Saturday, May 29, 2004

The Great Singapore Sale

Today started with a messy morning, I went to McD at West Coast, my fave place, then the cafe queue was very long. Considering I had to go to office as well, I just grabbed the apple pie and tea from Mc D.
The place was so unbelieveable crowded and messy. So my tense gradually started to grow, faster finished my brekkie, then rushed to the office.
After office then CC, asked me to go shopping, as The Great Singapore Sale officially start today, as I expected, Orchard Road was full of people, lots of Indonesian everywhere as well....
Lots of people carrying Burberry and Hugo Boss shopping bag, which indicated that Burberry and Hugo Boss sale are on, but yet lots of people carried big LV shopping bag as well, for this one, I'm not really sure whether LV also having a sale or not, but the queue in front of the shop is very long....
After Orchard, we went to Singapore River for a while, tried to look out for any sign of Singapore Art Festival which is also started last nite, but found no luck, then drove around, dinner at CBD, then had a stroll at East Coast Beach, it was quite jammed there.
Arrived at home, then I realised today is the Karaoke Nite, until now, all the out of tune voice still singing outside, what a day.....

Friday, May 28, 2004

True Blue Singaporean

I'd just finished my lunch when I was waiting for CC who were going to money changer.
Suddenly my eyes caught a glimpse of unusual things happened in front of my eyes, I didn't realise what had gone wrong, until I saw the women bought a Strait Times, and straight away opened the "Special" section, which is talking about the Great Singapore Sale.
Yeah then I just realized that usually people during lunch time will buy The New Paper, because Strait Times usually can be found early in the morning, so people will not buy Strait Times anymore during lunch time, then some more she only opened straight to the "GSS Section", alamak.....what a true blue S'porean.....

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Hair Colouring

During my last trip to Jakarta, I coloured my hair.
Actually I've ever done once in Singapore, and my skin was allergy to hair colour, but i thought may be it's caused by the brand, so this time I tried once again, and the result is worst than before, I got fever for 2 days.
I don't know why this time could be worst than before, which I suspected because of the prawn that I ate the night after I did my hair colouring.
Luckily, the fever did not come out in Jakarta, it could wait until I arrived in Singapore then came out, otherwise........

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Birthday Party

CC and my mom were born on the same day, so this year again, they shared the birthday party. It was held in Pearl restaurant at Marriott hotel Jakarta.
Surprising though, this time when me and CC suggested the venue, there were no objection at all from my parents.
The party went quite well, could be said a bit wild, luckily I didn't need to sit together in the big table, I was having a table for 4, together with CC, Sari and Rudi, so we were having such a good time of our own.
I've never known my dad was so crazy, till the time that everybody asked my dad to feed the birthday cake to my mom, he tried to feed, but my mom kept on laughing, and he fed the cake to his own mouth....
But anyway in conclusion the everything went well, and everybody was happy.....

