch sama tamu bisnis yang lagi dateng ke Singapore, doh..ngebut2 si CC dari Bukit Batok ke Tanjong Pagar buat ngejemput itu tamu, dan makannya buru2 pula, kekenyangan lagi....terusan buru2 ngabur ke pestanya Lancome, parkiran amit2 penuhnya...sampe di pesta..kata receptionistnya," Sorry, the party is very overwhelming, so we let go your place to another person". Ya sudahlah gue sih nggak gondok2 amat..emank gue nggak gitu niat dateng kok....trus digirink ke ruang salenya....ndak ada yang menarik, so kita kabur....jalan2 bentar di orchard, abis itu musti pulank kan nyiapin buat acara buka puasa malemnya....
Sebelum pulang kita mampir di Haagen Daz Holland Village, mau beli ice cream cake, managernya belagu abis kayanya kuenya baru dateng, seenak jidat dia bilank," could you wait for 15 mins?" Padahal di depan dah mendung berat...mau marah nggak sih? akhirnye gue bilank,"I can't wait, just tell me what flavour do you have." Dia kaya mau2 nggak2 gitu, pengen ditabok nggak si? akhirnye gue tunjuk yag itu flavournye ape, setelah nujuk2 kira2 3 kali, dia sewot dia bilank," You want to choose the design or the flavour?" Wadoh ini ornag nggak sopan kok bisa jadi manager ya...gue lagi nggak niat ebrantem gue cuek ajah nanya2 lagi, ternyata ada yg desainnya lumayan bagus rasanya macadamia nut, yah udah gue pilih yang itu...dalam hati gue ntar lohhh hari senen gue complaint......
Waduh masaknya panik abis....menunya buanyak...nasi uduk, tempe kering, sate sapi manis, ayam goreng, sambel, soto ayam dan ayam gorenk mentega.....yang jadi tukang sate yah CC, pake bbq-an electric, tapi ternyata dia manggangnya terlalu napsu, sampe terlalu kerink...yah ndak apa2 deh....*pasrah*
Akhirnye total jendral yang dateng ada 7 orang toal ama gue, CC dan nunik...yang ngak dateng ada 3 orang, yah sudahlah...udah ndak emosional lagi kok....
Trusan tadi pagi....bangun buru2 mandi, sarapan ngebut, pake sepatu langusng lari keluar pergi ke gereja, nyetop taksi, sampe tengah jalan baru nyadar duit gue cuma 4 dollar 20 cent, gue bilank ama tukang taksinye,"would you mind turn to Holland Village, so that I could take some money from the atm, as I realised I don't have enough money, please?"
Drivernya jawab,"What???? You expect me to wait ah?" dengan nada tidak sopan...
Gue bilank duit gue cuma 4,20 acan...kalo elo ndak mau nunggu yah udah gue ntar manggil taksi laen lagih....udah gitu dia belok abis itu gue suruh belok kanan..eh dia belok kanan di depanan, gue bilank,"You over shoot" Dia bilank dengan galaknye,"you said turn right what? now I'm turning right!!"
Gue jawab, itu yang kelewatan, geblek nggak sih nih supir dah belagu, ngeyel, untung gue nggak bawa piso, kalo bawa kali udah terjadi bencana....sampe di tempat yg gue suruh berenti ternyata argonye 4,40, gue bilank,"my money only 4.,20, so you wanto to wait or not?" dia bilank,"never mind"
Dan yang bodohnye gue lupa nyatet nomer taksinye tapi gue inget taksinye SMRT nama drivernye Chew Eng Kiat....gue telpon customer service, gue complaint...katanye gue bakalan dapet jawaban dalam waktu 7 hari kerja, mau gue tungguin bener kaga...kalo kaga ntar gue tulis di koran...Dari dulu emank gue paling benci sama tukang taksi di sini...belagu abis...
Akhirnye gue stranded di Holland V, telpon CC minta jemput, so gue nongkrong di Starbucks sambil minum teh, makan monkey bread dan baca koran.....
Hari ini mendung dan hujan...abis dari Holland V, gue kan ceritanye janjian nih ama temen gue buat ketemuan makan siank, gue telponin ndak diangkat2 dan gue sms-in kaga bales, so gue nongkrong di orchard. Tau dapet sms jawaban dia ada di Raffles City mau ke zoo, alamak.....ini orang tau kaga ye janjian ama gue makan siank....gue akhirnye telpon nanya dia dah makan belom...dia bilank udah...duh...nape ye pada salah semua kayak gini...yah sudahlah...gue akhirnye pulank ke rumah...soale kan sisa makanan semalem masi banyak....
Abis itu ngirim si Max buat grooming, wadoh alhasil Max jadi super duper jelek, guntingnye kependekan dohhh sampe si Nunik aja bilank,"Mam, laen kali si Max jangan digunting lagi rambutnya ya...." Waaaaaaaaaaa kenape ye gue ini......
