Wednesday, July 18, 2007

F1 Driver

This morning I had to wake up early as I had to pick up my best friend from Jakarta. Her flight arrived 8.55 *sigh*

But with a very high spirit, meeting her geto loh....I woke up early donk *smile sweetly* Actually she is on company duty, so last night she insisted not to be picked up from the airport. I couldn't wait to see her, so I picked her up *blush*

She came with her colleague, which happened to be our Junior back in Trisakti before. Even though at the end I shot all the way to Tuas, they had to submit their product sample to PSB in Tuas and after that dropped them at their hotel in town. I did it, in the name of friendship *caelah*

She commented something,"Eh Flo, elo di sini kok nyetirnya sangat patuh dan taat sesuai dengan tata tertib mengemudi ya?"

I said,"Lo mao dapet surat cintah dari Traffic Police ape? kalo ganteng sih kaga ape2"

And FYI, everytime I drive here in Singapore I have to keep on reminding my self,"Flona, remember this is Singapore, please drive carefully..."

Morale of story: Can you imagine how michael schumacher drive in his own private car?

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