Monday, July 31, 2006

Hangat-hangat T%* Ayam

Cuaca di Singapore sekarang ini mendung menggayut di langit, yang disebabkan oleh hujan deras yang disertai oleh kilatan2 guntur yang silau di langit *caelah kayak sonora ahakz...ahakz..*
Buat ngangetin cuaca hari ini, gue mau menulis tentang topik yang paling hangat buat dibaca di blog guwe...pada tau donks semua? Yo'i coy...sapa lagi kalo bukan Woman of the Year, alias Nunik *nyengir*
Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Nunik bilang ke gue,"Ma'am anu...saya tolong dicarikan handphone second hand, dan tolong dipotong dari gaji saya..."
Weleh anu melulu yak...wakakakkaka....ternyata si Nunik, suka anu huahaahuahhahha...Doh handphone bekas..nyuruh gue lagi...di Singapore lagi..yah ogahlah gue...gue jawab aja,"Wah maaf yah Nik, saya gak berani nolongin kamu buat beli sesuatu, apalagi barang second, nanti kalo kenapa2 saya yang susah. Gini aja kamu coba nanya temen kamu, terus kamu pergi aja ke sana bareng temen kamu, duitnya saya kasih..."Nunik,"Wadoh ma'am kalo gitu anu ajah deh...tolong ma'am belikan handphone yang baru..."Weleh anu lagi *gubraks* gue,"Lah saya kan udah bilang saya berasa gak enak buat beliin kamu, ya udah kamu mau berapa saya kasih uangnya..."
Dan akhirnya...jreng jreng...Nunik punya handphone...udah sometime back siy...cuma gue gak nulis ajeh...sekarang mo cerita tentang kejadian beberapa hari yang lalu Nunik bilang,"Ma'am anu..saya tolong dibelikan card buat tilpun ke Indonesa dan Ibu saya di Arab Saudi..."
Give up deh guwe anu melulu hihihihii....gue bilang,"Card Djawa?"
Fyi Card Djawa itu kartu telepon murah meriah buat ke Indonesia gitu..gue juga gak tau nih kartu exist...karena tiap kali kalo gue tanya ke tukang juwalan kartu buat nelepon ke jakarta yang paling murah apa, jawaban yang gue dapet itu bervariasi antara satu toko dengan lainnya...tapi ternyata Card Djawa ini spesialisasi di antara Para Pahlawan Devisa ini loh...
Nunk,"Bukan ma'am, anu..kartu yang buat henpon saya ini loh..."
Gue,"Ohh top up card? loh bukannya kalo buat nelpon ke luar negeri Card Djawa lebih murah?"
Nunik,"Wah gak apa2 lah ma'am saya pake henpon ajah, lebih gampang..."
*gubraks*..nik..nik...kalo gini caranya kapan dikau dapat membeli segenggam berlian? ck ck ck...*kagum*

