Perasaan makin hari kerjaan daku makin yahud buanyaknye *sobs* Sekarang even though kadang2 abis ketemuan client ato pas makan siank bisa nyuri2 waktu buat ke mall, hati gue juga dah nggak "tune in" buat belanja ato sekedar cuci mata *hix*
Ini badai ndak bakal reda sampe abis Chinese New Year deh, dan makin tahun kayanye kerjaan gue makin membludak *narik napas panjang*
Aniwe...bokap ama nyokap gue lagi di sini nih, , sejak kemaren malem sih. Tapi mereka ndak tinggal di tempat gue karena kamarnye dah di-occupy ama si nuniek, so mereka tinggal di tempat tantenye bokap gue. Tadi seharian dicuekin gara2nye gue sibuk kerja, dan dengan perasaan bersalah tadi gue beliin dinner buat mereka, dan akhirnya gue ajak drive thru liat2 lampu di orchar road sih...pan light up...oh ye gue dah sempet poto2an (maksude moto2 light upnye, bukan moto diri gue dengan background light up) sih beberapa minggu yg lalu cuma ndak sempet aplot *alasan*
Trusssss minggu depan doh jadwal gue jutek banget deh....ndak mau mikir ahhh...tapi ada satu yg jadi pikiran, gue dapet undangan dari Singapore Zoo, ceritanye acaranya judule dinner cocktail, tapi kok gue liat ada menunya itu mah bukan coctail atuh, full set of Western menu *sigh* (nambah gendut deh gue), dress codenye smart casual, tapi gue ndak percaya, lah wong ini yg diundang adalah para sponsor-nye kebon binatang kok, mane mungkin bisa smart casual punya dress code....dan berita terbaru dari CC, katanye benernye acara ini yg nyelenggarain adalah Zoo bareng Argentine Embassy. Doh tambah stress deh gue...yang pasti yah tamunye pada naek mobil "CD" atuh...mana mungkin pula bisa smart casual....dah gue ndak punya gaun malam lagi (Agnes pasti ngakak2 baca-nye), bukannye ndak punya sih, cuma bingung ajeh masa ke zoo pake gaun malam *garuk2 kepala* even though ruangannye bakalan ber-ac..tapi kan lucu ajeh....
Walah emank susah jadi cewe....bingung nih gue pake baju ape...trusan duh males ajeh yah isinye orang2 gedean gitu...musti ngomong apaan yah ama mereka? Pusing beneran deh...ayo donk kasi ide...beneran deh gue kan orangnye informal banget....dosa ape ye sampe kena musti hadir ke acara ginian *ketok2 kepala*
CC bilank yah udah liat segi positipnye..sapa tau ntar muka kita muncul di majalah Tatler, doohh si CC emank pe de abisss deh...gue bilank, mane mungkin lah kali wartawannye tatler ngeliat tampang kita, tadinye mau moto pasti langsung kaga napsu.....*sok yakin*
Hiks....duh udah ah...ngantuk...putih telurnye masih ndak tau mau bikin apaan, lagian ndak ada waktu...Ndak bisa bikin puding pula, soale kalo pudink kan expirynye cepet, dan kalo mau bagi2 bawanye susah...*hix*
Oh yah lupa mau ngucapin makasi buat temen2 yg masi setia mengunjungi blog gue ini *terharu* even though gue busy banget ndak sempet blog walking...aniwe hepi wiken yeeeee
Perjalanan hidup numpang di negeri orang untuk mencari sesuap nasi
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Sutris = Bikin Kue Lagi
Hmmm daku baru balik dari Jakarta Senin malam, tadi ngantor kerjaannye dah bertumpuk lebih tinggi dari mount everest *sobs*
Jadi sutris (baca:stress-red) deh...dah dikejar2 deadline....meskipun ranjang di singapore lebih empuk dan ac-nye lebih dingin, tapi tidur gue lebih nyenyak di Jakarta *meratap*
Karena tingkat ke-sutris-an gue tinggi, alhasil, sekarang gue lagi ngebake lapis surabaya, dari tadi si max, dah mondar mandir di dapur nyiumin baunye...tadi sih yg lapisan pertama dah gue cuil dikit, kata CC uenak.....
