Friday, September 29, 2006

Almost ways Famous

Hi All, I'm still alive *senyum manis* Thanks for all your concern. It was a short circuit only I guess... I'm very busy outside, the I received a call from Jimmy, saying that I'm in the
news at Harian Kompas (Indonesian Newspaper) *sigh* I don't know what to say...whether have to be happy or far I've tried my best to keep low profile, but then this time alamak...can not already lah...
It's not only Jimmy, then when I was on the phone, I realised later that Cika also called me *blush* Busyett deh...
A few days ago I was in the JalanSutra chatting room, introducing myself to everybody, suddenly, one girl called Ratna, said,"Flona kayanya familiar deh, elo yang rambutnya pendek, mukanya bulet dan suka senyum itu kan?"
Alamak..."suka senyum" may be she means "murah senyum" kali yak? wakakkakka...I said,"Hmmm kayanya iya deh, btw kenal di mana ya?"
You know, I'm always famous until everywhere I go, I always meet somebody, but luckily in Singapore I haven't yet to be that famous *phew*
Ratna,"Kali di Kopdar ya?"
Me,"Gak mungkin, gue baru sekali ikutan Samsut (Sambut Sutra = to welcome Jalan Sutra member who come from overseas), itu juga cuma ada Grace, Yohan, Ai Zhu, Mbak Telly, Rudi dan Sari. Btw elo sekolah di mane ye?"
Ratna,"SMA di Aloysius, trus Trisakti".
My heart beat faster, must be this one deh ya...then I said,"Jurusan? Angkatan?"
Ratna,"Teknik Industri '95".
Jrengg....there's the problem ladies and gentlemen, Industrial Engineering, Ratna continues,"Terlibat POTIM dan POUTRI (Christian Organisation at campuss)yah?"
Me,"nahh itu dia."
And then the most interesting part is, Ratna said again,"Kayanya gue ngeliat elo deh bulan kemaren di Senayan City, lagi ngantri donat J.Co, bener gak ya?"
Gubrakssss....jatuhlah gue dari kursi, staying in Singapore, only went back to Jakarta for a few days, went to buy donut in Senayan City, which practically hasn't been officially opened, then caught by somebody *blush*
Me,"Eh iyaaa itu gueee...kok gak manggil sihh?"
Ratna,"Abis takut salah...."
Alamak....why oh why yah? I'm always famous where ever I am *sigh*
Now with that news *ngelap keringet* how my future is going to be? *gigit2 kuku*
Happy week end you all *senyum manis*
Nah terbukti kan gue murah senyum? wakakkakakaka.....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Coward? Stupid?

Have you ever thought, why people tend to call people who commit suicide as "a coward?"
Don't you think that it takes a great deal of courage of that people to decide to end his life by committing suicide?
I admire people who dare and succeed in comitting suicide, coz yet they dare to do something which they don't know what will they face later, and there is no turning back.
Second point, we always label people to commit suicide as "stupid" also. But do they really stupid?
In my opinion, it's not stupid but they're clever, if there is no solution to their problems, why should they drag their life pretending nothing happen, and trying their best to solve their problem, which actually has been complicated until they also don't know and nobody can help to solve the problem?
Happy Birthday to Ria, Tuhan memberkati ya..

Friday, September 22, 2006

Chaotic Week

It's a super duper damn chaotic week for me, my staff, and the whole company.
Just imagine, shouts, laughters, tensions, angers, frustations, adrenalin rush, deadline, sleepiness, sweats, tears, bloods, mules, headache, all merge into one.
The face expressions can be solemn, serious, frustating, panic, worry, blank, sleepy, blur, dogol, etc.
And me can be acted as bozz, receptionist, telephone operator, office girl, delivery girl, production staff, technician, runners, etc...multitask *sigh*
What a chaotic ringing continously, imagine deh kayak pelem nya Dono Kasino Indro, felt like doing that to, put the 2 phones so that they could talk to each ohter instead of me answering the phone *muka polos*
Now my eyes, half open....sleepy and tired *sigh*
Oh my God, is it the way to reach my dream to have one big container of diamonds? wakakakakka....
habe a nice week end everyone...and for you who have to start fasting, i wish you all the best for your fasting, hopefully you can do it very well, doh bahasa Indo ajah ya....selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ya...semoga amal ibadah temen2 diterima oleh Tuhan.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I just came back from hospital *sigh*
Not that I'm sick, but only to go to the sandwich vending machine, that had been discussed in Dioni's blog sometimes back, to buy sandwich for my lunch.
I also bought a cup of coffee from the vending machine for dessert.
But then I thought how could I drive with 1 cup of steaming hot coffee?
So I decided to sit in the hospital foyer to have my lunch then drive back to the office.
That's my lunch, quite yummy....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Another Confession