Friday, July 28, 2006


Seblom gue nulis postingan hari ini, gue mo ralat dulu ye buat postingan kemaren ttg pelem AADC, gue salah, yang ngarang puisi "AKU" itu adalah Chairil Anwar sperti yg ditulis Astrid di komen..Thanks yah Astrid buat masukannye *caelah gue kayak redaksi majalah femina..tapi koq betawi banged yak? huahuaauha*
Waktu gue nonton tuh pelem gue inget pengarang "AKU" itu Oom Anwar *SKSD* tapi apa daya waktu gue nulis, karena deadline mepet..dan gue dah pake acara mengheningkan cipta beberapa menit sgala, tapi yang muncul Rendraaaa melulu *sigh* Dan akhirnya terjadilah kesalahan yang tidak diinginkan oleh semua pihak tersebut *eittss..bela diri*
Btw, inget sepupu gue yang menggemaskan buat ditabok itu? wakakkaka...Nah pas bulan lalu gue di Jakarta, nyokap gue menggelar acara jumpa penggemar dengan gue buat sepupu2 gue yang najong2 tapi nge-fans berat sama gue *mau muntah* Biasanya sih, kalo gue pulank, gue jarang banged ketemuan ama mereka, soale gue selalu punya ajah alesan buat ngeles *ssst jangan bilang2 nyokap gue ye* Tapi kali ini gue berasa gak enak lah yau buat ngeles terus, sejelek2nya mereka toh emang mereka jelek *lohhh??* hihihi maksude mereka emang jelek tapi kan mereka tetep sepupu gue yang menggemaskan (buat ditabok) *teteup* hihiih..
Bagian Pertama
Panggil ajah sepupu gue itu Ucrit ye..ceritanya kan dia lulu SMP nih, dan mo masuk SMA (sekarang sih udah masuk SMA lah ya...), nah dia tuh saking ngefans berat ama gue (eh jangan2 dia naruh poto gue bareng dia ukuran poster di kamar tidur dia lagi *parno*), dia slalu berpikir dia harus perform lebih baik dari gue, ato at least on par (=selevel) lah sama gue geto loh...
Kebetulan dulu gue kan sekolah di SMAK 1(duar...ketahuan deh gue product taon berape..sekarang kan udah SMUK 1 yee?). Nah nyokapnya Ucrit yang notabene adalah tante gue alias adiknya nyokap gue, dari dulu udah wanti2 ke Ucirt bahwasanya dia udah ditakdirkan untuk sekolah terus di K Yusuf sampe doski tamat SMA.
But on the other hand, being graduated from Secondary, sah-sah ajah donk kalo dia punya pikiran,"Mo nyoba SMUK 1 juga ahhhh.."
So kalo gue gak salah denger dia ada daftar ato kali made enquiries kali yak buat masuk SMUK 1 *EGP* Trus dia nanya ke gue,"Ci, emang dulu waktu cici masuk SMUK 1 bayar berapa sih uang pangkalnya?"
Walahdalah...dalem banget nih pertanyaannya, gue jawab,"Wah udah lupa tuh, itu kan jaman purba banget.."
Surprisingly, nyokap-nya si Ucrit koq tiba2 jadi sejiwa dengan Ucrit ya? Seinget gue tante gue ini bukan orang yang begitu deh,"Ohh...SMUK 1 mah kalo mau masuk gampang, asal mau keluar duit lebih mah, kamu pasti diterima...cuma mami ajah gak mau hambur2in duit sampe sebanyak itu, kan ini cuma SMA, buat apa? Buktinya tuh temen kamu si X, dia kan pelajarannya gak sebagus kamu aja, tapi keterima di SMUK 1".
*pingsanlah gue*
Barusan gue nulis gue tiba2 kepikiran koq si Ucrit itu nanya bayar berapa, instead of nanya NEM gue berapa yak? Kali dia tau kalo mo ngadu head on gitu di pasti kalah ye?
Dan setelah ditelusuri lebih dalam lagi, gue baru inget, sampai detik ini, Ucrit mengaku bahwa dia belom nerima hasil NEM-nya, yang notabene, cuma nyokapnya doank yang percaya...jangan2 mereka sindikat? hihihiihi...
Bagian ke 2
Ucrit masih blom puas juga buat membuat gue tambah alergi sama dirinya,"Ci masuk UNSW persyaratannya apa ajah sih?"
Gue mulai agitated niy,"Loh kok tiba2 nanya UNSW sih? Dulu kamu bilang Poundsterling itu mata uang yang paling mahal, dan semua yang paling mahal itu adalah paling bagus, dan kamu bilang jadi sekolah di UK itu paling bagus, trus kamu kalo gak sekolah di UK buat kuliah kamu gak mau? Trus kok tiba2 nanya UNSW?" *senyum Iblis*
Bokapnya nyeletuk,"Duitnya kaga kuat euy buat ke UK.." Jreng..kok jadi bokapnya yang kembali ke jalan yang benar sih? Perasaan yang ngit endoy itu kan bokapnya, bukan tante gue *bingung*
Ucrit,"Iyah aku mau daftar kuliah di UNSW".
*gubraksss, pingsan lagi* Ihhh apaan sihhh..ngomong pake "Aku-aku"-an segala? kayak artis di acara infotainment ajah deh * mo muntah* Lagian Ucrit kan bukan kapiten *gak nyambung* Ato jangan2 Ucrit baru belajar sajaknya si Chairil Anwar *tambah tulalit*
Sambil nenangin diri gue jawab,"Kamu pergi ajah ke IDP di Kuningan, dia sana kamu bisa baca dan nanya2 tentang semua Universitas di Australia sampe puas.."
Duh gue berasa bersalah nih sama Mbak2 IDP,"Maaf yah mbak kalo di suatu hari nanti ada seseorang Ucrit yang bertanya2 sampe membuat Mbak mo nangis darah...semoga amal ibadah Mbak2 skalian diterima di sisi-Nya..amin.."
Nah sekarang gue juga jadi gelisah, lah wong di Singapore baru ajah bukan kampusnya UNSW karena mau bersaing dengan Monash yang buka warung di Kuala Lumpur, dan letak kampusnya itu amit2 deketnya sama rumah gue, jalan kaki paling 15 menit doank *mo pingsan lagi*
Sementara itu gue juga benernya lagi menimbang, mengukur dan me-apa lagi yak? hihihi...buat balik lagi tinggal di Sydney..yang menjadi pokok permasalahan adalah yang si Ucrit maksud itu UNSW mana yah? Ostrali apa Singapore? *gigit2 notbuk*
Kalo menilik ego dan gengsinya si ucrit sih pasti ostrali...tapi kalo ortunya found out bahwa ada UNSW di Singapore, trus mikir di Singapore kan ada gue dan lebih ekonomis, gimane donsks? *pucat pasi*
Sedangkan gue juga harus mengambil keputusan dalam waktu yang sesingkat2nya apakah gue mo menetap di Spore apa pindah ke Sydney lagi? *Tambah panik*
Duhh ada2 ajah deh idup gue ini *sigh* met wiken yah semuanya....hayo pe er buat wiken tebak2 buah manggis, UNSW Ostrali apa Singapore? *meringis panik*