Abis itu gue kan ceritanya dari bbrp hari yg lalu dah beli tiket buatt nonton pilem jackie Chan, new Police Story hari ini jam 7.15 pm, terusan tadi waktu mau berangkat dah malessss banget dan gue ngantuk banget, alhasil sepanjang jalan tidur..untung sempet bangun waktu CC mau belok ke Shaw Centre, gue tereak ehhh nontonnya di Plaza Singapura...abis itu gue bobo lagi sampe mobilnya parkir....akhirnye nonton juga...doh gue ampir nangis di adegan yang cewenya ultah itu looooo hikssss nggak tau kenapa gue pengen nangis tersedu2 huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
Duh hari ini tulisane ambburadul mencerminkan semua kekacauan yg terjadi dalam kehidupan daku ini....huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa argggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Trusan gue tungguin kok ndak ada yg reply, gue sampe bingung, akhirnya lumayan lama, ada yg reply ke gue, dan nanya gue, sejak kapan gue puasa...nah loh....gue bilank yah..kan lagi bulan puasa so ndak salah donk kalo judule buka puasa barenk....dan orang itu menjawab tidak bisa (yang gue yakin bukannye tidak bisa tapi tidak mau....) ya sudah...itu udah membuat gue merasa terpukul banget....apalagi akhir2 ini gue lagi emotional banget.....Ya sudahlah....
Kedua ceritanye kan gue dapet undangan dari Mont Blanc, mereka ada photography exhibiton, dan gue diundang ke grand opening ceremony-nya, gue inget2 kayanye Jumat, eh pas Jumat, pulank kantor, dah kucel dan kusut, dan udah nggak niat banget, akhirnya diseret CC pulank ke rumah suruh dress up dan berdandan rapih2 ria....sampe di Paragon, gue lait dari depan kok sepi yah...pas gue deketin ke toko Mont Blanc-nya juga sepi banget....pas gue lait invitation cardnye..ya ampun...ternyata tgl 21..itu kan kamis....dohhhhh.....
Ketiga, masih seputar acara pesta, diundang Lancome ke Christmas Party-nye di Mandarin Orchard untuk hari Sabtu, dan hari itu jadwal gue hectic banget...pagi2 mau berburu Eu Yan Sang ceritanya ada pembukaan jadi mereka diskon besar2an di West Mall, Bukit Batok, dan ada dari jam 11-12 special price buat Ling Tze (obat deh pokonya...) diskon 50%, tapi ternyata pas sampe ke sono, katanya yg 50% musti antri di atas, gondok banget nggak sih...akhirnya kita puas dengan diskon 20% ajah yang ngantrinya ndak panjang2 amat...
Abis itu jam 11.45 ada lunch sama tamu bisnis yang lagi dateng ke Singapore, doh..ngebut2 si CC dari Bukit Batok ke Tanjong Pagar buat ngejemput itu tamu, dan makannya buru2 pula, kekenyangan lagi....terusan buru2 ngabur ke pestanya Lancome, parkiran amit2 penuhnya...sampe di pesta..kata receptionistnya," Sorry, the party is very overwhelming, so we let go your place to another person". Ya sudahlah gue sih nggak gondok2 amat..emank gue nggak gitu niat dateng kok....trus digirink ke ruang salenya....ndak ada yang menarik, so kita kabur....jalan2 bentar di orchard, abis itu musti pulank kan nyiapin buat acara buka puasa malemnya....
Sebelum pulang kita mampir di Haagen Daz Holland Village, mau beli ice cream cake, managernya belagu abis kayanya kuenya baru dateng, seenak jidat dia bilank," could you wait for 15 mins?" Padahal di depan dah mendung berat...mau marah nggak sih? akhirnye gue bilank,"I can't wait, just tell me what flavour do you have." Dia kaya mau2 nggak2 gitu, pengen ditabok nggak si? akhirnye gue tunjuk yag itu flavournye ape, setelah nujuk2 kira2 3 kali, dia sewot dia bilank," You want to choose the design or the flavour?" Wadoh ini ornag nggak sopan kok bisa jadi manager ya...gue lagi nggak niat ebrantem gue cuek ajah nanya2 lagi, ternyata ada yg desainnya lumayan bagus rasanya macadamia nut, yah udah gue pilih yang itu...dalam hati gue ntar lohhh hari senen gue complaint......
Waduh masaknya panik abis....menunya buanyak...nasi uduk, tempe kering, sate sapi manis, ayam goreng, sambel, soto ayam dan ayam gorenk mentega.....yang jadi tukang sate yah CC, pake bbq-an electric, tapi ternyata dia manggangnya terlalu napsu, sampe terlalu kerink...yah ndak apa2 deh....*pasrah*
Akhirnye total jendral yang dateng ada 7 orang toal ama gue, CC dan nunik...yang ngak dateng ada 3 orang, yah sudahlah...udah ndak emosional lagi kok....
Trusan tadi pagi....bangun buru2 mandi, sarapan ngebut, pake sepatu langusng lari keluar pergi ke gereja, nyetop taksi, sampe tengah jalan baru nyadar duit gue cuma 4 dollar 20 cent, gue bilank ama tukang taksinye,"would you mind turn to Holland Village, so that I could take some money from the atm, as I realised I don't have enough money, please?"
Drivernya jawab,"What???? You expect me to wait ah?" dengan nada tidak sopan...
