Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Deep Condolescence

What else can beat the things that I'm doing now, a cup of Kapal Api Coffee (the 3 in 1 version, but too bad it's too sweet *bah* don't want to think tat I might get panick attack after the coffe lah, what the heck...just enjoy what I can now...), listening to Kenangan Terindah by Samson, and reading Femina (even though lotsa works to do, if necessary I won't pick up the phone until I finished my coffee or magazine..aiyah...what the heck, relax first lah) this what I called perfect life *senyum puas*
Ever since I moved to Singapore, I'm very weak, easily fall sick. Clinic is my hang out place, at least once a month I fall sick, even during bad time, can be weekly visit *blush*
Because of that frequent visits, of course I make new friend, either with the nurse outside and the doctor *blush* The nurse so concern about me, until she offered me to become her god daughter, which I accept happily...
Yesterday I visited the clinic, nope I'm not sick this time, just having so much fun, can not be sick lah ya *nyengir*...I need to get a medical certificate from the doctor to get my license (keep on guessing friends what license I'm applying....not license to kill lah of course...wakakakkaka). By the time I arrived in the clinic, I didn't see my God mother, I felt something must had gone wrong, so I asked the other nurse, true enough, her husband passed away *sad*
Her husband had been battling for colon cancer since last year, and ever since she lost a lot of weight. I knew before I left for Jakarta, her husband condition was getting worse, but I've never expected it would be so fast....
Last nite I went to the Catholic Church in Bukit Batok to gave my last respect to the husband. That church ever been featured in the newspaper for its renovation which was done very nicely. Yupe the church complex is very impressive, but very dark, and of course my heart beat very fast when I was wandering around the church to find the hall *sigh* Scared lahhhh yauuu....
When I saw my God mother, she even lost more weight, and she told me,"I felt like half of my body died also, We always do things together, I have already missed him so much, I don't know what to do after this..."
Jreng.....I don't know what to say *sigh* I can feel the sadness that she feels...Hope you'll be doing allright God mom....take care...

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