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ada Apa dengan Cinta

Nama guwe flona, bukan Cinta waakkakakakakkakak.....
Dan gue mo cerita tentang pelem bukan guwe..kalo cerita tentang guwe judule ada apa dengan flona donks? huahahhauhaaha...
Btw...akhirnya tuh pelem yang udah gue beli dari jaman kuda gigit besi, dan nangkring di rak cd gue....gue tonton juga....
Gue baru tau itu yang namanya Nicholas Saputra ternyata emang guanteng abis *kamdut*
Sayang baru tau sekarang *lohhh....emang kalo tau dari dulu nape ye?*
Tapi koq actingnya si Dian Sastro di situ agak sedikit garing ya? Apa emang gayanya dia begitu? Kayak Matthias Muchus kan garing banget tuw (wadoh ketahuan deh gue produk taon berape *blush*)...perasaan si Mas Muchus itu mutsinya aktingnya kan menyatu kan..tapi tiap kali gue nonton, kayanya koq actingnya garing, gak ada penghayatan, dan agak maksa gitu..dan agak over...duh maaf yah Mas Muchus *sok kenal*...Gue gak pernah punya masalah dengan aktor lain, cuma dia seorang ajah kayanya....
Hmm itu si Nicholas Saputra tergila2 sama buku "Aku", trusan pas si Cinta nyari tuh buku ke Gramedia, gue kaget, kok pengarangnya Syuman Djaya sih? bukane itu sajaknya Rendra? Gue sampe muter2 kepala gue penasaran buat ngeliat sampulnya tuh buku *blush*, yang ternyata emang Syuman Djaya *sigh* ada Rendra-nya siy...tapi tetep ajeh gue kaga ngerti...kok bisa Syuman Djaya, ada yang punya bukunya gak? Pinjem donks *senyum manis*
Btw gara2 nonton tuh pelem, gue jadi inget dipinjemin satu buku kumpulan puisi berbahasa Inggris dari seseorang yang selalu menunggu gue di kampus pagi2, tapi gue selalu ngibrit buat menghindari diri dari doski *blush* yang masih nangkring di rak buku rumah gue di Jakarta...Ke manain yeee tuh orang?
Eh bukannye gue kangen, tapi gue kan musti ngembaliin tuh buku ke doski ye gakkkk?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Masih Seputar Rumah Sakit