Gue bilank duit gue cuma 4,20 acan...kalo elo ndak mau nunggu yah udah gue ntar manggil taksi laen lagih....udah gitu dia belok abis itu gue suruh belok kanan..eh dia belok kanan di depanan, gue bilank,"You over shoot" Dia bilank dengan galaknye,"you said turn right what? now I'm turning right!!"
Gue jawab, itu yang kelewatan, geblek nggak sih nih supir dah belagu, ngeyel, untung gue nggak bawa piso, kalo bawa kali udah terjadi bencana....sampe di tempat yg gue suruh berenti ternyata argonye 4,40, gue bilank,"my money only 4.,20, so you wanto to wait or not?" dia bilank,"never mind"
Dan yang bodohnye gue lupa nyatet nomer taksinye tapi gue inget taksinye SMRT nama drivernye Chew Eng Kiat....gue telpon customer service, gue complaint...katanye gue bakalan dapet jawaban dalam waktu 7 hari kerja, mau gue tungguin bener kaga...kalo kaga ntar gue tulis di koran...Dari dulu emank gue paling benci sama tukang taksi di sini...belagu abis...
Akhirnye gue stranded di Holland V, telpon CC minta jemput, so gue nongkrong di Starbucks sambil minum teh, makan monkey bread dan baca koran.....
Hari ini mendung dan hujan...abis dari Holland V, gue kan ceritanye janjian nih ama temen gue buat ketemuan makan siank, gue telponin ndak diangkat2 dan gue sms-in kaga bales, so gue nongkrong di orchard. Tau dapet sms jawaban dia ada di Raffles City mau ke zoo, alamak.....ini orang tau kaga ye janjian ama gue makan siank....gue akhirnye telpon nanya dia dah makan belom...dia bilank udah...duh...nape ye pada salah semua kayak gini...yah sudahlah...gue akhirnye pulank ke rumah...soale kan sisa makanan semalem masi banyak....
Abis itu ngirim si Max buat grooming, wadoh alhasil Max jadi super duper jelek, guntingnye kependekan dohhh sampe si Nunik aja bilank,"Mam, laen kali si Max jangan digunting lagi rambutnya ya...." Waaaaaaaaaaa kenape ye gue ini......
Abis itu gue kan ceritanya dari bbrp hari yg lalu dah beli tiket buatt nonton pilem jackie Chan, new Police Story hari ini jam 7.15 pm, terusan tadi waktu mau berangkat dah malessss banget dan gue ngantuk banget, alhasil sepanjang jalan tidur..untung sempet bangun waktu CC mau belok ke Shaw Centre, gue tereak ehhh nontonnya di Plaza Singapura...abis itu gue bobo lagi sampe mobilnya parkir....akhirnye nonton juga...doh gue ampir nangis di adegan yang cewenya ultah itu looooo hikssss nggak tau kenapa gue pengen nangis tersedu2 huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
Duh hari ini tulisane ambburadul mencerminkan semua kekacauan yg terjadi dalam kehidupan daku ini....huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa argggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Friday, October 22, 2004
Lotsa things to do, one after another.
The queue never stop, everything just come at the same time.
I wish I could split my body into 2 or 3 *arghhhhhhh*
My life feels like on the run, something is chasing after me, tired.....
But if got nothing to do, then I feel empty, so how?
The queue never stop, everything just come at the same time.
I wish I could split my body into 2 or 3 *arghhhhhhh*
My life feels like on the run, something is chasing after me, tired.....
But if got nothing to do, then I feel empty, so how?
Thursday, October 21, 2004
After seeing, all my blogger friends cooks this and that everyday, finally, I felt challenged to go back to my cooking soul.
I've been cooking for the past 2 days, starting with Ayam Cola that I got from Ika dan Astri Blog, but...I'm not trying to complaint about this recipe. Anyway I just confused with this recipe, as the result, I don't feel the Coke really served any purpose in here. So far that I know the chicken is cooked by Coke first before it process further, which Coke will help the chicken meat become more tender *dohhh engineering banget nggak sih? cooking ajeh pake logika...kuakakkaka...* But th result of course nice lah....only still can't understand...that's all...no hard feeling loh ya.....The recipe, really help to enrich my cooking skill kok :)
And today I cooked Beef Cah Tauco and Honey Chicken (like the one you find in Australian Chinese Resto...yummmm). Don't ask me about the recipe, coz usually I cook by feeling...you can verify with Agnes about this. I only can tell you the ingredients, but not for measurement :(
Anyway everytime I cook, even though I cheat from the recipe, I've never followed exactly to the recipe, I tend to modify with my own feeling *grinned*
But now I don't know what to cook for tomorrow, let's wait until tonite, what I'll have in my mind. Usually I prepare the thing at nite, and cook in the morning before work, then bring food to work, till CC said hey we look like student, bring our own food container kuakakkakakakka.....