Friday, May 21, 2004


Setelah balik dari jakarta rush minggu kemaren, gua rasanya capek kayak dikejar2, apalagi kalo inget hari ini, jumat, gua musti balik Jakarta lagi karena sebenernya kita rencana ke Jakarta buat tgl 21-23, dalam rangka ulang tahun bareng antara CC dan nyokap gua, tiket udah dibeli sejak jauh2 hari.
Dan minggu kemaren rush ke jakarta kan gara2 wedding exhibition itu, jadi gua ngak bisa donk bilang ama mama bahwa gua nggak jadi dateng ke jakarta buat ultahnya beliau.
Sementara itu seperti biasa kalo jadwal pergi2an gua dah tersusun dengan rapih, tau2 kerjaan datang bertubi2, especially kemaren, dari pagi gua keluar kantor buat ngurusin film buat diprint, dan baru balik ke kantor jam 3 sore, itu juga dengan perasaan deg2an yang amat sangat parah, dan sampe kantor musti doing data cleaning, sebelom diproses lagi lebih lanjut.
Tadinya gua mikir yah sudahlah tahan dikit toh abis data cleaning trus bisa rush ke printer bentar dan pulang nyantai sambil ngepak. Biasanya gua kalo balik jakarta nggak pernah ngepak sampe terencana, karena kali ini banyak amanat dari mama dan papa, jadi mau gak mau ngepaknya harus serius.
Ternyata dugaan gua salah sodara2..di tengah jalan mau ke printer, ternyata ada telpon something wrong with the film, weleh.....jadi balik lagi ke tukang film, ngecek lagi nunggu cast out pilemnya....padahal ini kesalahan aneh bin ajaib, graphic desainernya pake freehand 8, sedanglan tukang pelemnya pake freehand 9, yang setau gua mustinya ngak problem donk, unless kalo graphic desainernya pake freehand 9 dan tukang pelemnye pake 8, nah itu baru problem....ternyata sodara2...ada text yang kaga keluar....weleh...printing 4 colour lagi bikin pelem lagi, dan nungguin lumayan lama...
Abis itu rush ke printer dan makan malam....baru gua pikir okelah not that bad abis makan bisa pulang, tau2 disaster ada telpon lagi, gua sama CC kemaren tuh seharian dan semaleman kalo denger telpon bunyi udah tegang ajeh...dan ternyata beneran telpon itu bilang ada yang musti diganti lagi, jadi kita bilang okelah abis makan kita rush ke kantor dia orang...sampe sana ternyata mereka tampangnya udah kasian banget, dan kita nggak tega nolak permintaan mereka. So kita rush balik ke tukang pelem, ganti lagi...weleh nunggu lagi, lama lagi, gua sebenernya dari sore abis dari kantor itu udah mulai sesak napas, karena panik attack gua kumat....
So sepanjang jalan dari tukang pelem ke rumah, gua cuma berbaring di mobil nggak berdaya banget, capek berasa dikejar2....dan ngak bisa napas....
Sampe rumah setengah dua belas, ngepak, dan kayanya masih banyak barang2 yang belum terpenuhi...nggak apa2 deh paling ntar malem dengerin nyanyian dari mama dan papa...
Dan gua ngebayangin musti ngadepin nyokap gua juga udah buat gua sesak napas.....hopefully..everything go smoothly lah yau.. dan sekarang sebelom berangkat gua masih ngerjain kerjain sembari ngepak barang either pake ransel gua atau travelling bagnye CC, huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh cuapeeeekkk

Marie France

Sejak pertama kali gue ke mari france konsultasi (nanya harga maksudnye) treatment, gua selalu terbengong2 ngeliat setiap orang yang keluar masuk ke ruang treatment itu bisa dikategorikan langsing (bukan staff tentunya, karena kaga pake seragam), dan gua mikir mereka ukurannya segitu apa mereka maruk (pengen lebih kurus lagi, you know women....) atau mereka tadinya gede (gendut maksudnye) dan karena marie france mereka jadi sukses jadi kurus begitu... which is sampe sekarang gua masih nggak tau the truth...
Anyway...gua sign up, karena menurut gua...gua itu gendutnya gombyor...maka si marie france mustinya cukup efektif buat gua.
Selama treatment so far gua liat mostly emang dah kurus kok, dan ada sih yang semi gendut kayak gua, tapi kayanya lebih keker dari gua (kalo gua kayak dia sih gua ngak bakalan ke marie france soale kaga bakalan efektif menurut gua), dan ada juga beberapa tante2 yang kira2 seumuran 40 akhir sampe 50 gitu deh...yang masih mau nyoba treatment (dan menurut gua sih..yah sudahlah 40an akhir atau 50 an gitu badan segitu kan normal).
Baru kemaren hari Rabu gua ngeliat yang bener2 gendut itu juga keitung ama jari satu tangan kok, sepertinya mereka mau konsultasi....
Well kalo hasilnya pada diri gua so far sih, dalam bidang berat gua cuma lost sekitar 0.5 kg lah.....tapi kalo ukuran kayanya sih lumayan ilang..soalnya sekarang gua liat gombyornya gua sedikit2 mulai hilang.....hopefully sih berhasil ye....

