Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Ms Dracula

Today is the cardiologist day.
Well..as I met a cute doctor in A&E last Saturday, then now I got a quite fierce cardiologist *takut*
Anyway everything is normal, Thank God, from the ECG, heart scan etc...
Only I had to do a blood test, then it was very painful
CC said the needle was about 1 inch plus inside my arm
Over there had another grandma that supposed to have another blood test
She kept on mumbling to the receptionist in Chinese, saying that this nurse blood not good.
As the previous one, the nurse had to tried a few times to get the right vein from that grandma.
Which indeed she did it once for me and said sorry for the needle....
Well anyway now I'm still stucked in the office, lembur ajeh *hiks*
Dunno what time will finish....bobo di ofis kali ye? *sedih*
Go back to work again la ye......

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