Ya sutrah.....saya balik lagi ke kue yeeeee....
Jadi sutris (baca:stress-red) deh...dah dikejar2 deadline....meskipun ranjang di singapore lebih empuk dan ac-nye lebih dingin, tapi tidur gue lebih nyenyak di Jakarta *meratap*
Karena tingkat ke-sutris-an gue tinggi, alhasil, sekarang gue lagi ngebake lapis surabaya, dari tadi si max, dah mondar mandir di dapur nyiumin baunye...tadi sih yg lapisan pertama dah gue cuil dikit, kata CC uenak.....
Ya sutrah.....saya balik lagi ke kue yeeeee....
Saturday, November 13, 2004
My Cookies
Hmm bukannya congkak bukannya sombong *kayak lagu*, gara2 gue bikin kuwe kering, tiap hari CC nanya, stocknya masih banyak nggak?
Malahan hari ini CC nyeret gue ke supermarket suruh beli bahan2 buat bikin itu kue kering lagi, dan bilank," I'll be ok if you want to do repeat order for me."
Weleh...sape juga yang mau bikin kue lagi *senyum licix*
Feed back yang gue dapet dari CC," I've never had anything as delicious as this cookies in my life before."
Dengan cueknya gue jawab,"Of course lah, you always buy chep biscuit what." Jahat nggak sih gue kuakakakakkak......
Trusan gue dapet feed back dari temen gue yang gue bag satu topless,"Woahhh my whole family like it very much." Doh jadi malu euy....
Tinggal satu lagi nih....nggak tau feedbacknye gimane, gue kemaren kasih tau ini cookies bikinan gue loh, tuh orang sampe terkaget2 dan terkagum2 ngeliat kue kering dalem toples....duh ape tampang gue kurang meyakinkan ye? *blush*
Kemaren Nuniek bilank,"Mam, kita jualan kue kering ajah yukk..."
Dan gue bilank ama CC, gimane kalo gue jualan kue dalam rangka "Raising Fund" buat shopping expenses guwe...kuaakkakakakkakaka....
Aniwe buat yang penasaran ama cookies gue, mau pesen? yah gue kasih harga temen deh *senyum manis*
Last but not least lagi nih, met lebaran buat temen2 yang merayakan, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ye...kalo mo ngirimin gue ketupat, gue nggak nolak kok *senyum manis*
Malahan hari ini CC nyeret gue ke supermarket suruh beli bahan2 buat bikin itu kue kering lagi, dan bilank," I'll be ok if you want to do repeat order for me."
Weleh...sape juga yang mau bikin kue lagi *senyum licix*
Feed back yang gue dapet dari CC," I've never had anything as delicious as this cookies in my life before."
Dengan cueknya gue jawab,"Of course lah, you always buy chep biscuit what." Jahat nggak sih gue kuakakakakkak......
Trusan gue dapet feed back dari temen gue yang gue bag satu topless,"Woahhh my whole family like it very much." Doh jadi malu euy....
Tinggal satu lagi nih....nggak tau feedbacknye gimane, gue kemaren kasih tau ini cookies bikinan gue loh, tuh orang sampe terkaget2 dan terkagum2 ngeliat kue kering dalem toples....duh ape tampang gue kurang meyakinkan ye? *blush*
Kemaren Nuniek bilank,"Mam, kita jualan kue kering ajah yukk..."
Dan gue bilank ama CC, gimane kalo gue jualan kue dalam rangka "Raising Fund" buat shopping expenses guwe...kuaakkakakakkakaka....