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Yesterday I booked a facial session for me and CC, actually that one supposed to be CC birthday gift, but you know, sekali merengkuh dayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui, kan gua jadinya ikutan juga, sah2 ajeh donk? masa ada facial session gua kaga ikutan facial, rugi atuh *busuk*
Anyway, we talked to the consultant, as I predicted, she asked us to do the micro dermabrasion, it felt like she grinded my face, the first one used diamond, second one was crystal. The diamond one is more painful than the crystal, and I could felt it's rougher compare with the crystal one.
Anyway she offered me to do sonic cleansing, which is something like extraction, whoaaa....i've never felt the extraction so painful as this one before, as she did it on the entire surface of my face, but anyway, we quite satisfied with the result, may be we'll go there again in 2 or 3 months time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Pulank kampung

Last weekend, I went back to Jakarta with a short period of notice, it's all because of receiving sms from Jane on Friday nite, that said Photomax was having an exhibition at JHCC, so I quickly assumed that there must had been a bridal show over there, which I believe the biggest even for the wedding show of the year.
So I quickly told CC to go back to Jakarta on Saturday, checked with Sari thru sms, she said that it was only till Sat nite, wen back home, panick, tried to call photomax office nobody picked up, called sophia bridal, then they said it would be till Sunday, as what I'd been expected before.
So that nite, with panic feeling also, tried to surf thru the website looking for ticket, but no (cheap) ticket available online, so on Saturday morning we were rushing to travel agent to get the ticket, with the ticket for 21 may still on hand, which made the travel agent so amazed.
Anyway before the plane landed, I saw a beautiful view, the combination of paddy field, prawn farm, trees, greeneries, standard house and industrial areas around the airport, suddenly made me felt something different, realizing that I'm back to my own country.
I was picked up by Sari and Rudi, then was brought direct to JHCC.
Been in exhibition, which I felt it was very rush to make decision at that point in time, we decided to come back on Sunday. After we came back to the hotel, I still felt the pressure to make decision as fast as possible, as I also didn't want to waste this rush trip for not making any decision at all, beside the price that I faced is the exhibition price, after called here and there, then I made decision. Hopefully I made the right decision.
On sunday morning I woke up, and saw the smog covered the whole Jakarta, then I felt sad for the pollution that have been our problem since a long time ago.
The smog still could be seen when the plane took off from Cengkareng to brought me back to Singapore.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Good Bye Ah Lian and Ah Beng

Last saturday, one of my gold fish was dying, and I didn't know what to do...
I don't think it's possible to bring fish to the vet ..
Anyway I'd known that it would die very soon, but the things that I wasn't aware is the other gold fish also died...
So know no more gold fish...
Bye Ah Lian and Ah Beng

Friday, May 14, 2004

Titik darah penghabisan

Beberapa hari ini kerjaan gua sibuk banget, dan gua harus ngeprint banyak banget. Karena kulit gua kering banget, jadi setiap kali harus bergaul dengan kertas, tangan gua banyak kena gores.
Orang sering bilang berjuang sampe titik darah penghabisan, salah satu contohnya yah kerjaan gua ini, demi sesuap nasi gua harus berjuang sampe berdarah-darah.....
Dulu gua juga bingung kenapa orang bilang kerja keras membanting tulang. tapi agaknya gua udah dapat pencerahan sedikit tentang hal itu, yang gua terjemahin saking capeknya kita ini bekerja, badan pada pegel abis, seakan2 kita habis dibanting-banting...bener kaga ye?

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

What a hot day

These few days Singapore is getting hotter and hotter, and the humidity is really crazy, I think it could melt me down anytime soon. This afternoon I felt quite happy seeing the sky was quite cloudy, but yet the rain hasn't fallen down even until now.
I'm just wondering, a few months back Singapore was very cooling, not like Singapore per normal, yet now the weather is getting crazy.....