I have another confession to make nih *gigit gigit kuku*
On Sunday when I prepared all the food...I did something *ooopssss*
Do you look pale enough now? *anxious*
The story goes like this, the preparation all ready, some had been cooked already, and some still undegoing cooking. I decided to clean up a bit in the dining area. So I reached the floor wiper stick, which accidentally trigger the cobek (=food grinder) yang segede gambreng itu, felt on to my foot man.
Of course no more food no more foot on it lah...please rest assure, my cleanliness of the food is A+ for sure...
Weleh you all concern about the food or my foot ya? wakakakkakak...
Anyway when it happened, I thought,"Wowwwwwwwww so pain, I'm surely faint nih".
Of course i didn't shout it out lah...lah wong grown up already kok...can't cry lah...
But I waited so on and on,"Loh kok not faint ya?" wakakkakak...
Meaning ok lah...would not faint, but it was swollen and black, poor right pinky *sobs...sobs...*

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Nunik Replacement

Last Sunday gathering actually is welcome party for Nunik's replacement loh *ngarang*
Or want to did orientation programme for her? (diplonco geto loh)
Yo opo ora diplonco? Imagine...she came on Friday nite, then Saturday morning, had to help me to prepare food for my friend's son birthday party (nah loh ngejlimet kan?). This one incidental, coz my friend, supposed to order food from Alm. Inong. So my friend was in despair, panicked, then I offered to help her the same time, I tried to promo my self donks of course *senyum manis*
Then on Sunday I had to cook for Kopdar also, who scared man, bring it on to me I got 1 co-cook, which is my partner in crime then, now is my flatmate, and 1 kitchen hand, which is Nunik's replacement, her name is Herlin.
So far she's very good. Hopefully she would always been good forever, and live together with me happily ever after...Amen...
Loh? kok isanya doa yak? wakakakkkaka.....

PS: Jo birthday loh hari ini, happy birthday Jo, Tuhan memberkati

Monday, September 18, 2006

Kopdar 4

Whoaaaa sooooo sleepyy....but anyway the kopdar was success, eh iya gak siy? What I mean, lots of you came to my place let me list down the people who attended:
Susana dan Bagio
Samuel dan Grace
Cika and Hubby plus Zion
Jo dan Soni
Yuliana dan Voldi plus Marisa
Ria dan Torkis
Jimmy dan Dewi
Full house, but still left out Inoki (yang blognya dah lama terbengkalai..hihihiihih), and also Evi *maap yah Vie, nomernya gue masih simpen yang lama* (blgnya udah ketimbun sembako huahuahhahaha), dan Sista also didn't come *sob sob* (kapok yah sis? wakkakakkka)
For those who left early, so sorry, the fun only started after you guys left *nyengir*
Lesson of the story don't leave early next time *melotot*

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mellow Weather

The sky was very dark this morning, which made my feeling become mellow.
During my drive to work, I turned on my radio, all were playing such a depressing songs *sigh* then I switched to my cd player, guess what? Oh My God, please deh ah, it's Chrisye *pasrah*
Arriving in the office with low energy, I dialed my best friend handphone in Indonesia. She said,"Eh tumben elo nelpon gue pagi2?"
Me,"Yeah, gue low batt nih, mendung, radio juga lagunya depressed semua, pikiran gue butek, gak punya Energen Lagi di rumah".
She laughed coz I was still able to make a corny joke, overall, I only need somebody to light me with fire, even though at the end I did most of the talk *sigh* but at least I feel more energize now *happy*
Have a good week end everyone...