Aniwe buat yang penasaran ama cookies gue, mau pesen? yah gue kasih harga temen deh *senyum manis*
Last but not least lagi nih, met lebaran buat temen2 yang merayakan, mohon maaf lahir dan batin ye...kalo mo ngirimin gue ketupat, gue nggak nolak kok *senyum manis*
Thursday, November 11, 2004
I come back
The real me has come back, last nite I made cookies, but yet I was too lazy to bake, so I baked this morning....yay finally my cooking soul is coming back.
But this morning I burnt my finger during baking hiksss......
My deep condolescence for Mr. Yasser Arafat. What a great loss that we suffer.
Last but not least Happy Deepavali for all of you who celebrate
But this morning I burnt my finger during baking hiksss......
My deep condolescence for Mr. Yasser Arafat. What a great loss that we suffer.
Last but not least Happy Deepavali for all of you who celebrate
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Seeing my last posting I feel very pathetic, sad about my self. Actually If I don't feel like writing, better don't do so.
Okay now going into our topic fo today, Starbucks. For those who knows me well, I love coffee very much. I think I've mentioned in the previous posting before about my love of coffee. It's actually started from my final thesis in Trisakti, as I had to stay until very late at night, with reason that I couldn't get inspiration during the day *blush* then coffee become my best friend.
Continued with my stay in Sydney, I found that coffee, is becoming more than my best friend, moreover after I met Megumi (my Japanese flatmate), who taught me to drink coffee without sugar to enjoy the aroma and the taste of the coffee better.
Finally I joined Australian Starbuck as the first batch, where I was heavily trained about coffee, as the shop hadn't been ready to be opened. I don't know whether you'll still be trained as what i had in previous time when you joined Starbucks crew or not. But let me tell you those experiences are very precious. (eh tau2 banyak yg daftar starbucks lagi gara2 baca postingan gue *ge er*).
But now with all my depression and panick attack thingy, I can't take caffeine at all, so you can imagine how suffering I am now, from the coffee addict to a coffee clean sheet. As I believe if you wanna take coffee, then take real coffee lah...don't take decaf.
I've tried a few times before, as I thought my condition is getting better, but I got knocked out again because of coffee. The the doctor told me,'Why don't you try decaf?" Then I tried to buy decaf, but yet it's tasteless....
As times goes by, now I make a come back to Starbucks, but everytime, I always order the same thing "Decaf grande Ice Mocha with Low Fat Milk and No whipped cream" please. I don't know whether I pronounce it right, because there are certain convention how you pronounce the drink @ starbuck as a crew, I forgotten those already.
Then everytime i ordered my drink the person around me always give me strange look, which the crew sometime does the same, may be they though why don't I just ordered ice choc instead, my defence is, I need a coffee injection, but in order to camouflage the taste of decaf I use choc, and I'm lactose intolerrant, so I can only order low fat (I used to order soy bean milk instead when I was still in Sydney, but yet in here no soy milk available *sobs*).
Well, the moral of the story are:
1. There are many ways to Rome
2. No rattan, the root is still okay lah..(Tak ada rotan, akarpun jadi *grinned*)
3. If you went to Starbucks and heard a woman ordering "Decaf Ice Mocha with low fat milk and no whipped cream, please" with a "cute voice" that must be me......
Okay now going into our topic fo today, Starbucks. For those who knows me well, I love coffee very much. I think I've mentioned in the previous posting before about my love of coffee. It's actually started from my final thesis in Trisakti, as I had to stay until very late at night, with reason that I couldn't get inspiration during the day *blush* then coffee become my best friend.
Continued with my stay in Sydney, I found that coffee, is becoming more than my best friend, moreover after I met Megumi (my Japanese flatmate), who taught me to drink coffee without sugar to enjoy the aroma and the taste of the coffee better.
Finally I joined Australian Starbuck as the first batch, where I was heavily trained about coffee, as the shop hadn't been ready to be opened. I don't know whether you'll still be trained as what i had in previous time when you joined Starbucks crew or not. But let me tell you those experiences are very precious. (eh tau2 banyak yg daftar starbucks lagi gara2 baca postingan gue *ge er*).
