Thursday, January 19, 2006

Eeeekkkkk (again)

After class last nite, I was waiting for my dinner to come, felt quite hungry, may be because the quiz was over, so my appetite came back.
Suddenly my phone ring, it was from my mom, she said,"Lu masih ada gitar gak di Jakarta"
I smelled something fishy going on here,"Kayanya sih ada, kenapa Ma?"
My mom,"Oh itu si Silvy (my cousin) mau minta gitar lu. Itu yang di rumah gitar dari Jakarta bukan?"
Me,"Bukan mah, itu bawa dari Sydney kok."
Mom,"Oh kalo gitu mah mustinya di Jakarta masih ada ya?"
Me,"Mustinya sih iya, loh bukannya Silvy waktu itu bilang dia mau les biola? Kok tiba2 jadi ganti les gitar?"
Mom,"Oh gak kayanya sekolahan mau pake".
I'm very bloody sure my mom lied to me saying the school required her to have guitar, just because I told her that I thought she wanted to take violin lesson.
Yupe, I have a bad blood with my cousins from my mom sides, especially those in Jakarta, all of them are much younger than me, coz my Aunts and Uncle married quite late.
It's not me who started all of this, you know better what kind of human being I am as a friend, rite? So I will not treat somebody, especially my very own cousin badly.
Well, a lot of factors that can trigger this bad blood things:
1. My Grandma used to dot me very much, coz I'm the only grandchild until quite sometime, but even though my cousin came along afterwards, but it had never changed the amount of love and attention that my Grannie gave to me, I'm still the one.
2. As the eldest person around, I think their parents always use me as an example,"Why can't you do something like Cici? and Cici this....Cici that..bla..bla..bla..." (I feel very sorry for them for this one lah ya, especially seems that my life performance is quite good superficially, and I don't agree with this comparison for children, you have to know the yardstick for your own children, don't you?) But what can I do? I'm very well behave since young. I'm not naughty, even though after I grown up then tanduk gue mulai keluar dan buntut gue baru mulai numbuh *blush*
Okay come back to this Silvy, before hand I didn't have any suspicion towards her, my conscience always clear towards everybody, but I can't remember much how I interact with her when I was still in Jakarta, because our age gap is very far, she's still in her 3rd year of Junior High.
I only remember when she was still a very small girl, everytime she came to my house she always sticked to the baby sitter, I tried to create conversation, she didn't want to answer, so I tought she was shy towards me, I gave her my stuff toys, she didn't even want to touch, so most of the time (but she seldom came lah) I just left her with her baby sitter.
Then I moved to Sydney, everytime I went back for holiday, she always like to drag the mother to meet me, I tought it's just teenager, you know they like to be close to someone old than them, and make me her idol.
My auntie told me also, she doesn't have friends in school, so I assumed may be she's not exposed to what teenager should do, I bought her some Indonesian teen magazine (Gadis) for her to be updated, then I talked to her like I talk to my own friend.
But everytime I asked her question she always answered by I don't know. Then in return she asked me moron question like,"Ci, kenapa sih cici sekolah di Australia?"
I don't know what to answer,"Mmm soalnya Australia kan deket, lagian papa bilang jangan pergi jauh2".
She,"Kenapa cici gak ke UK ajah?"
Me,"Hah? UK kan mahal, lagian jauh."
She,"Loh kan Poundsterling itu mata uang paling mahal di dunia, mustinya sekolah di UK juga paling bagus di dunia donk?"
Wah gue mulai gondok nih..."Cici gak gitu familiar sama Uni di UK, lagian gag tau mana yang bagus, lagia mahal ajah."
She,"Kan udah dibilang poundsterling paling mahal, pasti semua sekolah bagus dong?"
I started to vomit blood,"Ahh mahal, gak mampu bayarnya nanti".
She still try to force her way,"Loh kan papa cici kaya, papanya cici bisa bayarin deh..."
I vomit blood until running out of blood,"Yang kaya kan papa cici, bukan cici...jadi cici gak punya hak buat menghamburkan duitnya papa buat hal2 yang gak penting donk."
Still she said,"Kalo Silvy sih, kalo gak ke UK, Silvy gak mau sekolah di luar negeri". *gubraksss*
Oh ... My ...God, is it really there is moral degradation for younger generation or it's only her that misbehave? *gubraks*
The stories continues, she really have desire that she has to perform much better than me...which fine for me, good for her future, but please do it in the positive way.
She takes English tuition, but for the NEM (PSLE result), her English is only 6, then the parents questioned her, why she only got 6 while she's having additional English lesson, she simply answered,"Abis di tempat les banyakan mainnya sih". *gubraksss*
Which I countred,"Main itu kan belajar juga, either vocabulary or grammar."
She knew that I joined LIA before, she kept on pestering me what level were I in when I started join LIA, which I couldn't remember, but she's still not satisfied with my answer....but now LIA open a program for secondary student, so she die die have to register, but when doing placement test, I heard that she only got low result, so she was on strike didn't want to join LIA.
In returns she forced her way to join EF instead, which in my opinion it's only waste of money, and I heard she even took TOEFL test, I don't understand what's she's trying to prove, as the results is only 200 *gubraks lagi*
she asked me why I take guitar lessson, not piano? Which I answered with I couldn't afford to buy piano, and be realistic, it's quite hard to learn piano when you've grown up. Then suddenly she started to say she wanted to learn violin, just simply because not many people don't know how to play violin, plus violin is expensive *gubraks lagi*
The last question that I asked her since she's very eager to outperform me,"Syl, kamu kan dah kelas 3 nih, ntar sma mo masuk mana?"
She,"K Yusuf lagi lah.."
I'm very itchy,"Gak mau masuk SMAK 1 ajah kaya cici?"
She,"Wah mana bisa....kayanya hasil sekolah saya gak bakalan bisa buat masuk SMAK 1 deh.."
At least this one her answer is still realistic enough..wakakakkaka...
Then after last nite phone conversation with my mom suddenly I lost my appetite *sigh*

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