I've been cooking for the past 2 days, starting with Ayam Cola that I got from Ika dan Astri Blog, but...I'm not trying to complaint about this recipe. Anyway I just confused with this recipe, as the result, I don't feel the Coke really served any purpose in here. So far that I know the chicken is cooked by Coke first before it process further, which Coke will help the chicken meat become more tender *dohhh engineering banget nggak sih? cooking ajeh pake logika...kuakakkaka...* But th result of course nice lah....only still can't understand...that's all...no hard feeling loh ya.....The recipe, really help to enrich my cooking skill kok :)
And today I cooked Beef Cah Tauco and Honey Chicken (like the one you find in Australian Chinese Resto...yummmm). Don't ask me about the recipe, coz usually I cook by feeling...you can verify with Agnes about this. I only can tell you the ingredients, but not for measurement :(
Anyway everytime I cook, even though I cheat from the recipe, I've never followed exactly to the recipe, I tend to modify with my own feeling *grinned*
But now I don't know what to cook for tomorrow, let's wait until tonite, what I'll have in my mind. Usually I prepare the thing at nite, and cook in the morning before work, then bring food to work, till CC said hey we look like student, bring our own food container kuakakkakakakka.....
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Reading Astrid posting on Sunday 10 October 2004 about trust, and listening to this Audi's Song, "Dibalas Dengan Dusta" made me want to write down the issue about trust.
If you trust somebody with all your heart and soul, then that person misused the trust that had been given, then it should be very hurting. May be sometimes because of love, some of us might be able to give it another try, but for how many times?
This one is quite tacky and tricky to talk about this issue. But if we something that can bring us back to forgive someone for the things he/she had done is remembering about God's Love. God love is very unconditional at all. I can't imagine, if we felt hurt for the nasty things that people did to us for a few times, but yet God always welcome us anytime we want to get back to Him, He will never ever says "No" at all.
It's a hard things to do, but as a human being, we just tried our best to be God like, as we are created based on God's image.
If you trust somebody with all your heart and soul, then that person misused the trust that had been given, then it should be very hurting. May be sometimes because of love, some of us might be able to give it another try, but for how many times?
This one is quite tacky and tricky to talk about this issue. But if we something that can bring us back to forgive someone for the things he/she had done is remembering about God's Love. God love is very unconditional at all. I can't imagine, if we felt hurt for the nasty things that people did to us for a few times, but yet God always welcome us anytime we want to get back to Him, He will never ever says "No" at all.
It's a hard things to do, but as a human being, we just tried our best to be God like, as we are created based on God's image.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Finally I'm going to cook....
After reading newspaper a few days ago about the chollera that was caused from eating hawker food in Bedok Area, I decided I want to avoid eating @ hawker. But now can not "tahan" (read:stand) anymore, so I decided to cook.
Finally my cooking soul come back. I wanna try Ayam Cola from Ika and Astri Blog, after reading Yuliana also tried this one *sigh* I always hear different version of Ayam Cola, but let me try our blogger recipe first.
But I don't feel quite satisfied with my cooking as I asked Nuniek to fry the chicken tomorrow morning first (you know lah...who not lazy to fry, huh?). Well I'm a perfectionist though, my best friend should know me best.
Finally my cooking soul come back. I wanna try Ayam Cola from Ika and Astri Blog, after reading Yuliana also tried this one *sigh* I always hear different version of Ayam Cola, but let me try our blogger recipe first.
But I don't feel quite satisfied with my cooking as I asked Nuniek to fry the chicken tomorrow morning first (you know lah...who not lazy to fry, huh?). Well I'm a perfectionist though, my best friend should know me best.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Today lunch menu was KFC, it was caused by yesterday inside the cinema, the girl who sat next to me was eating KFC during the movie (doohh jadi inget Agnes ama gue menyelundupkan chinese food ke George St cinema, dan pas kita buka, semua orang pada melotot ke kita *blush*).
KFC is having a new promotion, called Tom Yum Chicken, so out of curiousity, I wanna try it out, but nothing spectacular, not even taste Tom Yum *grinned* But now my stomach feel quite hot *gulp*
My head is quite pain *cekot cekot*, anybody wanna lend me your head? *nyengir*
I'm doing my work, accomponied by this song Dibalas Dengan Dusta by Audi, that I got it from my friend.
During the first few time, I don't really like it, as it's ummm quite how to say it in English,..."mendayu2" But when I tried to enjoy the lyric, then I find out it's quite interesting. The title means "Paid by Lies" and it's about somebody is always hurt by the same mistake over and over again, while she had given him full of love, but yet she doesn't regret, as she is the one that choose the guy....
Well, quite cheesy, huh? Hmmm but I always feel this is the fact that often happened in our daily life, well, I dunno about yours though....but I see quite some happenings around me....
I guess, it because love is blind?
KFC is having a new promotion, called Tom Yum Chicken, so out of curiousity, I wanna try it out, but nothing spectacular, not even taste Tom Yum *grinned* But now my stomach feel quite hot *gulp*
My head is quite pain *cekot cekot*, anybody wanna lend me your head? *nyengir*
I'm doing my work, accomponied by this song Dibalas Dengan Dusta by Audi, that I got it from my friend.
During the first few time, I don't really like it, as it's ummm quite how to say it in English,..."mendayu2" But when I tried to enjoy the lyric, then I find out it's quite interesting. The title means "Paid by Lies" and it's about somebody is always hurt by the same mistake over and over again, while she had given him full of love, but yet she doesn't regret, as she is the one that choose the guy....
