Saturday, March 18, 2006


Good morning Singapore....Yeah very bloody early though, just past midnite indeed, and I just came back from Cold Storage Holland Village, to buy baking powder. My godsista supposed to come to my place tomorrow, so I was preparing waffle for her breakfast tomorrow. Suddenly I realised, baking powder, so I rushed to 24 hours supermarket to get that baking powder, with a short and t-shirt *cuek kabeh*
Interesting story nih, the reason why I have to die die make this waffle tonite, is because when I was in HK, I visited strawberry cafe, and ordered strawberry waffle, then I took photo, then sent it to my godsista. She's so crazy about strawberry, so I promised her to make her one when I come back....So I have already bought strawberry syrup for the waffle, and I tought I still have some fresh strawberry left inside the fridge (I haven't eaten at all since I bought, but yet every time I opened my fridge the strawberry getting lesser, so you know lah who did it, riteeeeee?) But then just now after I finished making the batter, I opened to fridge to keep my batter, I found that more strawberry left.....weleh Nunik...nunik...old habits die hard yeeeeee.....*narik napas*
That's me, when basic instinct come, so no matter what time, I'll do it, besides, remember, I bake cakes for stress reliever....
Another SOS called on me, happened on Thursday nite, passing by my bar counter, I saw Bailey's was laying there try to tempt me *ngelirik Jimmy*, but it's a huge bottle that I just got from my trip last week, of course I didn't have a heart to open that big bottle.
Then my basic instinct came in *jail mode on*, I made milk from Anlene milk powder (I bought it tought that I need to drink milk for my calcium banking, but anyway I'm lactose intolerant, so I gave it up), then pour it over ice, plus Kahlua, hopla...there it goes new cocktail creation by me, taste likes Bailey's though *nyengir*
Meanwhile I need to go to sleep now lah...only left a few hours to sleep, need to get up early, lotsa work to do *sigh*
Happy week end everyone....

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