Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Yesterday I checked some problems that I'd encountered regarding the works with my staff over the phone, to my surprise, she sounded very scared of me, and didn't know how to explain, and tried to defend herself. But actually I just wanted to know what actually happened, and I just tried to find the root of the problem, so that I could give the solution to her *sigh*
Hmmm...I was quite surprised though, so far, in my life, I've never known there is somebody that can be scared of me....I've used to be used by other people instead...and now her? scared of me? Alamak....Or may be now I have some aura of strong charisma *confused*
And then....just right now, my receptionist was asked by me to print something, but she was looking for something, but instead of asking me who seat just right to her room, she asked somebody else? *gubraks*
So she scared of me also, I supposed *bingung* What's happened to me ya? *sambil ngambil kaca ngecek apa gue udah jenggotan dan kumisan*

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