Well, quite cheesy, huh? Hmmm but I always feel this is the fact that often happened in our daily life, well, I dunno about yours though....but I see quite some happenings around me....
I guess, it because love is blind?
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Today is the last day for Robby in Singapore, I woke up quite late, and didn't go to church, as we wanted to bring Robby lunch before his flight, and he had to have 3.45 pm flight.
So we picked him up from the hotel around 12 past, then we drove to East Coast Seafood Centre as per his request to have another crabs. But out of expectation, everything wwas closed for lunch *surprised* only Gold Coast restaurant opens for lunch *sigh* We have no choice but having lunch at Gold Coast, the food is not comparable with Jumbo or Red House of course, but anyway, better than nothing though.
After lunch we went to the airport, and what a surprise me and CC received another beatiful gift from Him, which made me very touch *sobs* After he left, I feel something missing from my heart, well...it's such a beautiful weeks that I had so far in here, with Robby presence here in Singapore....*hiks...srottttt*
Anyway remembering we still had 1 left over movie ticket from last time, and it will be expired on 19, so we decided to go for a show at Lido. We intended to see the New Police Story by Jackie Chan. Unfortunately it was almost full house, then the next things that came to my mind is Yesterday Once More, the movie by Andy Lau and Sammy Cheng. But after I got the ticket, suddenly I regretted why I didn't choose Wimbledon instead *sigh*, coz Yesterday Once More is still on Sneak Preview, so still have plenty of time to watch it.
Well, it's not too bad at all lah, quite refreshing, besides Sammy Cheng also so cute and adorable in that movie (anyway it's my first Sammy Cheng movie *blush*). But the finale a bit bland (baca:ngegantung).
So we picked him up from the hotel around 12 past, then we drove to East Coast Seafood Centre as per his request to have another crabs. But out of expectation, everything wwas closed for lunch *surprised* only Gold Coast restaurant opens for lunch *sigh* We have no choice but having lunch at Gold Coast, the food is not comparable with Jumbo or Red House of course, but anyway, better than nothing though.
After lunch we went to the airport, and what a surprise me and CC received another beatiful gift from Him, which made me very touch *sobs* After he left, I feel something missing from my heart, well...it's such a beautiful weeks that I had so far in here, with Robby presence here in Singapore....*hiks...srottttt*
Anyway remembering we still had 1 left over movie ticket from last time, and it will be expired on 19, so we decided to go for a show at Lido. We intended to see the New Police Story by Jackie Chan. Unfortunately it was almost full house, then the next things that came to my mind is Yesterday Once More, the movie by Andy Lau and Sammy Cheng. But after I got the ticket, suddenly I regretted why I didn't choose Wimbledon instead *sigh*, coz Yesterday Once More is still on Sneak Preview, so still have plenty of time to watch it.
Well, it's not too bad at all lah, quite refreshing, besides Sammy Cheng also so cute and adorable in that movie (anyway it's my first Sammy Cheng movie *blush*). But the finale a bit bland (baca:ngegantung).
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Patch Test
The last 2 times I coloured my hair, I got irritation on my skin, so I decided to go to National Skin Centre to get it checked. The dostor said I had to do patch test, that supposed to be done on Tue, and I delayed untill thursday *blush*
So now, I have this tiny2 little plates, total 47 pieces contained of different chemical stuck to my back, due to be opened today by myself. The nurse told me if it itch I have to asked somebody to "sayang2" (read:pat2) my back. Unfortunately, it never itch during day, only in the middle of the nite, then itchy (mo nyuruh sape coba? bangunin si nunik masa?)
Then I'll see the doctor on Monday to see the result of which chemical I'm allergic to. Let's see
Last nite I went to Karaoke @Kbox, as Robby, my friend from oz, liek to sing very much, and we used to go karaoke together back in Sydney. I didn't realized that we'd been there for 3 hours (we book all you can sing session plus buffet dinner, but we only ate once, what a waste) till I ran out of voice. It was really crazy, I didn't care to lower or higher the note, I just sang and adjust my voice, which of course made my throat suffer so much. And I found out that probably it's true, the older you get, your voice will become lower, as I'm struggling to sing Tata Young, I Believe *sigh* Aging...*haizzzz*
Then now I'm furious with my blog template, I just change a few weeks, then now you can see the star on the top goes missing *arrrghhhh* Wait till I have time to change lay out again *cemberut*
Till then Happy week end everyone....
So now, I have this tiny2 little plates, total 47 pieces contained of different chemical stuck to my back, due to be opened today by myself. The nurse told me if it itch I have to asked somebody to "sayang2" (read:pat2) my back. Unfortunately, it never itch during day, only in the middle of the nite, then itchy (mo nyuruh sape coba? bangunin si nunik masa?)
