Friday, September 08, 2006

Week End Ya?

Don't feel like TGIF today *sigh*
Woke up by running out of breath this morning, struggling to gasp for the air though *sigh* But I don;t have asthmatic problem though. Been like this for these past 2 or 3 months *sigh* I got relapsed I guess...
Anyway...had breakfast at coffee beans Raffles Hospital after having a battle inside my heart whether to have my brekkie at Coffee Beans or Ya Kun *senyum manis* Plugged my iPod player to my ear (of course my ears lah, masa my nose siyy hihiihihi..), tried to look aaround for newspaper but no luck, couldn't get any. Starting to send sms to keep my self busy (kalo kaga garink donks...duduk di cafe sendirian), but too bad I don't have that "sms" songs inside my iPod...anybody have it? *ngelantur* If you have, please give me yaaa *diteruskan*
Btw...even though I'd plugged my iPod, but I still could hear the conversation from my neighbour (next table i mean), which consisted of auntie, young man (quite handsome but that type of snobbish looks), young woman (very pretty though but looks very high maintenance). I couldn't hear and remember exactly what they were talking about, but it was soemthing very high class talk lah...but then suddenly the conversation switched to,"Eh that one you can get it from Pasir Panjang market lah.."
Surprised donk gue...from high class talk could shifter to Pasir Panjang market which is like "pasar induk" (central market) *sigh*
Then I felt desperate, coz my toast seemed would never finished to be eaten *sigh* then I started to have stomach ache *sigh*
Now I'm struggling to finish my work, accompanied by chatting with Cika, Yohan and other Singaporean fren, not conferencing of coz lah...
Aiyoh...don't feel like week it week end or not ya?
happy week end everyone....

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