Thursday, April 27, 2006


Mandi pagi tidak biasa
Mandi sore tidak biasa
Tidak mandi sudah biasa
Badan Bau luar biasa

Remember Yoan Tanamal? *jadul banged* Sing that song with the melody of her song, if not mistaken the title is "Mandi Pagi". If you don't know who Yoan Tanamal is, means that you haven't been reaching enough age to read my blog, please ask your parents consent *devil smile* wakakaka becanda dinks...Please don't ask me where did I do my kindergarten, if my teacher found out about that song, they would kill me for bringing shame to my almamater *wicked smile*, for sure it's one of Christian school in Jakarta..keep on guessing mate ...wakakkakaka...and for you who are not Indonesian, too bad lah convert to become Indonesian lah *encourage* (will I get endorsement from Indonesian Foreign Ministry or not? wakakakka...)
Anyway, fast rewind, 6 years and about 4 months ago, I was travelling in a tour group Java, Bali and Lombok by lands, and I had to share room with my partner in crime in Jakarta and her sister for about 2 weeks, so 3 of us in a room, share a bathroom, no problem at that time take a bath is a basic needs, habits....I still didn't know what the importance of applying moisturiser every day, I only bring my sun block with me, that's all...
Fast forward, 6 years and 4 months later, last week end to be exact, I have to share a hotel room with my new recruit of partner in crime, only 1 nite, and I found problem of sharing bathroom, as both of us see bath is not a basic need anymore, bt more to luxurious need, a ritual. We need to spend longer hours in the bathroom...and moisturise properly, and I know the body and face moisturiser is different, so the amount of things that I have to bring when I stay outside my house is increased tremendously...*blush*
Anyway...long week end here in I would like to inform you that I'm going to Timbuktu Island again *innocent smile*.....It's play time...don't miss me, I'll be back next week...and have a nice week end *hugs*

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