Hmm sekedar update, gue kan penasaran berat tuh sama hasil cupping kemaren. Karena abis cupping dokternya bilang,"Wow this spot is very bad, very black".
Nah gue kan jadi penasaran tuh...jadi pas malem gue pulang, langsung gue nyari kaca, ternyata bener yang satu itu item banged...tadinya mo gue poto dan posting tapi menimbang, mengukur dan mengingat sesuatu dan lain hal *caelah kayak pejabat* akhirnya:
1.Siapa yang mo gue suruh motoin gue? Nunik? weleh...
2.Kalo gue post di blog, ntar bisa jadi parnografi kaga siy? Ntar gue diuber2 Rhoma Irama juga lagi, kayak Inul *sok tenar* hihihiih
Btw...beberapa hari yang lalu, pagi dinihari jam 1.30qm gitu, gue melarikan diri gue lagi ke rumah sakit, karena perut gue kembung banget, dan sesak napas...biasa lah maag gue kumat...jadi dengan jalan tertatih2, di malam yang sesunyi ini, aku sendiri..*nyanyi* hihihihi...sambil mikir nyampe kaga ye gue ke mobil?
Perasaan di rumah yang baru ini jarak dari blok gue ke tempat parkir tuw jauh ajeh...tiap kali gue mikir kalo gue kena serangan jantung kayanya bisa mati duluan di playground kali ya? hihihiihih...
Okeh singkat cerita sampailah gue di Gleneagles hospital (Rumah sakit langganan gue kalo malem gue kumat...), sesampainya di sono, sperti biasa gue ke Unit Gawat Darurat donks, sambil bertanya2 dalam hati kali ini gue dapet dokter yang mane ya... pas susternya ngubek2 record gue dan dia cuma naruh 1 lembar kartu..yah sudahlah, gue tau nasib gue, bahwa gue gak bakalan dapet dokter yang super duper cute ituw...
Sebel lah guwe....maksud gue bukan karena kaga dapet dokter cute, tapi ntar dokternya pasti nanya2 sejarah penyakit gue dari mula lagi, kan bete tuhhh...
Waktu dokternya keluar, jig...kok kaya guru math gue waktu SMP yang dibenci oleh satu sekolahan ya? Tambah patah semangat lah guwe...mane orangnya cuek lagi...sebel banget deh...tapi untung obatnya manjur, kalo kaga kan gue dobel bete tuw....

Monday, July 24, 2006


Gue baru balik dari rumah sakit nih, doing acupuncture *bangga*
Pada bingung kan, koq doing acupuncture di rumah sakit? Iya...ceritanya di Raffles Hospital ada bagian Traditional Chinese Medicine-nya...kebetulan temen gue juga berobat ke sono, dan Raffles Hospital adalah rumah sakit keluarga gue *gak nyambung*
Yah gue berasa lebih aman ajah deh kalo ada di bawah hospital, toh at least mereka gak bakalan melakukan malpraktek atau sejenisnya...
Nah kenapa koq acupuncture..benernya gue jiper siy sama itu yang namanya jarum...boro2 acupuncture, lah wong disuntik ajah gue takut *blush* Sejarahnya kenapa gue takut ama jarum, yah gue seumur2 disuntik baru beberapa kali, karena biasanya kalo ada acara suntik bersama di sekolahan, gue selalu gak boleh ikutan ama ortu guwe *blush lagi*
Balik lagi ke soal acupuncture, gue kan punya back pain sama knee pain yang lumayan kronis nih *caelah bahasanya rek* nah gue tuw tadinya nelepon rumah sakit mo doing cupping, itu loh yang gelas dipanasin trus ditelungkupin di badan buat narik angin (fyi gue juga anti sama yang namanya kerokan)..
Seperti gue yang gue dah duga sebelomnya, ternyata sesampainya di rumah sakit, dokternya bilang,"Are you afraid of needle?"
Jrengg...langsung pucatlah muka guwe, lah wong setau guwe jarum acunpuncture itu kan segede gambreng...apalagi setelah nonton pelem Jewel in the Palace...blom nonton ye? Buruan gih nonton *gak nyambung*
Gue jawab,"Of course I'm very afraid of needle, but could I just do cupping instead?" *pasang muka memelas*
Gue dah yakin tuh dokter bakal ngomong kayak gini,"Yeah you can do cupping, but it will be more effective, if you also do acupuncture. My needle is not pain at all, even small kids around 5 years old still can take it".
Yaelah doc, gue di-ceng-in gitu sama anak 5 tahun *malu* trus doctornya nyambung lagi,"How about I insert 1 needle, then you see whether you can take the pain or not.."
Weleh si doctornya tau caranya buat meluluhkan hati orang euy...yah sudah, I take the challenge...dan ternyata sodara sodari, yang di punggung waktu di-insert sih kaga sakit..tapi waktu dicabut berasa kayak digigit semut, tapi yang di lutut, weleh gue kan gak berani ngeliat..waktu di-insert sakit euy..tapi waktu dicabut kaga berasa *lega*
Tapi waktu lutut gue di-acupuncture ye...trus dokternya masuh kayak bawa lisong gituw jreng....gue pikir loh koq nih dokter bawa lisong (=cerutu), gue celangak celinguk koq gak bawa kembang 7 rupa yak? wakkakakkaka...Dia niup2 tuh lisong, dan gue realise ternyata itu bukan lisong tapi arang *gasp*
Yeee gue panik donk, masa sih lutut gue mau disundut pake areng? Perasaan yang musti disundut itu biasanya kutil bukan? Dan lutut gue kan kaga ada kutilnye *bingung* ternyata dia bukan nyundut, melainkan cuma ngambil panasnya doank buat manasin daerah sekitar jarum2 di lutut gue *lega*
Weleh serem ajeh deh petualangan gue hari ini...tapi gue bakal balik lagi loh minggu depan *bangga*

