Monday, September 04, 2006

And The List Continues

I went for Church Retreat on Saturday and Sunday. And then...during dinner on Saturday nite, one of the participant shared that her son's schoolmate just passed away during the basketball game playing against other school on Friday. He's only 13 years old.
That boy ddin't have any serious medical history. He was one of the top player that always represents their school for basketball games. It was shocking.
She looked very worry about her son psychology wellbeing. Then she also worried about her son health, until she and her husband decided to send the son for the medical check up during this week.
And then this morning I heard from my supervisor, that one of her colleagues in her previous job, commited suicide by jumping from the flat or carpark, something like that. She sounds very shock.
I would like to express my deep condolescence for those 2 tragedies. These 2 news are not causing too bad impact for me. I think it's just because I just don't know them well. That's why is not so shocking as the other 2, Isa and Mbak Inong.
Well...I'm started to think, why suddenly everything popped up, all the sudden death. What is God trying to tell me?
I was having this conversation with Yohan on the other day,"Waduh gila ya Flo, kadang2 kalo dipikir orang tuh kok umurnya bisa pendek gitu ya? Sedangkan gue yang dikasih kesempatan buat hidup sampai sekarang kok kayanya hidup dijalanin dengan ogah-ogahan".
It's strucked me, yeah it's true, why I can't appreciate my life so far?
I always feel my life journey is too bumpy for me to handle.
Is it like God trying to convey the message to me to be thankful that I'm still be able to live? And God wants me to live more responsibly and meaningfully for everybody arounds me?

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