Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gerimis Mengundang

This morning was raining, I was very reluctant to get out from my bed, remembering yesterday I'd raced around Singapore *sigh* But have no other choice, I have to go to the office *deep sigh*

Lazy to drive, brain jammed, I went down, realising that I didn't bring the umbrella with me. Being dumb from my tiredness, I just dialled a number to get a cab, and the other party,"Sorry this is not a cab company" *gubraks*

I felt bad and said,"oopss..I'm very sorry..." then hung up the phone.

I saw a lots of taxi outside, but rain, I walked to the bus stop and tried to flag a taxi. Got one, the driver quite cute *excited* but he spoke chinese to me, despite of I greeted him in English when I got in Good morning!".

FYI I greeted him is not because of he's cute's simply because I'm very polite *blush* anyway, cute guy...that's a rare things or could be says cute guys are going to extinct in Singapore, if could find, whether they're foreigner, or just simply womaniser or the one who is very narcistic (sorry if I offended anybody, but anyway that's the true fact). It's not like in Jakarta, where I could find cute guy every where, starting from the unpolished one (in Trisakti University), or the already polished with a very good finishing, everywhere in the mall *sigh*

Being challenged, I also answered him in Chinese. Then I began sms-ing my friends, and of course you can imagine what did I write in the sms *wink* So when got reply I smiled, then sent again etc...I supposed having the passenger smiling all the way at the back of taxi while sms-ing is quite common for taxi driver.

Nearest to my office he asked which part of the road my office is, and I told him the way, then he asked again (of course all the conversation were in Chinese, but I don't know how to write han yu pin yin, so i just wrote in English lah ya...) ,"You are not local, are you?"

I answered,"Nope"

He,"I thought so, because of your pronounciation.Are you from Hongkong?" *gubraks*

I said,"Nope, you guess?"

He gave up, I said,"I'm Indonesian".

Then arriving in the destination, I asked him to drop me on the side entrance, but he was very concern, he said,"But it's raining.."

I answered,"It's okay, only a bit..."

He said,"Ok then, please be carefull, it's slippery..."

Oh My God, so sweet huh?..too bad I didn't asked his number *sigh*

Morale of the story: When you see a good catch, please get the phone number immediately...

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