Friday, July 21, 2006


Waktu selasa kemaren gue abis ketemuan ama client gue di Paragon, trus gue nyeberang sebentar ke Takashimaya, judulnya mau ke kantor beneran loh mo ke kantor Pos, di Takshimaya ada kantor pos koq lantai 4.
Nah waktu gue baru masuk di lantai satu, sambil ngobrol ama temen gue di hp, eh gue ngeliat sosok yang lumayan gue kenal, temen sekolah gue ternyata, kita satu skolahan sejak SMP sampai SMA, nah gue dadah2in dia, karena toh gue masih nyangkut di hp.
Pas gue dah matiin hp, dia langsung bilang,"Oh elo di sini toh".
Gue,"Iya, elo di mane?"
Dia,"Oh gue di Jakarta, kerja di mana elo di sini?"
Gue,"Oh gue buka company sendiri".
Anjrit...langsung loh nada bicaranya berubah begitu denger jawaban gue, kayak rada sinis geto, trus dia bilang,"Oh company apa?"
Nah ini pertanyaan yang selalu sulit gue jawab, karena gue kan emank bergerak di bidang yang sangat spesifik marketnya, alias niche market, jadi banyak orang kaga tau trade gue itu ape...nah gue bilang,"Hmm itu gue yang ngebantuin orang ngirimin surat dalam jumlah puluhan ribu.."
Dengan nada mantep dan penuh kemenangan plus sinis juga,"Ohhh elo yang naroh junk mail di kotak surat itu ya?"
Gue,"Bukan lah yauuu...susah deh ngejelasine...hmm gini..kalo elo beli kosmetik tuh kan biasanya mereka offer membership, nah tiap mereka launch product baru, gue yang ngirim newsletter ato postcard gituannya deh...kan jumlahnya banyak tuh, kalo dikerjain in house bakalan jadi jarum dalam jerami kan..."
Die tambah bo kam guan,"Ohhh....bisnis di sini kan lebih gampang daripada di indo kan ye?"
Gue," Elo coba ajeh sendiri...kalo tahan 6 bulan, gue salut deh ama elo..."
Die,"Emang masalahnye di mane?"
Gue,"Customernya demanding.."
Die,"Oh itu mah gampang..."
Dalam hati gue t*^ kucing lah....kenapa juga elo gak nyoba buka bisnis di sini???
Die lagi,"Emamg pegawe elo berapa?"
Gue,"20-an lah.."
masih shock dengan jawaban gue dia jawab,"Oh gede donk..."
Emank lo pikir gue kerjain sendiri ape kerjaan gue?? Dah tau suratnya puluhan ribu yang musti gue kerjain..Dogol banget siyy...
Gue,"Lo lagi liburan di sini? Tinggal di mane?"
Die dengan gaya sengaknya,"Oh gue lagi transit abis dari liburan 1 bulan di amrik, sekalian ini ngajak anak gue ke dokter...gue tinggal di Meritus Mandarin.."
Gue concern,"Emang anak lo kenape?"
Die,"Oh cuma batuk doank sih.."
Anjrit...apa maksudnya nanya2 gue pake nada kayak gituw...kalo dia bisa liburan 1 bulan ke amrik , trus anaknya cuma batuk pake acara ke singapore buat ke dokter, masa gue gak boleh punya company di Singapore?
Nih orang emank dari dulu kayanya punya ganjelan ama gue gitu...kayak gue numpang hidup ajeh deh ama die...ihhhh...perasaan gue gak pernah berbuat sesuatu yang merugikan dia deh...napa juga dia begitu ama guwe?
Ihhh....Merusak hari gue ajehhhhh dehhhh....ihhhhh..abis itu gue mulai gatel2 deh seluruh badan gue....
Met wiken everybody...bete surete dehhh *ngutip Bunda Shafiya*