Thursday, September 14, 2006


The title very dramatic ya? wakakkakakakka...
Yeah I have conffessions to make nih *serius* After Nunik left, I've broken 2 bowls already *blush*
Then I was blamed that I couldn't do housework *blush* and second blame is I miss Nunik very much until I couldn't control my movement *sigh* Give up deh....just shoot me...
Oh the way that remarks of course made by my partner in crime. Lemme tell you a secret, now she become my flatmate, horaaayyyyy....U can imagine donks, how crowded is my house now? me = gasoline, she = fire, so fire + gasoline = huge explosion wkakakakakkakaka.....Just waiting for letter of complaint from neighbour regarding noise pollution *blush*
Eh, me is not loud okay? I only act as catalisator *alamak dalemm bangett* which sometimes also can become provocator *senyum manis*
Okay deh...time to dive into my work again....have a nice day everyone....

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Doh...perasaan kok kerjaan gue makin lama makin heboh ya? Gue berasa kaya ditimpukin ama kerjaan yang gak henti2nya deh...kalo mo ekstrem ya kaya digebukin orang satu propinsi (bukannya satu kampung lagi boooowww...) *sigh*
Maka dengan ini saya menyatakan mohon maap yang sebesar2nya kalo saya agak2 kurang berblog walking akhir2 ini yaaa...
Udah ahh mo nyelem lagi di kerjaan *sigh*

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dunia Tanpa Koma

Itu sinetron baru yang ada di RCTI yang diputerin tiap sabtu jam 21.00 WIB, eh bener gak waktu tayangnya ya?
Kayanya itu sinetron lumayan asik, tapi kemaren cuma sempet nonton secuil doanks *nyesel* tapi gak apa2 deh, toh masih ada sabtu ini *menghibur diri sendiri*
Kemudian pemaennya yah ada Dian Sastro...weleh kok makin lama Dian Sastro itu makin cantik ya?

Monday, September 11, 2006

MLM Lageeeeeee

Last week end I didn't go anywhere to hide from MLM. I was so glad that it was a peaceful week end, even though I had to work in the office, but at least no disturbance from MLM *phew*
Akan tetapi...barusan gue mendarat di office, tiba2 handphone gue berdering, gue liat nomernya, eh temen gue nih..yang dah lama gak nelepon gue. No doubt, doski sih anak MLM, tapi so far gue agak respek sama dia, karena dia gak pernah ngomong yang nyerempet2 sama MLM.
Tak kusangka tak kuduga, ternyata tadi dia ngomong2 ttg MLM sama gue *bete surete* Pertama sih cuma nanya gue punya kenalan gak orang India gak, soale MLM-nya dia mo establish di India geto...
Eh trus abis itu dia bilang ke gue,"Mustinya gue undang elo yah ke meeting kita orang, sapa yau ajah elo tertarik buat join". *gubraks*
Gue,"Sori ya, gue dah berkomitmen nih buat konsentrasi penuh ke bisnis gue, dan gak bakalan ngelirik bisnis2 laennya deh....buat kerjaan gue sendiri ajah dah mo mampus, gimane musti ngurusin kerjaan sampingan".
MLM,"Hmm yeah at least biar elo bisa tau product2 kita, kan kita juga ada vitamin2 yang berguna buat kesehatan".
Gue,"Semua vitamin dan obat2an yang gue konsumsi ada di bawah pengawasan ketat dokter gue tuh, jadi yah gue gak sembarangan beli merk2 laen, ato vitamin2 laen yang gak gue butuhin, geto loh..."
Si MLM,"Yeah but at least kalo gue jelasin ttg produk2 yang gue jual, elo bisa konsultasiin ke dokter elo, buat diliat ingredientnya dsb..sapa tau dokter elo juga tertarik buat join".
Yaelah...nih orang ngeyel banged sih? hari senen udah bete surete....

Friday, September 08, 2006

Week End Ya?

Don't feel like TGIF today *sigh*
Woke up by running out of breath this morning, struggling to gasp for the air though *sigh* But I don;t have asthmatic problem though. Been like this for these past 2 or 3 months *sigh* I got relapsed I guess...
Anyway...had breakfast at coffee beans Raffles Hospital after having a battle inside my heart whether to have my brekkie at Coffee Beans or Ya Kun *senyum manis* Plugged my iPod player to my ear (of course my ears lah, masa my nose siyy hihiihihi..), tried to look aaround for newspaper but no luck, couldn't get any. Starting to send sms to keep my self busy (kalo kaga garink donks...duduk di cafe sendirian), but too bad I don't have that "sms" songs inside my iPod...anybody have it? *ngelantur* If you have, please give me yaaa *diteruskan*
Btw...even though I'd plugged my iPod, but I still could hear the conversation from my neighbour (next table i mean), which consisted of auntie, young man (quite handsome but that type of snobbish looks), young woman (very pretty though but looks very high maintenance). I couldn't hear and remember exactly what they were talking about, but it was soemthing very high class talk lah...but then suddenly the conversation switched to,"Eh that one you can get it from Pasir Panjang market lah.."
Surprised donk gue...from high class talk could shifter to Pasir Panjang market which is like "pasar induk" (central market) *sigh*
Then I felt desperate, coz my toast seemed would never finished to be eaten *sigh* then I started to have stomach ache *sigh*
Now I'm struggling to finish my work, accompanied by chatting with Cika, Yohan and other Singaporean fren, not conferencing of coz lah...
Aiyoh...don't feel like week it week end or not ya?
happy week end everyone....

