Monday, September 18, 2006

Kopdar 4

Whoaaaa sooooo sleepyy....but anyway the kopdar was success, eh iya gak siy? What I mean, lots of you came to my place let me list down the people who attended:
Susana dan Bagio
Samuel dan Grace
Cika and Hubby plus Zion
Jo dan Soni
Yuliana dan Voldi plus Marisa
Ria dan Torkis
Jimmy dan Dewi
Full house, but still left out Inoki (yang blognya dah lama terbengkalai..hihihiihih), and also Evi *maap yah Vie, nomernya gue masih simpen yang lama* (blgnya udah ketimbun sembako huahuahhahaha), dan Sista also didn't come *sob sob* (kapok yah sis? wakkakakkka)
For those who left early, so sorry, the fun only started after you guys left *nyengir*
Lesson of the story don't leave early next time *melotot*

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