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bumi Gonjang Ganjing

Yesterday another earthquake, this time in Jakarta. They said the epicentrum is in the Sunda Straits, so the impact is in Jakarta lah yauuuu....
But so far afer cross check with all the sources, only my friend whose office in harmony could feel the quake, she said she ran out of her office, coz she felt a bad movement...
Hmm it reminds me when I was still in Jakarta a few years back, wadoh...approximately 10 years back man...*sigh* I ever experienced 2 earthquakes.
One is when I was driving on that highway, what's the name ya? Tol dalam kota itu lah..the one which price much...hmm may be now is around 4000 rupiah?
I was somewhere near Jelambar, suddenly I felt, ehh how come I felt my car shaking?
Then I saw everybody stopped by the highway, and of course I stopped also, then I felt the quake lah for a while *sigh*
The other one when I was attending Christmas Concert by Twilight Orchestra in Hotel Mulia, Senayan, together with my best friend, suddenly the room was shaken, the chandelier started to sway around, and almost everyone ran out of the ballroom.
Meanwhile the music still played, and the MC that nite was Becky Tumewu, stayed cool, and tried to calm the audiences down..
Reminded me of the Titanic Movie....that part, the music still keep on playing even though the ship was sinking *sigh*

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Oalah, piye iki?
Middle East start to fight against each other again, meanwhile there was a tsunami in our country again *sigh*
What happpened nah? *Thai style*
Science and Technology Minister Kusmayanto Kadiman said Indonesia received the bulletins 45 minutes before the tsunami hit but did not announce them because they did not want to cause unnecessary alarm.

"If it (the tsunami) did not occur, what would have happened?" he told reporters in Jakarta, noting that there was no effective way to spread a warning without a system of sirens or alarms in place.

I don't know is he a clown or a minister?
How can a clown become a minister? *sigh*
Just bring shame to our beloved country *geregetan*
I think Srimulat still have a healthy mind compare to this joker *dobel sebel*
Sangat Bodoh *Kayak Sun Go Kong*

Monday, July 17, 2006


After mixing around with my friends the last two trips back to Indonesia plus additional my friends' friend (nah loh bingung kan?), I become more and more famous as a GPS.
Don't know what GPS is? The Global Positioning System, usually called GPS, is the only fully-functional satellite navigation system. A constellation of more than two dozen GPS satellites broadcasts precise timing signals by radio to GPS receivers, allowing them to accurately determine their location.
Nah starting when I was in Jakarta, my friend who's GPS also quite good and she's a damn good driver also, has to ask me to lead the way from Greenville to Pondok Indah *sigh* At that moment I don't know who's staying in Jakarta, and who's already out of Jakarta for 9 years *blush*
When my compatriot was in Singapore, we were playing together with her friends who were also invited to her wedding in Bali, and the husband was an army before, when it's time to find the car or wanna move around shopping center, the GPS tracker is also me *sigh*
When my compatriot comfronted her friend which was in the army before,"Eh I thought, you army are supposed to know about direction very well?"
He rebutt,"Yeah that one in jungle, but not in concrete jungle like this.."
Dogol banged yah jawabannye, jangan2 bekas srimulat hihihihihihih
The most kamdut among all is when we were in Bali, the 2 nites before the wedding suddenly I received a call from one of compatriot asked me the direction to Uluwatu Resort *pingsan* which at the end, I spoke to the driver and lead him thru the phone to Uluwatu Resort...alamak, who is Balinese? The driver or me? *gubraks*

