Friday, April 30, 2004


Setiap orang itu punya karakter yang berbeda, seperti kata orang, even though a twin, they still have a different. Dan yang harus gua hadapi adalah orang yang latar belakang budayanya bener2 beda ama gua, cara hidup dan cara memandang sesuatu juga beda, terus kalo kaya gini jadinya gimana ya?
Perasaan dulu gua ke Australia adaptasi ama lingkungannya nggak susah susah amat model begini, tapi gua pindah ke singapore...semuanya beda, cara pandang, budaya, pace of life, segala macemnya deh...pada intinya sepertinya gua nggak cocok hidup di sini. Terus mau pindah ke mana dong?

Thursday, April 29, 2004


Beberapa unit dari office gua ada satu perusahaan keluarga gitu, usia bossnya yah setengah baya gituan deh kali lebih muda beberapa tahun dari nyokap gua.
Waktu office gua baru pindah ke gedung ini yang bearti itu uncle dan auntie punya tetangga baru, gua perhatiin, cara mereka berpakaian yah selayaknya orang usia mereka lah, kaya model bokap dan nyokap gua gitu.....
Tapi lama kelamaan gua perhatiin kok cara mereka berpakain berubah yah....yang pertama sih si unclenya itu...waktu awal awal gitu kan si CC banyak ketemu client, jadi mau nggak mau ke kantor berpakain rapi pake business shirt gitu dong, soale ntar pagi ato siang atau sore bisa tau2 ditelpon suruh nemuin client...
Nah si uncle itu tiba2 juga ganti tuh model pakaiannya, ngikutin si CC, tiba2 rapi banget pake kemaja lengan panjang pokoke kaya may meeting gitu deh....
Okeh itu pertama, terusan lama2 CC ganti model baju nih pake kemeja tapi tangan pendek, yang modelnya lumayan si uncle juga ikutan.....
Trusan abis itu CC suka banget pake Polo shirt buat ngantor...nah yang ini si uncle pick up nya lumayan lama, sampe minggu kemaren baru gua liat..weleh si uncle sekarang ngantor pake polo shirt juga man...
Sementara itu si Auntie agak telat pick upnya.....gua sampe terkaget2 waktu itu gua liat weleh si auntie keren banget pake sepatu boot segala, tapi pakaiannya masih model2 gituan deh even though udah agak ganti model dikit...dan lama2 si auntie mulai pakai jeans, dan t-shirt atau kaos polo gitu, soale gua kalo ngantor emang pakaian gua kayak gitu...lah wong gua ngantor nggak ketemu siapa2 kok, paling cuma delivery mannya gua, delivery man-nya orang ama komputer......dan yang pasti gua nggak pake sepatu bootlah...ngapain juga..emange gua petugas DPU ape he he he....
Anyway CC kasih tau si auntie kayanya lagi nyoba ngurusin badan, dan tadi gua perhatiiin iya tuhh...kayanya lumayan banyak berat badannya uncle ama auntie nggak mau kalah terhadap gua dan CC...weleh...
Gua lagi bilang ama CC, ya udah ntar mulai minggu depan gua ngantor pake spagetti strap ama halter neck ahhh......hauhahahahhaha....

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Wrong Calculation

After the past 2 weeks in a row, I had a very busy week end to fly back to Jakarta, I thought I will have a very peaceful and relax week end today.
I got it wrong, this morning had to help to clear the school project, so had to wake up quite early, then squeezed my brain for it. Finished around lunch, then went back home to change for my lancome birthday party, had a quick make over, wore a acceptable clothing.
Today quite surprising suntec city was very quite, it was never been like this before, i meant out of during the ancient time when suntec city had just opened, and nothing inside. I think it's because the accident at Nicoll Highway, so people dare not go to Suntec City until further announcement.
After Lancome party, we still had to supervise another project for citibank, very tiring and very bored, then we had dinner at Great World City, the usual japanese stall inside the food junction, then we went home, hoping could get rest.
Yet it is another disaster, tonight is another karaoke night, oh my....can not help to hear all those aunties and uncles sing, especially those who always out of tone and tempo.....

