Wednesday, September 02, 2009

1 Week in London

Not exactly 1 week, but almost there...well the first time I arrive, mmm not really the first time denk..the first few days..especially when seeing all the old buildings, I was like very enchanted, but after a while it become just normal phenomenal :(

Anyway it's kind of a mix feeling for me, between I feel too early, so I have so many times (about more than a week) before i started the class. I should have come this week instead of last week. May be it also like when you come to another country for travelling purposes then you'll feel happy, but when you know that you would be stuck for likeat least a month like me, then you will started to feel miserable, just like the first time I moved to Sydney and Singapore...

Well, no offence for yout who stays in London, but I just feel I am more suitable for Sydney, the people in here, somehow is not too friendly and warm. They are very individualistic just like Singaporean. Even though they greeted you, you can feel most of them not genuine...

The safety...I don't feel quite comfortable to stay out's not that I tried to compare to Singapore...even if I compared to Sydney..I feel safer in Sydney...hopefully I'll be allright...

The food, nothing authentic, I mean the Japanese food, Vietnamese food...but i haven't tried the Indian..I heard the Indian is very good.

Well...I am trying to catch some of the performances may be....

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