Thursday, May 14, 2009

Smart Casual

The very first time I had to deal with the dress code, was when i studying in Sydney. I was invited by my friend, who stayed in her college dormitory to attend a night cruise party around Sydney Harbour, the dress code was "smart casual"
I was confused with that term as it was my first time to deal with "dress code" thingy in my life. You can call me "suaku", "kampungan", "norak", "idiot", "moron", "unhip" or what so ever, please do so.
Now after so many party or event that I have to attend, last week my cousin called me to have dinner together, she said that the dress code is "smart casual". Being experienced *caelah* and remembering this is Singapore, whereby people doesn't really strict to the dress code at all, I just thought,"I am smart, I am casual"
So I can have a conclusion me my self is "smart casual", can't I? Anyway they didn't forbid me from entering the restaurant, and there i was enjoying my dinner together with my cousin at 70th Floor of swissotel the stamford (or what I can't recall, this hotel keep on changing name regularly, until i lost track).
Was a very nice dinner, nice ambience with a nice view of Singapore Skyline as the sky was very clear that day.

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