Friday, July 14, 2006


I finally got a new staff *lega* She's also Malaysian, but this time, during the interview, I encouraged her to speak more, and she is very frank with me, said,"My weakness is I don't speak English very well..."
But I appreciate her frankness, I saw her eagerness to try her best to deliver her answer in English, so I accepted her. Hopefully...everything will go with the flow smoothly ya *touch wood*
Let me tell you the story about Malaysian in Singapore, most of them, in the name of "saving money", they usually stay together with their boyfriend...
Ya lah ...of course for me it's a lame excuse...wanna save money then share a room with another girl lah...why should sharing a room with's a public secret in here anyway...
And then...this morning I accompanied her to do medical check up (it's the requirement from the government of Singapore when employing foreigner) at my family clinic.
Nah....I was so confused why it took her so long inside the doctor's room, then I asked the nurse....she said got problem...jreng...
And the problem is in the urine test, the result indicated that she might be pregnant *pingsan* heart beat faster...I don't know what to say to her when she came out *sigh* but the nurse said,"Let her do her urine test one more time lah..."
And she came out from doctor's room *glek* She looked allright, I didn't know whether the doctor had told her about her first test or not, but then she went to toilet to do urine test again.
Luckily the second test appear that she's normal *phew* life is so colourfull ya? Kayak nano nano *sigh*
Met wiken everybody...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I've forgotten, once upon a time, I was really crazy towards this songs...*joged2*
See, all of them still have "tjoeloen" face huahuhahahauhauahaa...
Duh, this songs made me wanna go clubbing *blush*
I miss Cafe Jalan Jalan...*Mental anak Trisakti-nye kumat*
I miss FTI Canteen, inclusive the vendor and mas-mas tukang photocopy *gak mutu*
I miss Trisakti Bazaar, especially Roti Bakar Bang Eddy *yummm*
I miss watching Mechanical Engineering student tawuran *loohhh???*
I miss cuci mata watching Economic Faculty Students *weleh*
I miss all my ex-boyfriends *waaaaaaaa*


*Kayak Megaloman*
Do you think Miss World Contestants will have a pure heart and really concerns about humanity, even though they final speech is always,"My dream is having the world in peace" ?
Do you really think all the people who works in United Nation always have a high concern of human rights?
Nah, Why should I? From this moment *nyanyi* ahak..ahakz...I will try my best to put my needs above all other people, if not, everybody will stomp (eh stomp loh, not step anymore ) onto my basic human right *sebel*
As for Nunik, I've told her,"Sorry I can't release you at the end of this month"
Do you think what? I've already suffered for this nearly 2 years, juz because I'm holding my believe in not exchanging her, as I concerned so much about her wellbeing if I did so, then suddenly, I have to fulfill her dream? *no way man*
It has to be fair and square lah....she signed on for 2 years contract, let's face it think I'm her mother or sister or what?

Monday, July 10, 2006


Now I understand, why in Japan people usually commit suicide on Monday *manggut-manggut*
Imagine, I worked like a dog, throughout the whole week end, to rush those stupid marathon job, now feel burnt out, and still rushing, deadline today *sigh* Meanwhile I supposed to be in Boot Camp this week, so I let go the boot camp *sebel*
This morning, I was telling Nunik not to put the blue band inside the fridge, then suddenly she said,"Ma'am, anu..kalo boleh saya minta pulang akhir bulan Juli, soalnya anu ma'am saya mau sekolah. Kalo boleh loh ma'am, he he he..."
Anjritttt...Wanna go home at the end of this month and telling me today *sh%t*
I answered,"Loh, gimana sih kamu, kok ngasih taunya tiba2 gitu, mustinya dari jauh2 hari donk...yah udah ntar saya pikirin gimana..." wanna play naughty or just release her, anyway it's the moment that I've been waiting for...but if she went home before I got replacement, How's Max? *sigh*
Another one, I arrived at the office, and the clown is here *sigh, when I asked her,"Eh why you Saturday never come ar?"
She said,"Oh last saturday meh? I thought this coming Saturday.."
Oalah, What's thing I've done wrong until I have to face all those idiotic people in my life?? Apa pepatah "Anak Sabar disayang Tuhan" is not valid anymore? Then I have to become bad girl???

