Saturday, May 28, 2005


It's Saturday, had to wake up early also, even though I just ignored the time, but 9.30 couldn't stay sleep any longer.
My heart skip beat has already been back *tambah sedih*, jadi degup jantung guwe deg...deg..deg...dregg deg dregggg...deg..deg..dreggg.deg dreggg...kayak kalo ritmenya drum band...
Go to Office *hiks*, lotsa works to do *grumble*, CC went out to go to film caster, then wanted to leave me in the office with the boys (temp workers), i felt uneasy, I'd rather work by my self, and I also need to be alone...
CC left and I feel upset...But if I had to go out, were to go? Singapore is sooooo small, nowhere to go *sebel mode on*
Kangen kampung jadine *hiks*
I miss my youth life (emange dah gag muda lagih yah?) ho ho ho... I'm not that old, but seems school time is the best lah ya...

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