Thursday, January 24, 2008


OMG, I was trying to get a ticket to Perth for Chinese New Year holiday with my parents, I checked early January, there were plenty timing available. Since my workloads is really incredibly hard to predict, it made me not really keen to book the ticket early *sigh*

2 days ago I started to check the ticket, as usual of course no more ticket available *sigh* But then I was dare enough to check for the Business class seat. It is still available, even up to a few minutes ago when I thought I'll redeem my milleage for my parents, meanwhile paying a full price for mine *deep sigh*

I also thought it would be saver to redeem for my parents first before buy my one, anyway at the end of the day money speaks louder than milleage, doesn't it?

When I booked my parents seats, I still saw a few seats available, but to my suprise when I go to purchase my ticket, the system said there is no more seats available *panick* I'm holding on to the phone right now trying to reach the customer service hotline, but they haven't picked up my line until now...

OMG what should I do...they don't even have any special dedicated line for the business class? I remember they did before *ngelap keringet*

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