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Tribute For Nunik

Today Nunik is going to be back to Indonesia, so I wrote down a poem for her today

Pahlawan Devisa
Nasib Seorang Pahlawan Devisa
Yang mengadu nasib di Singapura
Untuk mencari pengalaman dan menambah pernghasilan
Tanpa tahu dengan jelas orang macam apa yang akan menjadi majikan

Ketika uang sudah di tangan
Anganpun mulai melayang
Berbagai godaan berdatangan
Ketika sudah mendapatkan uang

Prioritas pun mulai berganti
Mungkin mereka lupa akan apa yang harus mereka cari
Telepon genggam pun tidak luput sebagai incaran
Tetapi apakah itu yang mereka benar benar butuhkan?

Itulah nasib seorang Pahlawan Devisa
Yang mengadu nasib ke Singapura
Entah bagaimana mereka harus beradaptasi
Ketika mereka balik ke negeri sendiri

Monday, September 04, 2006

And The List Continues

I went for Church Retreat on Saturday and Sunday. And then...during dinner on Saturday nite, one of the participant shared that her son's schoolmate just passed away during the basketball game playing against other school on Friday. He's only 13 years old.
That boy ddin't have any serious medical history. He was one of the top player that always represents their school for basketball games. It was shocking.
She looked very worry about her son psychology wellbeing. Then she also worried about her son health, until she and her husband decided to send the son for the medical check up during this week.
And then this morning I heard from my supervisor, that one of her colleagues in her previous job, commited suicide by jumping from the flat or carpark, something like that. She sounds very shock.
I would like to express my deep condolescence for those 2 tragedies. These 2 news are not causing too bad impact for me. I think it's just because I just don't know them well. That's why is not so shocking as the other 2, Isa and Mbak Inong.
Well...I'm started to think, why suddenly everything popped up, all the sudden death. What is God trying to tell me?
I was having this conversation with Yohan on the other day,"Waduh gila ya Flo, kadang2 kalo dipikir orang tuh kok umurnya bisa pendek gitu ya? Sedangkan gue yang dikasih kesempatan buat hidup sampai sekarang kok kayanya hidup dijalanin dengan ogah-ogahan".
It's strucked me, yeah it's true, why I can't appreciate my life so far?
I always feel my life journey is too bumpy for me to handle.
Is it like God trying to convey the message to me to be thankful that I'm still be able to live? And God wants me to live more responsibly and meaningfully for everybody arounds me?

Friday, September 01, 2006

Week End is not so bright anymore

The wound in my heart hasn't been healed from the fact that Isa is no more here, then came another big blow again. This morning Mbak Ros sms-ed me saying that Mbak Inong passed away.
I haven't met Mbak Inong yet, the last message was she agreed to me to meet, and I left another message in her shoutbox to ask her to give me her handphone number, which hadn't been and would never been replied by her.
Even though I haven't had a chance to meet her, and only knew her from her blogs, but I feel terribly shaken. All the stories that she wrote, and all the videos about her kids..*sigh* I like the way she wrote, very funny and fresh *deep sigh*
For the full story about Mbak Inong, can be seen here
I'm started to think, what's life all about?
Are we only live to die?
Why good people live very short?
Week end is not so bright anymore...
Selamat Jalan Mbak Inong, semoga kamu bisa beristirahat dengan tenang di sisi Tuhan, dan buat keluarga Mbak Inong, saya doakan semoga tabah selalu...
Now, I'm going to dissapear again, it's week end..don't want to create trouble with MLM anymore...
Have a blessed week end everyone ...*hugs*