Friday, April 23, 2004

Emirates Part 2

On the way back to Singapore of course I took another Emirates flight, then it was also full by all the TKI who's going to work in UAE.
When reaching Singapore, everybody had to go out from the plane, as there would be some cleaning to be done inside the plane, but yet, none of the Emirates staff spoke Indonesian, so one of the stewardes, spoke to them in English mixed with the sign language and body movement to ask them to remove the hand luggage, boarding pass, and passport as well...
But yet still a lots of them looked very confused, so moved to the front i politely told them in Indonesian of course to remove their belonging, boarding pass, and the most important thing is their passport. They looked at me with disbelief look in their eyes, and said they were told to come out in Colombo (may be it meant that they change the flight at Colombo), then I still talked to them patiently, because the plane needed to be clean, that's why they have to go out for a while and then later on came back again to same flight.
Thinking about it, i feel sorry for them, we can't choose to be bornt to certain family, but all has been determined by God.
I also learn to be thankful for whatever I am now, and for my family as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004


Last week end when I was in a hurry to go back to Jakarta, I have no choice to take Emirates Airlines.
This is my first time to take Emirates, actually the price different between Emirates and Thai Airways (which I normally take), not so significant, but due to work commitment (ceilaaa.....) I had to take Emirates...
It was a transit flight from Colombo and most of the passengers are TKI (Indonesian workers, mostly maid) from UAE.
Been heard so many bad news about how our TKI got abused over there, I was wondering, all of them looked quite well, happy, no sign of abused at all.
On board, I was very "kaypoh" as the one sitting next to me is one of the TKI, so I chatted her, she had just finished the contract of 2 years, and decided to go back to her hometown, NTB. Asking about how was the treatment and all the news that we always heard, she said it all depends on the employer, the worst that she got was only scolding here and there. She said if they don't like the master, then they can ask the office to change, and the same as the master.
From her story, she said that the in Jakarta office they had to join a class, based on the education that they had before, then they were taught English, which she said it's no use at all, because in UAE all the employer speaks Arabic, so most of them only can cry as they felt so helpless, and started to learn by themselves. She also said she waited for about 6 months before being sent to UAE, and for those unlucky one, they could wait for it is encouraged to bribe the officer so that you can be sent immediately, even the fake certificate also been provided.
I felt sorry for them, they look so naive, young, playful, etc...So I reminded her by the time she arrived in Jakarta please don't trust anybody with her money, don't trust anybody with no identification as an officer or what so ever, as lots of story also they were cheated and conned by the time they reached Jakarta.
When we arrived, the queue at immigration was so long, partly also because of all the TKI, and they don't even know how to fill in the form, some of them also got problem with their passport, so my time wasted quite a lot to wait for my turn.
Now Indonesian immigration divide the counter for foreign passport and Indonesian passport, so CC went to queue for the foreign one. The previous week the officer insisted to see his return ticket, so last week I made sure I passed him the ticket before he queued up, then this officer straight away asked him,"Wah sering ya datang ke Jakarta (soale minggu lalunya kan dateng juga), ada urusan apa ya?"
CC answered (CC can speak broken Indo though),"Jalan jalan", then the officer said," Minum kopi dong", CC still insisted "Bukan, jalan jalan" Actually CC had already knew what he meant. Finally the officer said "Tolonglah pak kasih saya uang untuk minum kopi."
Hearing that request so CC voluntarily opened up his wallet in front of everybody and gave him 10 Malaysian Ringgit.... Haizzzzz....Indonesia....masih aje kayak gitu ye......after that the officer gave CC a very broad smile.......

Monday, April 19, 2004

Go Back Kampung

Last week, during Easter holiday and this previous week end I was in Jakarta for doing research.
During my stay there I went through major shopping mall there, Taman Anggrek, Plaza Senayan, Plaza Indonesia, and even Plaza Ex (The extension of Plaza Indonesia).
I saw a lot of brands that are available in Singapore also already available in Indonesia, you name it, they have it, eg. Mango, Phuture London, Starbucks, Baker's Inn, Coffee Beans, Thai Express, Gloria Jeans, Bread Talk, Giordano, U2, G2000, Papa Beard, DQ (now they alived again and the concept is almost the same like Singapore's one), Ajisen, Louis Vitton, Hermes, etc....
Then I'm so amazed until now, then I'm thinking how the local Indonesian Brands can survive with this type of heavy competition from International brand, especially people more into the international brand of course.
From the price wise, they are more expensive compare with Singapore, especially for the fashion type, which for food stuff may be just slightly expensive or a bit cheaper.
I was very shocked everytime I came back to Jakarta, remembering all the inflation that happened after the riots in 1998, as I leaved Jakarta in 1997.
I felt why everything suddenly become so expensive, then I wonder also If I happened to live in Indonesia and worked in Indonesia, could I afford all these things without any financial helped from my parents at all?
From my observation, I see more people entering and buying the international designer shops, which made me more confused...
It looks like the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer, then I don't know where the middle class belongs to?

