Friday, May 26, 2006

Lost In Translation (Part 2)

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See the photo above? 2 girls wearing traditional clothes of Northern Thailand. The story happened when I was in Chiang Rai. I got down from the car, and the 2 girls approached me and saying something sounds like a rhyme in their language.
of course I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I assumed, they were quoting a poet for getting some money from me. But then when the tour guide spoke to me in English, the girls changed her rhyme to English as well.
Two person, take photo
Five Bahts only, Ok?

So actually they wanted us to pay them 5 bahts for taking photo with them or just take their photo...hmmm quite innovative...Sadly speaking I didn't try to maximise my 5 bahts when I took their photo *regret* coz I know that they have a lot of opportunity around, as a lot of tourists down there, I just felt unfair if I took a long time just only for 5 baths *it's very me*
So if on week end you saw me and my partner in crime, wearing sarong and kebaya (which is so called Singapore's traditional clothes), hanging around Merlion or Esplanade, and saying the same rhyme, you know who's my inspiration, huh?
Have a nice week end everyone...

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