Then I'll see the doctor on Monday to see the result of which chemical I'm allergic to. Let's see
Last nite I went to Karaoke @Kbox, as Robby, my friend from oz, liek to sing very much, and we used to go karaoke together back in Sydney. I didn't realized that we'd been there for 3 hours (we book all you can sing session plus buffet dinner, but we only ate once, what a waste) till I ran out of voice. It was really crazy, I didn't care to lower or higher the note, I just sang and adjust my voice, which of course made my throat suffer so much. And I found out that probably it's true, the older you get, your voice will become lower, as I'm struggling to sing Tata Young, I Believe *sigh* Aging...*haizzzz*
Then now I'm furious with my blog template, I just change a few weeks, then now you can see the star on the top goes missing *arrrghhhh* Wait till I have time to change lay out again *cemberut*
Till then Happy week end everyone....
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Taking MRT
After so long been absent from taking MRT, yesterday I did it *yay* (norak banget ndak sih? *blush*)
I went from Plaza Singapura to Tanjong Pagar. Started with I didn't bring my Ezlink card *sigh* coz I lent it to my Roby who's here for this week. Then I opened my wallet only found $50 note *sigh again*
For you who stay in Singapore, must know very well how "teruk" (read:troublesome, Singlish) is the position of the entrance gate, the station control and the ticket machine. So I saw there is an UOB atm machine there, I withdrew $10 then went to the ticket machine next to it, and found out that the machine does not accept $10 notes, then I had to walk all the way to station control and changed my money to smaller amount, then bought ticket, and proceed all the way to North South Line MRT *sigh*
On the escalator down, I met 2 girls that are inconsiderate enough to block my way, so I missed the train *gondok* and I had to wait for another 7 mins. I heard the alarm sounded, and just curious why it was so. Then I took a seat then sudddenly I felt the construction work underneath the station, and made me stunned, reminded me of Nicoll Highway. So I assume the alarm sound because of this construction work lah...
Then not long after that 1 auntie approach my sit, then said," The train had just left ah?"
"Ya loh..,"I answered.
Auntie,"Why the alarm keep on ringing ah?"
I said,"Probably because of the sontruction underneath."
Auntie,"Wah so scary leh..."
I answered,"I feel the same way to, and the train still long some more.."
Auntie,"Anyway it's fate lah.."
So I smiled smiled loh....
Finally the train came, I feel "shiok" (read=comfortable, Singlish) inside the train, I don't know why, I always have this feeling everytime I take MRT in Singapore, some kinda feeling touristy or something which I can't explain, seeing the students with the uniform reading The New Paper and plug the walkman in their ears....
I had to change train at Raffles Place interchange, when my MRT door opened, then the train on the other side left me out just like that *sebel*
I was just wondering why they can't make both the train arriving and leaving at the same time, so it's easier for people to change train, just like Bangkok BTS *think very hard*
Luckily I didn't need to wait so long to get the next train arriving. When eraching Tanjong Pagar I still had to figure out which exit should I take to go to Peck Seah St, lucky, the sign is very straight forward *phew*
I went from Plaza Singapura to Tanjong Pagar. Started with I didn't bring my Ezlink card *sigh* coz I lent it to my Roby who's here for this week. Then I opened my wallet only found $50 note *sigh again*
For you who stay in Singapore, must know very well how "teruk" (read:troublesome, Singlish) is the position of the entrance gate, the station control and the ticket machine. So I saw there is an UOB atm machine there, I withdrew $10 then went to the ticket machine next to it, and found out that the machine does not accept $10 notes, then I had to walk all the way to station control and changed my money to smaller amount, then bought ticket, and proceed all the way to North South Line MRT *sigh*
On the escalator down, I met 2 girls that are inconsiderate enough to block my way, so I missed the train *gondok* and I had to wait for another 7 mins. I heard the alarm sounded, and just curious why it was so. Then I took a seat then sudddenly I felt the construction work underneath the station, and made me stunned, reminded me of Nicoll Highway. So I assume the alarm sound because of this construction work lah...
Then not long after that 1 auntie approach my sit, then said," The train had just left ah?"
"Ya loh..,"I answered.
Auntie,"Why the alarm keep on ringing ah?"
I said,"Probably because of the sontruction underneath."
Auntie,"Wah so scary leh..."
I answered,"I feel the same way to, and the train still long some more.."
Auntie,"Anyway it's fate lah.."
So I smiled smiled loh....
Finally the train came, I feel "shiok" (read=comfortable, Singlish) inside the train, I don't know why, I always have this feeling everytime I take MRT in Singapore, some kinda feeling touristy or something which I can't explain, seeing the students with the uniform reading The New Paper and plug the walkman in their ears....
I had to change train at Raffles Place interchange, when my MRT door opened, then the train on the other side left me out just like that *sebel*
I was just wondering why they can't make both the train arriving and leaving at the same time, so it's easier for people to change train, just like Bangkok BTS *think very hard*
Luckily I didn't need to wait so long to get the next train arriving. When eraching Tanjong Pagar I still had to figure out which exit should I take to go to Peck Seah St, lucky, the sign is very straight forward *phew*
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
The Story Continue

Just happened that we had to donate door prize for 1 of our clients, so we went to buy Takashimaya voucher, then I realised that the customer service had already prepared lots of stacks of invoices for people buying the gift voucher. So now I know the trick, usually for this type of redemption, people will buy gift voucher, while they don't need to spend the money for unnecessary thing straight away, on the other hand, they could get this collectibles.
