Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Japanese Class

I've been longing to join Japanese Class since a long time ago, but yet the strong urge only started about 2 years ago. I was recommended by my Japanese friend who;s working in the embassy here, in Singapore to only join that particular Japanese class.
My first enquiries, I was too late for the class, they only open for january intake, so have to wait for the following year, and at the end of that year I was very bloody lazy to register *grin* until end of last year, I told myself not waste my life by only doing stupid work, at least try to learn something new lah...so then I force my self to register, and here I am now with some new language confusion, after got mixed up betweeen Chinese and English (since I was in Sydney, everytime when I tried to speak Chinese, my brains is full of english *sigh* and when I tried to speak my Chinese Dialect, then my brain will be full of Mandarin *sigh*), losing my English speaking ability (now I speak very Singlish, sometime to the extend Inglish (=Indonesian English)*sigh*).
My language confusion is even deeper by the influence of my Japanese flatmate in Sydney, as she always try to be funny by speaking English with her Japanese Accent (She can speak English quite well for Japanese lah...She's been in Australia for about 3 years I guess...and 2 years in US before that), so some words like "Cat" in Japanese should be "Neko" but inside my mind is always "Kato" *blush* wakakkakakakka.....
Learning new language, in this case, Japanese, it's quite a frustating experience for me, because it's just simply totally new for me, not like Chinese, which is not so new, besides it's a quite easy to pick up language, there is no tenses, now plurals, and the structure is quite similar with Indonesian, the only problem is the right intonation when I pronounce a word...
On the other hand, Japanese, new vocabs *sigh* lots of particles (this one is really very tough), the sentence structure *sigh*, tenses problems *sigh* , it's really frustating when you're old, you're not as sharp as before when you learn something new...sometimes I feel lost...
Yesterday before class I was trying very hard to do my homewwork, but nothing come up in my mind, everything blanks...felt like crying and quitting, but I just told my self,"Try to go to class first lah...see how.." but it's a quite demoralising experience, learning new language, it's not about logic like when you learn computer, but everything has to be memorised *sigh*
So with all the confusions, I think I've become Confucious...

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