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Hmmm Saturday

Today was started with breakfast at McCafe West Coast, it's pretty brand new, I like the place a lot, I think this one is the coolest place to hang out in Singapore for me. The danish is quite yummy, but the coffee is a bit over price if I compared with Sydney (or may be in Sydney, the price has been increased already, but yet I don't know).
I was enjoying my breakfast, suddenly the first annoyance happened, CC said he forgot to bring his handphone, then luckily today is Saturday and a quite relax day in the history so far. Secondly everytime I tried to concentrate to my book which I purposely brought along with me to read while enjoying my breakfast, CC always commented or talked something to me. Thirdly a group of guys arrived and seated at the back of my chair, started to smoke like a train, I don't know was it my fault to seat outdoor, or that guy who seated at the back of me, but I think it was mine anyway. Forthly, I got stomach ache, I had to do my natural duty. So I faster finished everything and moved out from there.
On the way, suddenly CC hp ring, I was quite mad at him considering he said that he forgot to bring his hp, but actually it was inside his right hand pocket instead of the usual one in the left.....hmmmm.....
Then we picked up ticket at travel agent, and suddenly I met my friend there, it's been quite a while not seeing her at all, then suddenly accidentally met up at travel agent, so we decided to have lunch togetther but had to wait for Mimi to finish her job. At first Mimi said 1 pm, then change to 1.30, then changed again to 2 pm, I was quite hungry, and nearly fainted, so I decided to go to the cafe and waited for her arrival, at least I could have my drink first.
After lunch then we sent everybody to their destination, while we continued to see the Hifly parade, not that spectacular though, but quite okaylah.....
Today finished with having dinner at Great World City again......

Friday, May 07, 2004


Starting from Friday last week I got my attack come back, CC keep on saying I should see my GP everytime I got it back, but yet, where have we got anytime to see the GP?
Well, after a long delayed, today finally I saw my GP, after a very scary episodes of this morning attack, where I could feel half left of my body felt like numb or weird kinda feeling, then really felt like fainted while CC was having a meeting with client inside the building.
Luckily when we arrived at the GP place, not many people were waiting, so it was not making me mad for the queue again. After seeing her, I felt much better, that one is caused by my level of stress which leads to annoy my stomach, hearts, and also brain as well. She gave me some medicine to tackle my stomach problem, so it will not disturb any other part of my body and said that I could stop the medicine until my stress level reach the normal level, which I answered satirically, this stress will attach to me for the rest of my life, and she laughed.
Well...leaving the GP, I saw CC face starting ti tense again, which trigger my stress level up also, continued with a stress lunch. Arriving at the office the tense becoming higher, as I received a few email which contained some database which no explanation that have any clue at all about what to do with all those bloody database, this one that always made me crazy, as CC also doesn't know what to do, but keep on forcing me to do something, I feel like I work like Andrea under the Miranda Priestly from the book of The Devil That wear Prada.
Now I didn't care, I just log into my blog and write down all these things, while I've known that CC must have hate me to do this things during the hectic working hours, and I'm pretty sure that he can see me through his office of what I'm facing in my computer screen, but who cares? I also can't proceed my work as I really don't have any clue at all....
Why so many stupid people can exist in this world.......hmmmmmmm.......

Monday, May 03, 2004

Long Week End

Itu hanya berlaku buat mereka yang tinggal di Indonesia atau yang kerja di kedubes Indonesia. Di Singapore cuma libur tgl 1 mei, itu juga jatohnya hari sabtu, dan bagi sebagian orang yang kantornya baik banget, mereka menerapkan karena tgl 1 mei jatuhnya hari sabtu maka hari seninnya diliburin juga. Tapi buat gue, tanggal merah kek, hari minggu kek, tetep aje musti kerja, weleh sedih nggak sih.
Yang bikin gua heran pas hari jumat malam ceritanya kan gua beredar dong, kan malam week end, di orchard, wadoh di mana2 orang pada berbahasa indonesia euy, kata CC ini takashimaya apa plaza senayan ye? he he he.....
Sekarang trendnya pokoke orang Indo kalo long holiday pasti pada kabur ke singapur, singapur dah kayak ke puncak ajeh ye? jadi sekarang masih krisis ekonomi nggak sih ye?