Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cooking Lab

Yesterday, suddenly CC said to me, "We have to look for packaging, there is no time to design anymore". That sentence made me panick, Oh no, I haven't even do my experiment so far, and yet we do not have enough time, even for packaging *panick mode*
So last nite, even though I was very tired when reaching back home, but yet I still forced my self for experiment no 1, blueberry cheese cake. Why blue berry cheese cake? Coz our company logo is blue in color, so CC want something blue.
I started to make the crust, followed by the blueberry, but then got disaster as the cream cheese were frozen. I put them inside the freezer, coz my fridge..uupps not mine though, the landlord's fridge is dying.
I nearly gave up, coz I was really really tired, but after taking a few minutes break, my energy come back.
I supposed there is something wrong with the oven as well, according to the recipe, the baking time should be around 1 hour, but after 1 hour baking (which is about 1 am in the morning), I opened up the oven to check, but yet the cake still in liquid form, so I baked until 2.05 am. But then I didn't have any energy to wait until the cake cool down, I just left it on the table, until ths morning, CC couldn't wait to taste it, I tried to cut, but looks like it needs to be refrigerated first, but the taste quite good.
So before everybody started asking me about the phot0, here is the photo taken by my handphone. I shall continue my experiment tonite again.
Ngomonk2 semalem saking napsunye gue doing cooking lab, yah, masa gue ketimpa rak kecil yang dari besi waktu ngambil food processor dari kitchen cabinet, gak berasa sakit siyy, cuma tau2 begitu ngeliat yang tadi nimpa kepala gue adalah besi, lumayan kaget ajeh....

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