Before hand I used to think, may be just buy gucci or LV or Tiffany or something that is very expensive then it would be settled, but yet have another brilliant way to get there *amazed*
The redemption went quite fast I guessed as I was there about lunch time, and more than half (from 1000 available) had been redeemed.
On Sunday, I didn't go to church as I had a throbbing headache, but yet I had to have lunch with my friend, and continued with picking one of my friend arriving from Sydney on the way back to Malang. The flight arrived 30 minutes earlier than scheduled, so i was panicked as I arrived there about 10 minutes late from the original scheduled *sigh*
But finally I still found him browsing at DFS inside *phew* I was quite histerical seeing him, as he's my shopping buddy, karaoke buddy, cafe buddy, loittering buddy, photography buddy when I was in Sydney. Then I was more histerical when I saw his mineral water bottle, Mount Franklin, it made my heart throbbed (so dramatic huh?)

So that day we ended the nite by having dinner at East Coast Seafood Centre, Jumbo of course...
That nite when I arrived at home, I was reading the newspaper (basi banget ndak sih? dah malem baru baca koran *blush*) suddenly I felt my nose very funny, then I touched with my finger, oalah...blood mannn....blood....I became panicked of course, grabbed tissue, plugged to my nose, then asked CC to get for a wet tissue (by water of course) to be plugged to my nose...wow....I've never been like this when I was a kid, but after grow up so long then I got this type of thing *sigh*
Monday, October 11, 2004
Arrghh Monday
Due to my busy schedule, today posting is about my last week end activity *sok formal*

The show is fantastic, and at the end of the show, the cast sing some of the ABBA hits song, and some of the audiences starting to stand up, clapped and dance....wow... it's really a fantastic performance.
Eventhough I regretted that I bought the circle 3 seats, and I just realized that it's not so comfortable, and felt a bit afraid of the height *kampung bener yak gue*
2 rows in front of my seats was totally empty, but quite surprising no body tried to move their seats *shocked* Remembering this is Singapore man....but anyway I was quite annoyed by the whole group that seated at the back of me, as they kept on talking at the beginning of the show, until the whole audience shhhhh them...aiyoh.....

Actually as I mentioned in my posting a few days ago, I have to attend the Tiger beer B'day Bash concert, after the class i felt very tired and decided not to go *sobs* So I have to find a nother crazy event to do, before I turn old....*sigh*
to be continued...
Friday, October 08, 2004
Real life drama
Last Tuesday I was at 1 of the well known beauty centre to do treatment, then in the middle of treatment suddenly 1 of the counter staff went into my room, then said," Hey flona, I would like to see your progress after the treatment so far, as you're due to treatment check also. So can you meet me after the treatment later?"
So I said,"Yes, I will..."
I was wondering, hmm it was quite funny because my record is not under this girl, but with another one, which is my checked also had to be done by the usual one...
After the treatment, I went to see this girl (Ms.J). Ms.J said," How's the treatment so far?"
I answered,"So far so good lah...okay. "
By The way where is Ms.W(the one that in charge of my program)?", I asked again
Ms.J,"Oh, she's on leave today."
Then she tried to offer me some more other treatment program, which I denied by saying that I needed to discuss with my parents first. but then she said,"If you could confirm now, I can arrange for the program to start next week."
I still insisted I had to discussed with my family...then she gave up...
Wow...what a real life drama is happening here, how could she try to back stabbed her own coleague by trying to persuade me to sign up something when Ms. W not around, so that she could earn the comission, that actually by right should be earned by ms. W...
Moral of the story are:
1. welcome to the real work life in Singapore mate!
2. Friends, don't try this @work, but if you didn't do this, then you'll "kena" this!
So I said,"Yes, I will..."
I was wondering, hmm it was quite funny because my record is not under this girl, but with another one, which is my checked also had to be done by the usual one...
After the treatment, I went to see this girl (Ms.J). Ms.J said," How's the treatment so far?"
I answered,"So far so good lah...okay. "
By The way where is Ms.W(the one that in charge of my program)?", I asked again
Ms.J,"Oh, she's on leave today."
Then she tried to offer me some more other treatment program, which I denied by saying that I needed to discuss with my parents first. but then she said,"If you could confirm now, I can arrange for the program to start next week."
I still insisted I had to discussed with my family...then she gave up...
Wow...what a real life drama is happening here, how could she try to back stabbed her own coleague by trying to persuade me to sign up something when Ms. W not around, so that she could earn the comission, that actually by right should be earned by ms. W...
Moral of the story are:
1. welcome to the real work life in Singapore mate!
2. Friends, don't try this @work, but if you didn't do this, then you'll "kena" this!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Showering Max
This morning during breakfast after I took a bath, suddenly CC said," You go later lah...let me go first..."
Luckily I hadn't changed my clothing yet. So I decided to bath Max...then I regret. Now I smell Max' shampoo....*blush* Don't know whether it could be covered with perfurmed or not *anxious*.
Max after shower photo will be uploaded soon...