But now with all my depression and panick attack thingy, I can't take caffeine at all, so you can imagine how suffering I am now, from the coffee addict to a coffee clean sheet. As I believe if you wanna take coffee, then take real coffee lah...don't take decaf.
I've tried a few times before, as I thought my condition is getting better, but I got knocked out again because of coffee. The the doctor told me,'Why don't you try decaf?" Then I tried to buy decaf, but yet it's tasteless....
As times goes by, now I make a come back to Starbucks, but everytime, I always order the same thing "Decaf grande Ice Mocha with Low Fat Milk and No whipped cream" please. I don't know whether I pronounce it right, because there are certain convention how you pronounce the drink @ starbuck as a crew, I forgotten those already.
Then everytime i ordered my drink the person around me always give me strange look, which the crew sometime does the same, may be they though why don't I just ordered ice choc instead, my defence is, I need a coffee injection, but in order to camouflage the taste of decaf I use choc, and I'm lactose intolerrant, so I can only order low fat (I used to order soy bean milk instead when I was still in Sydney, but yet in here no soy milk available *sobs*).
Well, the moral of the story are:
1. There are many ways to Rome
2. No rattan, the root is still okay lah..(Tak ada rotan, akarpun jadi *grinned*)
3. If you went to Starbucks and heard a woman ordering "Decaf Ice Mocha with low fat milk and no whipped cream, please" with a "cute voice" that must be me......
Monday, November 08, 2004
"Kopi Darat" was cancelled yesterday, as lots of people couldn't make it.
So we went to see "Shark Tale". It's quite good and funny but yet I still prefer "Finding Nemo".
Actually I had written such a long story, but yet suddenly it all gone without me saving it, so now I'm not in the mood of writing.
So we went to see "Shark Tale". It's quite good and funny but yet I still prefer "Finding Nemo".
Actually I had written such a long story, but yet suddenly it all gone without me saving it, so now I'm not in the mood of writing.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Kopi Darat Gagal
Hikssssss huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... kopi daratttt gagal....... pada sakit hiksss....
yah sudah yang pada sakit semoga lekas sembuh yahhhhhh....
yah sudah yang pada sakit semoga lekas sembuh yahhhhhh....
Friday, November 05, 2004
Morning @ Orchard Rd
Sorry for not updating my blog for so long, I know all of you miss me very much *ge er*
Anyway this morning I followed CC to the dentist, but I went shopping instead accompanying CC @ the dentist *senyum licix*
I did people watching also, then I realised the crowd are Tai-tai who goes shopping to kill time (bearti gue juga ya? kuakakkakka), salesmen who escape from work and don't know where to go which can be recognised from their face (belagu dan senga banget), and their clothing (rapih banget sangat business like deh, padahal cuma salesman).
Later in the day about lunch time, then i could find students who are released early from school, as now either they are ahving exams or had finished their exam, so it's time for joying around @ Orchard.
Annoyingly, in front of Isetan Scott, starting to have those time sharing sales who looking for their target. Quite surprise though they are still around *sigh*
Finally I got what I's a Mango Privilege Card *blush* yeah actually I'm not a fan of Mango, as I prefer Zara than mango, but anyway I am just a normal card collector.....
Anyway this morning I followed CC to the dentist, but I went shopping instead accompanying CC @ the dentist *senyum licix*
I did people watching also, then I realised the crowd are Tai-tai who goes shopping to kill time (bearti gue juga ya? kuakakkakka), salesmen who escape from work and don't know where to go which can be recognised from their face (belagu dan senga banget), and their clothing (rapih banget sangat business like deh, padahal cuma salesman).
Later in the day about lunch time, then i could find students who are released early from school, as now either they are ahving exams or had finished their exam, so it's time for joying around @ Orchard.
Annoyingly, in front of Isetan Scott, starting to have those time sharing sales who looking for their target. Quite surprise though they are still around *sigh*
Finally I got what I's a Mango Privilege Card *blush* yeah actually I'm not a fan of Mango, as I prefer Zara than mango, but anyway I am just a normal card collector.....
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