Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Exam Day's not really exam that I'll have today, but it's a test, basic theory driving test to be exact. but as Indonesian, whether it's a test, quiz or exam, we always treat it the same as exam.
You might be asking why I should attend this test, especially for some of you who knows I've got my driving licence since a long time ago, and some more who knows my quality of driving *sombong*
Anyway, it's all becoz I want to convert my Indonesian driving license to Singapore's one, as I station here for quite some time and I can foresee it will be till indefinite time *hiks*
Based on Singapore's rule, everybody, no exception at all have to take basic theory test before they can get Singapore's license, which I always here lots of people grumble over this regulation.
Actually, as Indonesian, I always believe, if you got Indonesian license and can survive driving in Jakarta, that means you'll no need to worry to drive in any other parts of the worlds, isn't it true?
So this is my wise words to my self, no matter what the result is going to be for today exam, I don't care, anyway it's only S$6 per test, and my drving is pureeeeefect, just go for another boring test, and pay another S$ 6 again, agreeee?????????

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