Anyway..as I said for those blogger who stays in Singapore we would like to invite you for "Kopi Darat", as those who stays in Europe can meet each ohter, why can't we?
The time and place that I've thought of is:
* Saturday 17 Oct '04, dinner at Marche ---> easier to pay the bill
* Sunday 18 Oct '04 picnic at Botanical Garden ---> pot luck
You have to choose either one, but so far, Jo can't make it, so I make another choices:
*Saturday 22 Oct'04 or Sunday 23 Oct '04, place, the same as above...
Feel free to contact me at my email flona@yahoo.com lah ya.....
Luckily I hadn't changed my clothing yet. So I decided to bath Max...then I regret. Now I smell Max' shampoo....*blush* Don't know whether it could be covered with perfurmed or not *anxious*.
Max after shower photo will be uploaded soon...
Anyway..as I said for those blogger who stays in Singapore we would like to invite you for "Kopi Darat", as those who stays in Europe can meet each ohter, why can't we?
The time and place that I've thought of is:
* Saturday 17 Oct '04, dinner at Marche ---> easier to pay the bill
* Sunday 18 Oct '04 picnic at Botanical Garden ---> pot luck
You have to choose either one, but so far, Jo can't make it, so I make another choices:
*Saturday 22 Oct'04 or Sunday 23 Oct '04, place, the same as above...
Feel free to contact me at my email flona@yahoo.com lah ya.....
Monday, October 04, 2004
Oh no it's Monday
I would like to say thanks a zillion for those whose been concerned about my hand...It's okay now...Thanks a lot for your care....
Last week was a very busy week for me, and it will be increasing day by day up to Chinese New Year *arrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh*. I read from the newspaper we can redeem the tiger birthday bash party with 300 hereen points started on Friday 10 am @ hereen. I've never been to a concert like this before, I mean pop or rock concert lah...coz I don't like pay money for crazy crowds, but yet now I can get it for 300 hereen points which means I don't need to come out any money at all....but i was busy the whole day...
So on Saturday afternoon I was around Orchard, then I wanted to try my luck, not really put high hope on it, coz you know...thi kinda things in S'pore sure snapped out within minutes one lah...but to my surprise they still have the ticket *yayyyy*
But my points not enough *sobs* so I browsed HMV, and ate my dinner @ Marche, and finally got the ticket *yippeeee*
Frankly speaking I don't really looking forward to it untill now, even when I got my points enough, @ the customer service counter I still asked CC," are you sure we're going to redeem for this ticket?"
Well....this the things that I thought may be I should do before I'm getting old lah...even though I feel I'm old enough to be in the crowds *blush*
Anyway there will be Michael (still) learn(ing how) to rock, then Palmy, then some of Chinese singers, surely lotsa youngster (ah beng and ah lian), especially this ticket not for sale I believe. You have to redeeem with certain numbers of tiger beer's bottle caps...so let's see lah yah....
My first pop rock concert......
Last week was a very busy week for me, and it will be increasing day by day up to Chinese New Year *arrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh*. I read from the newspaper we can redeem the tiger birthday bash party with 300 hereen points started on Friday 10 am @ hereen. I've never been to a concert like this before, I mean pop or rock concert lah...coz I don't like pay money for crazy crowds, but yet now I can get it for 300 hereen points which means I don't need to come out any money at all....but i was busy the whole day...
So on Saturday afternoon I was around Orchard, then I wanted to try my luck, not really put high hope on it, coz you know...thi kinda things in S'pore sure snapped out within minutes one lah...but to my surprise they still have the ticket *yayyyy*
But my points not enough *sobs* so I browsed HMV, and ate my dinner @ Marche, and finally got the ticket *yippeeee*
Frankly speaking I don't really looking forward to it untill now, even when I got my points enough, @ the customer service counter I still asked CC," are you sure we're going to redeem for this ticket?"
Well....this the things that I thought may be I should do before I'm getting old lah...even though I feel I'm old enough to be in the crowds *blush*
Anyway there will be Michael (still) learn(ing how) to rock, then Palmy, then some of Chinese singers, surely lotsa youngster (ah beng and ah lian), especially this ticket not for sale I believe. You have to redeeem with certain numbers of tiger beer's bottle caps...so let's see lah yah....
My first pop rock concert......
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Cultural Erosion
This evening I did a bit of self assessment, then suddenly I realised how impolite I am now. Today we had guests from Malaysia, and he is much more older than me, CC calls him by his name, and usually I've never referred to his name when I was talking to him. But yet today as we brought them around, so I had to comment on the place that we were passing thru, and I also called him by name.....*blush*
Then now I feel very uneasy remembering about that tragedy...well...may be next time I will call him with Mr followed by his name lah..probably he will feel weird....
Remember my story last week about that cute doctor as well? Nah...that one also I didn't call him by doctor, but called his name instead, oh no...what kind of human I am? *sigh*
Then now I feel very uneasy remembering about that tragedy...well...may be next time I will call him with Mr followed by his name lah..probably he will feel weird....
Remember my story last week about that cute doctor as well? Nah...that one also I didn't call him by doctor, but called his name instead, oh no...what kind of human I am? *sigh*
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