Thursday, April 08, 2004


Saking banyaknya kerjaan seperti yang tadi gua tulis di posting sebelomnya, gua jadi ngantuk berat dan nggak konsen abis...
mana tadi sempet sakit perut dan kunci kantor dibawa ama supir lagi, dan CC juga lagi keluar, alhasil gua ngak bisa ke toilet...
Akhirnya setelah penantian yang sangat panjang (jie..gua jadi kayak pujangga lagi yak?), CC balik ke kantor, tapi gua udah nggak sakit perut...
Setelah beberapa lama, sakit perutnya muncul lagi, so buru2 gua ke toilet, dan untungnya cubicle yang gua suka itu kaga ada orang...tapi akhirnya gua bukannya melaksanakan tugas gua di toilet, malahan ampir ketiduran....doh beneran deh....untung akhirnya sadar sebelom ketiduran dan pas keluar..gua liat di kaca...yang ada mata gua dah berubah jadi panda....dark circlenye gede banget dan item banget...weleh sia2 gua beli lancome, biotherm, etc..etc....gak nolong.....
Dan yang lucunya..tadi pagi gara2 bangun gak kesiangan dan buru2 beresin cucian yang belom dijemur...trus mandi, sarapan dan ngantor...sampe di kantor baru sadar..ternyata gua cuma sempet ganti celana panjang sedangkan kaosnya masih kaos tidur...weleh...untung masih pke kaos OP kalo kaga ampun dehh(biasanya gua ngantor cuma ngejins ama kaosan doank sihhhh..makanye bisa kejadian gini......)


Udah beberapa hari ini kerjaan dateng bertubi2, jadi gua rasanya kaya dikeroyok sama kerjaan.
Begitupula hari ini (doh gaya bahasa gua amit2 nggak sih???).
Aniwe...barusan CC beliin makanan (nasi bungkus lah istilah indonesianya) buat gua....jadi gua ama CC makan di kantor...gua kaget waktu buka makanan gua walah....gua dibeliin pete....padahal gua kaga doyan pete...
Mana petenya diiris kecil2 lagi, kan susah tuh misahinnya..alhasil makan siang gua jadi amburadul banget berusaha misahin pete dari sayur2 laennya....kali yah ada deh yang kemakan sedikit...tapi luckily pete singapore kaga separah pete indonesia sih (kaga sepahit dan sebau itu) yah gua kaga bau2 amat deh....

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Deg deg-an

Udah lama banget gue kaga ngopi, padahal dulu gue kaga bisa idup tanpa kopi, apalagi abis kerja di starbuck, kalo kaga minum kopi rasanya seperti makan sayur asem nggak pake asem (ganti istilah kali2 ngak ape2 kan....)
Tapi gara2 penyakit dodol ini (panick attac disorder), gua refrain dari mulai kopi, teh kental, sampe minum soft drink juga udah gua quit.
Tapi barusan nggak tau nape, tiba2 gua pingin minum kopi, so gua pikir okelah...ngopi yang ringan dan lucu, gua ke esso petrol kiosk (supermarketnya lohhh bukan beli bensin pan..), gua beli nescafe mocha yang kalengan itu loh.....
Setelah gua minum, ternyata gua nggak suka....kayanya creamernya agak kebanyakan (gua pan nggak suka susu...) tapi yah gua pikir udah tanggung so gua abisin juga satu kaleng...karena gua beli 2 kaleng 1 gua kasi buat CC, satu lagi buat gua....
Eh alhasil sekarang gua jadi deg2an....doh sedih deh...mana nescafenya nggak enak2 banget...kalo enak dan sekarang gua deg2an masih kaga nyesel udah nggak enak deg2an pula...
jadi kesimpulannya tolong ingetin gua supaya jangan beli nescafe kalengan lagi ye....(eh ntar gua dibanned ama nescafe kaga ye?)

Saturday, April 03, 2004

What a sinful days....

I can't remember how it was exactly started, suddenly I have an urge to eat all kinds of sweet things (except candies). Started by Baker's Inn profiteroles, the next day continued with dinner at French Stall (of course I'm ordering french food lah...) then still ordering dessert (usually I am not into dessert kind of things), giant profiteroles again, but this time the profiterole is much more bigger.
Next day ate lunch at delifrance, snacking dove chocolate, and finished with dinner at burger this week is full of sinful chocolate.....just don't know what's happening with me...