Friday, July 07, 2006


Got new client, preparing for their marathon event which will occur at the end of the year. Doing this job, make me feel like I'm doing more than marathon, right now.
If people do marathon only in 1 days, my case, never ending marathon until that marathon event more than finished *sigh*
What a life...
Meanwhile, bujubuneng, I just palnned to terminate my clown today, suddenly, jreng....I received sms this morning,"Jie jie, I have a very bad stomach ache, I help you with work later can?"
But until now, I haven't received any further sms, should I called undertaker or mortuary instead? May be she's dead already
happy week end all, I'll be having a night mare thru the week end...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Surprise surprise, those 2 clowns are in my office today, I'd never expected the elder clown to come in, since she said she had job interview before...Her skin quite thick ya...*sigh*
They are louder than before *sigh* just like class wihtout teacher, but actually only consists of 2 clowns *sigh* Ntar kalo spaneng gue naek, gue lempar golok deh ke ruang sebelah *nyengir*
They were browsing thru job vacancy in the newspaper, aha..I wish them all the best lah, with that type of attitude problems *sigh* They put me as referee, I feel bad *sigh*
Anyway, I've been addicted to Kapal Api 3 in 1 version already *sigh* Even though the first time I said it was too sweet, but when I drink it whille it hot, Wadoh can make me fly to 7th heaven *sigh*
The bad news is today is my last pack *sigh* but no wories lah at home still have the coffee, so I have to mix and match for next few days, but if that one finish, how ya? *hiks*

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


It's been a public secret that shouldn't hire a family member inside your company or you gonna be in trouble. True enough, those 2 *ssh*l* sisters really *ssh*l* *loh??kok jadi kayak smurf language yak? hihihiihih*
I put the elder sista in my client's place to help out my other 2 staffs which are having assignments down there, and this old *ssh*l* told me that my other 2 staffs have attitude problems, meanwhile my 2 staffs said she is an *ssh*l* which I believe she is the one *sigh*
I have terminated the elder one, based on her request, she couldn't work in such working environment, so I wish her all the best for her future lah...
Meanwhile the young *ssh*l* stay put in my office, 3 weeks ago, about Wed, I was outside having meeting, she sms-ed me said,"Jie jie, I'm very sick, feel uncomfortable, can you faster come back to office, please?"
Worried about her, I dashed all the way back to the office, and drove like crazy to send her home, and on the way, I asked her if she wanted to see a doctor forst before I sent her home, but she said she doesn't like seeing a doctor. I was still naive enough to believe her, after that on Thursday she didn't come, I tried to reached her in her 2 handphone number, but couldn't get thru, so I asked her elder sister, the elder sister said, she was better may be went out with the brother...What an *ssh*l* On Friday I received an sms saying she vomited blood, so she can't come to work *sigh* I was hoping receiving another sms saying she died, but never received *sigh*
But I still sent sms to her saying no need to come back to work til monday, and after that on the Wednesday, again she told me could she have a half day leave coz her friend was admitted to the hospital, I granted her the leave, but the next day she said she had a terrible stomach ache, she couldn't come to work.
I was expecting she wouldn't come on Friday, I received sms in the morning said,"Jie jie my stomach is in deep pain.."
I didn't reply, till around 11 then she sent another sms saying,"Jie jie where are you? I can not tahan already..."
Then I called her to find that actually she came to the office, I asked her to hang on, coz I was somewhere near the office. When I arrived, I purposedly acting very panick, didn't give her the salary, and told her,"Are you allright? can you go home by youself? Coz I'll be having a meeting soon, should I get you a taxi?
She said,"No, I can go home myself.."
Then last Sunday I received sms again,"Jie jie I'm going to Malaysia with my parents, will be back on Monday nite."
I have expected I will receive another sms saying that today she can't come to work, true enough, this morning there is sms from her,"Jie jie, I reached Singapore 4 am, so I'm very tired can't come to work..."
Bloody *ssh%l@, I would be still kind enough to let you work till this week end, next week, I don't wanna see your face anymore, get lost from my company...she thinks her father own this company, ape?
I remember very clearly when I was helping my dad in his company, I'd never had such behaviour...ah..young punk, is it moral degradation for younger generations?